加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息你觉得自己英语好么?来试试看


觉得自己英语好么?来试试看下面的这篇文章主要是讲一个叫Yaotl的阿兹特克男孩的一天,以及关于阿兹特克人的一些知识,例如他们的食物等等. 看看你能看懂多少。锻炼一下自己的英语水平。 Yaotl was an ordinary boy who lived with his parents in a small house beside the Lake Texcoco. The house was constructed by building up layers of mud and water plants, so the water would not get in. It was more likely to describe it as a hut. The hut had had only one room, and a door could be found on one of those four walls. The roof was flat, which provided his family more rooms in the hot climate of the area where the Aztecs lived. “Yaotl, it is time for school,” called out Yaotl’s father, a farmer who had been working on a tiny farm for all his life, and in return, he had got a body full of muscles. It was not easy to own a farm, especially when it was on water. Yaotl’s father had to weave rafts out of branches, and then piled reeds on top of these rafts and covered them with mud from the bottom of the lake. By doing this, the farmland would be floating on the lake, and rich with nutrients...... 假如你都能看懂的话,或者想继续锻炼的话请到这个站点去:http://blog.sina.com.cn/tomwudi

我的博客地址:http://blog.sina.com.cn/tomwudi 知人者智,自知者明。回复: 你觉得自己英语好么?来试试看No offense. But this article is shite! Anybody with some basic English can understand it without difficulties. It's more like an ads. If it's not, it must be some pre-bed story for pre-school kids.

专业中英文双语网站搭建服务,使你拥有自己域名的邮箱,让你的业务在扎根于华人客户的同时也可以延伸到西人群体,最低只需一次性收费$99。No offense. But this article is shite! Anybody with some basic English can understand it without difficulties. It's more like an ads. If it's not, it must be some pre-bed story for pre-school kids.点击展开...你干嘛老和NewEngland过不去?他是有点傲慢,毕竟有料嘛,也能帮上忙。BTW,他现在ID是中隐


回复: 你觉得自己英语好么?来试试看他现在ID是KickMyDumbAss点击展开...每次看了你的头像就笑,很有特色的一张照片,第一次看见时不知道那个大的是男还是女,但小的一定是男的

回复: 你觉得自己英语好么?来试试看每次看了你的头像就笑,很有特色的一张照片,第一次看见时不知道那个大的是男还是女,但小的一定是男的点击展开...At first, I wished the one on the left was a female. But after a second thought, I gave up the idea, presumably because I hope to see a hot chick with a tight waist and nice boobs, not a middle aged nanny (whose tits and belly collapse) with an innocent boy sitting on the bed, bare and smirking.

专业中英文双语网站搭建服务,使你拥有自己域名的邮箱,让你的业务在扎根于华人客户的同时也可以延伸到西人群体,最低只需一次性收费$99。回复: 你觉得自己英语好么?来试试看"踢我傻屁股"的英文真不赖, 怎么起了这么一个名字.

Doctors told me I could never speak again, but my daddy told me I would , I believe my daddy, that is why now i'm talking with you!(2005年2月FN,2008年6月22日毕业)The land was ours before we are the landers.No offense. But this article is shite! Anybody with some basic English can understand it without difficulties. It's more like an ads. If it's not, it must be some pre-bed story for pre-school kids.点击展开...

回复: 你觉得自己英语好么?来试试看对不起,我查了字典,还是有 shite 这个词的 算我没说注意拼写 "Shit"点击展开...

  ·生活百科 我被骗了,对吗? (水管工/热水器。)
·生活百科 地板隔热层



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