加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息AB省的电力公司是不是在卡城啊?
回复: AB省的电力公司是不是在卡城啊?有没有在里面工作的朋友?或者了解情况的朋友说说看有没有进去工作的可能性。。。点击展开...There are several companies controling the electrical power market in Alberta. Enmax, head office in Calgary, controls the local power grid in southern Alberta. If you live in Calgary, you have to apply utility for your home from this company. It does not own any power generation.Epcor, head office in Edmonton, controls the local grid and owns some power generations also in central and northern Alberta.Transalta, head office in Calgary, the largest power generating company in western Canada. It owns 80% power generations in Alberta, most of them are coal fired plants and located in the west Edmonton area.The inter-city power transmission lines are owned by Altalink. There are a lot of chinese professionals working for these companies, including electrical engineer, control engineer, mechanical engineer, boiler and turbine engineer, plant operation staff, finacial staff, admin staff, etc. You will find one position matching your background for sure.
回复: AB省的电力公司是不是在卡城啊?有没有在里面工作的朋友?或者了解情况的朋友说说看有没有进去工作的可能性。。。点击展开...应该你先说说你自己的背景,别人才可能给你分析
回复: AB省的电力公司是不是在卡城啊?谢谢楼上二位!我专业是电力系统及其自动化,目前在国内电力设计院工作,主要是设计电厂、变电站的二次系统,比如监控系统NCS,自动电压调节系统AVC,也做些能量管理系统EMS的设计(用于电网的)。不知道可以申请些什么职位?请指导下。
回复: AB省的电力公司是不是在卡城啊?看来做电力的朋友不少啊,有希望了
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