加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Hong Kong Chief Securities Company


Hong Kong Chief Securities Company (lowest online trading commission 0.0675%)Chief Group was founded in 1979 with the vision of being a premium brokerage services provider for individual investors in Hong Kong. We are dedicated to provide quality services to our customers with the highest honesty and integrity. We offer wide range of services including trading in Hong Kong securities and futures, bullions and global commoditiy futures, corporate finance advisor and assets management services. We also offer loans and margin financing. With the approval of CSRC, we have established representative offices in Shanghai and Shenzhen in the PRC.(our website: <http://www.chiefgroup.com.hk>)QQ: 334926387Contact: Mr. Ye tel: 0[FONT='宋体']08[/FONT]-25009120Our feature: In providing peace-of-mind assurance to our clients, Chief Securities became the first in Hong Kong to adopt an auditing process conducted by independent certified public accountant firm to certify clients' assets everyday. In order to meet the demand of our services, Chief has since established an extensive network of more than 10 branches covering most districts of Hong Kong, including Hong Kong Island, New Territories, and Kowloon etc., and more branches are under construction.Business scope: securities, assets management, global futures, market research, corporate finance(website: http://www.chiefgroup.com.hk)​

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