加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息2 bedrooms for rent
My townhouse is brand new, quiet,great Living-room and kitchen with all the kitchen appliances.close to Safeway,Dollarama,Future-shop,Hospital,LRT,Berean Church in Rundle NE.There is a large beautiful lawn near my house, you can have a walk especially in spring afternoons. Looking for renters to share my 1 2nd-floor room and 1 basement room, the basement room is a private semi-underground with living-room and athroom.all the 2 rooms are seperate entrance, and well furnished with double bed,large closet and desk. The one who rent is more a friend than a renter,must be quiet,honest,respectful,with no kids or pets. The room will be available on Feb.1st,the rent is $600 for 2nd-floor room and$700 for basement room. if you interested call me please.cell phone: 403-400-6188
回复: 2 bedrooms for rentalways in availiable!
回复: 2 bedrooms for rent看不太懂啊.还查了字典.是不是说地上的一间房要700元啊.好象还没有提到带独立卫生间(肯定就是没有啦!).真贵.
回复: 2 bedrooms for rent已经租出去了。
回复: 2 bedrooms for rent那句不懂啊?总共有两个卧室出租,一个是在2楼,一个是地下室,地下室是个私密的带有客厅和卫生间的(the basement room is a private semi-underground with living-room and athroom.)The room will be available on Feb.1st,the rent is $600 for 2nd-floor room and$700 for basement room. 2楼的是600元,地下室是700元一个月。
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