加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请问有了解sait的program的朋友吗?关于fast track!
我发现sait里有很多program有相当于速成班之类的授课方式fast track,入学要求一般较低,学费也会低很多。请问这种方式读出来和普通班就业上有什么差别?
走过岁月我才发觉世界多不完美,成功或失败都有一些错觉。。回复: 请问有了解sait的program的朋友吗?关于fast track!感兴趣,顶一个!
回复: 请问有了解sait的program的朋友吗?关于fast track!像DBA的FAST TRACK入学要求不低,学费也比一般的正常PROGRAM高很多。
回复: 请问有了解sait的program的朋友吗?关于fast track!DBA是什么啊?我感觉有fast track的属于紧缺专业
走过岁月我才发觉世界多不完美,成功或失败都有一些错觉。。回复: 请问有了解sait的program的朋友吗?关于fast track!database administration. 数据库管理。
回复: 请问有了解sait的program的朋友吗?关于fast track!我发现sait里有很多program有相当于速成班之类的授课方式fast track,入学要求一般较低,学费也会低很多。请问这种方式读出来和普通班就业上有什么差别?点击展开...They are the same, but usually fast track program is a certificate program and not a diploma or a degree program. If you have the related experience, fast track is a good way to review your knowledge in English. After your graduation, base on your pervious experience, it is very easy for you to find a job in these days. However, if you don’t have the related experience, it will be difficult to pass the course and get a job. For example, one year study is not enough for a person to contain database knowledge to apply a DBA job.
回复: 请问有了解sait的program的朋友吗?关于fast track!They are the same, but usually fast track program is a certificate program and not a diploma or a degree program. If you have the related experience, fast track is a good way to review your knowledge in English. After your graduation, base on your pervious experience, it is very easy for you to find a job in these days. However, if you don’t have the related experience, it will be difficult to pass the course and get a job. For example, one year study is not enough for a person to contain database knowledge to apply a DBA job. 点击展开...Thanks very much! Added SW to you.您指的related experience是在加国还是在母国?说实话本人正考虑一个有fast track的program,本人在国内相关经验丰富但在加国经验为零。
走过岁月我才发觉世界多不完美,成功或失败都有一些错觉。。Thanks very much! Added SW to you.您指的related experience是在加国还是在母国?说实话本人正考虑一个有fast track的program,本人在国内相关经验丰富但在加国经验为零。点击展开...It doesn’t matter where you gained those experiences. In Oil and Gas industry, if your English is ok and have the related experience, you even don’t need to go to school to get a job.
回复: 请问有了解sait的program的朋友吗?关于fast track!sait网址http://www.sait.ca/pages/index.shtml就业情况也可咨询910.
回复: 请问有了解sait的program的朋友吗?关于fast track!sait网址http://www.sait.ca/pages/index.shtml就业情况也可咨询910.点击展开...谢谢了。910我去过了,里面咨询的中国人说我今后年收入将有18~20万,我当时想杀了她。可能她以为我是新来的吧~
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