加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息向Calgary买车的朋友推荐Kirby Soon(请版主置顶)


如果大家想买车又拿不定主意去哪里买车的话,大家可以考虑去找我的表舅Kirby Soon。他是卡城(可能是全加拿大)No. 1汽车销售人员。他目前是Brasso Nissan的销售总经理。近年来为了满足来自中国移民买车的需求,他招聘了不少懂粤语和普通话的销售员。下面是他的信息: Kirby Soon General Manager--------------------------------------------------------------------------195 Glendeer Circle S.E., Calgary Alberta T2H 2S8Phone: (403)253-5555 Fax: (403)[email protected]: (403)620-7585Toll Free: 1 (800) 263-0006 大家砍价的时候可以告诉他是他的侄子George推荐来的

专业中英文双语网站搭建服务,使你拥有自己域名的邮箱,让你的业务在扎根于华人客户的同时也可以延伸到西人群体,最低只需一次性收费$99。回复: 向Calgary买车的朋友推荐Kirby Soon(请版主置顶)Brasso Nissan tops in customer satisfactionCalgary HeraldPublished: Wednesday, November 14, 2007 If every Nissan dealer in the country sells the same product, what difference does it make which Nissan dealer you choose to buy from? After all, there are 160 Nissan dealers in Canada that sell and service some of the most in-demand vehicles on the road today. From the intrigue of the new Rogue to the power of the Titan, the Nissan lineup has never been hotter from both an industry and consumer's viewpoint. So why do so many Calgary and area drivers choose Brasso Nissan? Well, the statistics don't lie. In fact, the statistics have earned Brasso Nissan the kind of reputation other dealers dream of -- number one in customer satisfaction in all of Canada.Einar Brasso, president of Brasso Nissan, was recognized last week by Nissan Global as the one Canadian Nissan dealer that best represents the core beliefs of Nissan Motors Ltd. Those core beliefs of providing overwhelming customer satisfaction and the successful management of growth from a sales and service standpoint have brought Brasso Nissan to the attention of the automotive industry internationally.In 2006, Brasso Nissan achieved first-place status across Canada for the highest overall customer satisfaction rankings among metro dealers, a standing Brasso Nissan has maintained to date. As the number one Nissan dealer in Canada, Brasso Nissan has proved that its commitment to a user-friendly sales and service experience is something that car buyers value, seek out and return to again and again. Brasso's acceptance speech when receiving the award in Japan emphasized the two key points the dealership has always maintained as priorities. "I am very grateful for the support our customers have shown us by trusting us with their business over the past 37 years," he said, "And I am extremely proud of our 60-plus staff who come to work every day committed to satisfying the automotive needs of our customers. It is very humbling to be acknowledged as one of only 42 Nissan dealers in the world to receive this honour." Kirby Soon, general manager of Brasso Nissan, says, "Einar's comments are the core of the dealership's continued success. "Einar has created an organization that centres on fulfilling customer needs. If you want to honestly enjoy your automotive experience I have a challenge for you; give us a call and reserve a time to get a personalized tour and test drive." Soon suggests that calling ahead guarantees you a level of service and attention that you deserve when making a purchase decision, similar to making a reservation at a good restaurant. "We want your experience to be positive from the moment you walk through our doors, so give us the opportunity to create that moment for you and we will do our best to follow through." Number-one rankings don't come easily and -- not one to rest on its laurels -- the Brasso Nissan team is eager to keep the lofty ranking in its name. Call Brasso Nissan today at 253-5555 to reserve some quality time and experience a level of service you should become accustomed to. Brasso Nissan is AMVIC licensed. www.brassonissan.com.The Calgary Herald 2007

专业中英文双语网站搭建服务,使你拥有自己域名的邮箱,让你的业务在扎根于华人客户的同时也可以延伸到西人群体,最低只需一次性收费$99。回复: 向Calgary买车的朋友推荐Kirby Soon(请版主置顶)地图:http://brasso.nissan.ca/www/en/inside_our_dealership_map_and_directions.jsp

专业中英文双语网站搭建服务,使你拥有自己域名的邮箱,让你的业务在扎根于华人客户的同时也可以延伸到西人群体,最低只需一次性收费$99。回复: 向Calgary买车的朋友推荐Kirby Soon(请版主置顶)顶你啊

回复: 向Calgary买车的朋友推荐Kirby Soon(请版主置顶)

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