加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息谁知道省提名移民的条件?
kobezc 说:是必须在AB的大学毕业并找到工作才可以申请吗?具体有什么条件?college毕业可以申请吗?谢谢!点击展开...1. In AB, the provincial nominee program does not open the gate for a student who graduates from a university or college in AB, even you obtain the Temporary Work Permit from the federal government. (BC or Manitoba does) 2. A foreign national is NOT eligible for applying for PR in AB. Only the employer is qualified for that. In other words, you need to get a job offer from a company set in AB, and that employer is willing to apply for your PR for you. 3. Also, before applying for PR for a foreigner, the provincial nominee program also requires that the employer should be unable to locate a Cnadian citizen or PR to fill the position. 4. To sum up, if you are capable of obtaining a job offer from a local company who is willing to apply for your PR in AB, you might have the chance to be selected by the AB government. A foreign degree is sufficient as long as your profession is in the level A, O, B of National Occupation Classification.5. These all above are the Alberta Nominee Program, not the federal program.
thank you so much!
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