加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息有没有报sait的petroleum engineering的同志?进来聊一下
我报了sait的PT program,结果被排进了waitting list,现在让我填表。我英语又不好,被这个表格弄的晕头转向,可又实在想填出个完美的一份,恳请论坛里的高人帮忙指点!Question1How many days do you think you will miss class?How many days do you anticipate being late for class?Question2In your own words, describe"Petroleum Engineering"Question3Describe any personal experience or relationship you may have with the Petroleum Engineering field(training, work, hobbies, friends, relatives, neighbours, etc.).Question4Describe any efforts you have made to research training and career in Petroleum EngineeringQuestion5Explain why you are interested in the PT program at SAIT and a career in Petroleum Engineering as a technologistQuestion6(好说,选项的)Question7 Is there any other relevant information you think we should know?其实1,3,5,7都好说,就是2,4,6我没填,不知道怎样的回答会比较好,能帮忙的同志尽量帮帮我啦,哪怕中文。最后
Petroleum Engineering is involved in the exploration and production activities of petroleum as an upstream end of the energy sector. Upstream refers to the process of finding and extracting oil, which is usually buried deep beneath the earth's surface, to provide a continuous supply to consumers "downstream". Petroleum engineering covers a wide range of topics, including economics, geology, geochemistry, geomechanics, geophysics, oil drilling, geopolitics, knowledge management, seismology, tectonics, thermodynamics, well logging, well completion, oil and gas production, reservoir development, and pipelines.这是维基百科的定义。http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petroleum_engineering楼主以后碰到同样问题可以用goolge搜索
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能说说上Sait要英语成绩吗? 如托福或雅斯能说说上Sait要英语成绩吗? 如托福或雅斯.
sait要求托福成绩分别为83 230 560-580雅思7.0
·学习交流 纽卡斯尔大学的MBA
·生活百科 出口有限按需