加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息寻找美洲地区钻井和井下耗材代理


寻找美洲地区钻井和井下耗材代理 Looking for the sales agent of oilfield drilling tools and downhole t作为国内最大的油田服务型企业,我们公司致力于发展钻井工具和井下耗材的生产和销售,其中主要包括特种钻杆,油管,大套管,油管防磨蚀接箍,钻杆耐磨带焊机(并提供耐磨带覆焊服务型业务),AOC特种材料防磨蚀抽油光杆和接箍,还有油田用特种抽油泵等产品,另外并可以提供完善的油田服务队伍,以上所有产品都为中国本土化生产,并且公司已经在2002年通过API认证,今年新规划是开拓海外市场,先向美洲地区诚招有实力的产品代理销售公司,如预知详情,请与[email protected]联系,希望共同开展自己的业务,开拓我们的眼界。As the biggest oilfield service company, we bend ourselves to developing the oilfield drilling tools and downhole tools production and sales in whole china area. The major products are: Drilling Jar, Drilling Pipe, Completion products, Hard banding machine, AOC Alloy Sucker Rod Pump, AOM Special Ceramic Sucker Rod Pump, AOF Dual-Protection Sucker Rod Pump, Smart, Coupling, AOC Polished Rod, Gas-propelling Fracture Stimulation Technology, Composite-layered Sand Control Screen Pipe, High-density Punch-slotted Screen Pipe, Complex Screen Sand Control Technology, CSG-89 Sand Sediment Pipe, Artificial Wellbore Wall Sand Control Technology, Etc. And also we can provide the professional service team for every oilfield. Hereinbefore all of products are produced in China, and our company has got the API certification in 2002. In this year, we have new plan to extend to oversea market, at the first stage, we plan to start in North and South America. Therefore we wish more and more agent companies, who have the strength in North or South America, can join our team as our agent. If you want to know the detail information, please contact with [email protected]. Building ourselves business and extend ourselves business.

ding ,ding

zhangzhen210 说:作为国内最大的油田服务型企业,我们公司致力于发展钻井工具和井下耗材的生产和销售,其中主要包括特种钻杆,油管,大套管,油管防磨蚀接箍,钻杆耐磨带焊机(并提供耐磨带覆焊服务型业务),AOC特种材料防磨蚀抽油光杆和接箍,还有油田用特种抽油泵等产品,另外并可以提供完善的油田服务队伍,以上所有产品都为中国本土化生产,并且公司已经在2002年通过API认证,今年新规划是开拓海外市场,先向美洲地区诚招有实力的产品代理销售公司,如预知详情,请与[email protected]联系,希望共同开展自己的业务,开拓我们的眼界。 As the biggest oilfield service company, we bend ourselves to developing the oilfield drilling tools and downhole tools production and sales in whole china area. The major products are: Drilling Jar, Drilling Pipe, Completion products, Hard banding machine, AOC Alloy Sucker Rod Pump, AOM Special Ceramic Sucker Rod Pump, AOF Dual-Protection Sucker Rod Pump, Smart, Coupling, AOC Polished Rod, Gas-propelling Fracture Stimulation Technology, Composite-layered Sand Control Screen Pipe, High-density Punch-slotted Screen Pipe, Complex Screen Sand Control Technology, CSG-89 Sand Sediment Pipe, Artificial Wellbore Wall Sand Control Technology, Etc. And also we can provide the professional service team for every oilfield. Hereinbefore all of products are produced in China, and our company has got the API certification in 2002. In this year, we have new plan to extend to oversea market, at the first stage, we plan to start in North and South America. Therefore we wish more and more agent companies, who have the strength in North or South America, can join our team as our agent. If you want to know the detail information, please contact with [email protected]. Building ourselves business and extend ourselves business.点击展开...原来你在国内有公司啊,有个无知的问题,采矿专业对你公司是否有用?另我的机票可能是3月12日的,看来不能同行了。


ding ,ding ,ding

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