Geological technician / $12 to $14/ Hourly, 40 hours Calgary North East, AB Core Laboratories Canada Ltd.
移民14年,From Calgary AB to Nanaimo BC。4115208 Geological technician / $12 to $14/ Hourly, 40 hours Calgary North East, AB Core Laboratories Canada Ltd.点击展开...请问具体的联系方式?谢谢。来这边三个多月了,一直没有找到合适的工作,请您支持一下。给一下具体的联系方式。谢谢!
回复: 工作机会-石油实验室招聘请问具体的联系方式?谢谢。来这边三个多月了,一直没有找到合适的工作,请您支持一下。给一下具体的联系方式。谢谢!点击展开...http://www.jobbank.gc.ca/ShowJob_en.aspx?OrderNum=4171311&Source=JobPosting&ProvId=09&Keyword=Geological+technician+&Sources=JobBank&Student=NoJob Number: 4171311 Title: Geological technician (Particle Size Analyst) (NOC: 2212) Terms of Employment: Temporary, Full Time, Overtime, Weekend, Day, Night, Evening Salary: $14.00 Hourly for 40 hours per week Anticipated Start Date: As soon as possible Location: Calgary North East, Alberta (5 vacancies ) Skill Requirements: Education: Completion of high school, Some college/CEGEP/vocational or technical training, Some university Credentials (certificates, licences, memberships, courses, etc.): Not applicable, Not required Experience: 7 months to less than 1 year Languages: Speak English, Read English, Write English Area of Specialization: Oil and gas exploration and production, Geology Type of Work Experience: Laboratory analysis Type of Technical Experience: Geological sampling analysis Specific Skills: Prepare or supervise preparation of rock, mineral or metal samples, Assist in preparing rock, mineral or metal samples, Perform physical and chemical laboratory tests Additional Skills: Know and use computer hardware and software Essential Skills: Job task planning and organizing, Continuous learning Employer: Core Laboratories Canada Ltd. How to Apply: Please apply for this job only in the manner specified by the employer. Failure to do so may result in your application not being properly considered for the position. By Mail: 2810 12th Street NE Calgary, Alberta T2E 7P7 By Fax: (403) 250-4012 By E-mail: [email protected] Business Profile: Petroleum/geological services laboratory. Web Site: http://www.corelab.com Advertised until: 2008/12/25 This job advertisement has been provided by an external employer. Service Canada is not responsible for the accuracy, authenticity or reliability of the content.
移民14年,From Calgary AB to Nanaimo BC。回复: 工作机会-石油实验室招聘many thanks!! will fax my resume ASAP. Thanks again!
回复: 工作机会-石油实验室招聘many thanks!! will fax my resume ASAP. Thanks again!点击展开...You are welcome.Good luck!
移民14年,From Calgary AB to Nanaimo BC。回复: 工作机会-石油实验室招聘Have sent my resume, hope there will be a positive response soon
回复: 工作机会-石油实验室招聘好贴帮顶,又见泠泠.
回复: 工作机会-石油实验室招聘好贴帮顶,又见泠泠.点击展开...Thank you for your supporting.
移民14年,From Calgary AB to Nanaimo BC。回复: 工作机会-石油实验室招聘非常感谢。这两天正在找实验室工作。
回复: 工作机会-石油实验室招聘实验室的工资怎么这么低啊,和打labour工差不多, 还是临时工。
回复: 工作机会-石油实验室招聘感谢冷冷,你的消息还真快。昨天有朋友告诉我这个招工的信息,你竟然前天就清楚了。
http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=140989 http://members.shaw.ca/sinocanada/settle/001.html回复: 工作机会-石油实验室招聘这个活,我以前在北京的石油勘探开发研究院做过,岩心试验,不是很累,就是比较耗时间,正好是学习的好机会。我要是签证下来,我会先干这个工作,一个月2000加币,勉强可以活下来了!
路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索回复: 工作机会-石油实验室招聘是季节性的吧
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