请问一下大家,我今天帮我朋友报税,现在就报完了最后一步了turbotax系统显示我朋友的报税遇到一个问题,要我明天business day重新回来再报,但是今天是最后一个报税了,明天是6月2号了,这个怎么办呀?6月2号提交会有问题吗?因为是我朋友的报税我很担心没有帮他报完会出事情。
昨天好像听新闻说过了截止日会有罚款但今年不会收就是鼓励尽早报上You will not be charged late-filing penalties or interest if your 2019 individual (T1) income tax returns are filed and payments are made prior to September 1, 2020. However, we are preserving the June 1 filing deadline for T1 individuals, and the June 15 filing deadline for T1 self-employed individuals (sole-proprietors), in order to encourage filing returns in time to accurately calculate benefits, which rely on 2019 tax returns for entitlement calculation.If the 2019 tax return is not assessed in time, benefits and/or credits for the July to September 2020 payments will be based on information from 2018 tax returns. Once the 2019 return is filed, it is possible that the CRA will make adjustments based on the updated income information.
买房,卖房,管理投资房Grande Prairie唯一说国语的Realtor到大草原安家,投资就找Sofia。Cell:(780) 605 0234微信:sofia9999 赏

...一个软件不行就用别的软件不行吗? 我用的 google 一下 simple tax点击展开...原来很多数据在,直接导出。换软件一大堆信息要重新输入,再说新软件要重新熟悉
11.10.27 Montréal 13.3.27 niveau désiré atteint.Day0:长灯惊险通关记:+3m我的法语学习方法-单词篇+17m:17个月,我强化法语学习阶段结束了+20m,ma carrière,c'est bien parti. 赏
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