加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息呼吁尽快封锁 Cote-Saint-Luc区, 犹太教堂社区感染



As many as six COVID-19 cases in Côte-St-Luc, but mayor's quarantine request is denied

Montreal’s chief public health officer, Dr. Mylène Drouin, said authorities must weigh the possible “collateral damage” of such a quarantine, which was deemed premature at this time.montrealgazette.commontrealgazette.comQuebec authorities have dismissed imposing a quarantine on Côte-St-Luc — for now — after the west-end municipality reported as many as six cases of COVID-19 among residents at synagogues and an assisted-living facility.Dr. Horacio Arruda, the province’s chief public health officer, said it was premature to do so despite a request from Côte-St-Luc Mayor Mitchell Brownstein.“I think it (would) be dangerous for mayors to take that decision without being in touch with us,” Arruda told reporters in Quebec City.“This is an exceptional situation. We have never had this in the world. This is not a decision that should be taken in a corner because I’m afraid or I don’t have all the information.”Montreal Mayor Valérie Plante supported Arruda’s position, arguing there are many factors to consider before using the last resort of a quarantine.“For those who are not familiar, Côte-St-Luc is right in the middle of Montreal, so it’s surrounded by different boroughs,” Plante said at a news conference.呼吁 大家相应Cote-Saint-Luc区长建议,呼吁省府尽快下决定封锁 这个区,防止他成为 魁北克的 “大邱”--韩国新天地教会。

http://forum.iask.ca/threads/加拿大经济发展的致命伤-十分五裂的政体格局.768849/赞反馈:樱花烂漫 和 但为君故沉吟至今 0.06 2020-03-21#2 O 844 $0.00 现在的麻痹大意,和1月末及2月整个月Justin Trudeau对新冠的不作为,一个性质,隐性杀人。

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