加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息哪位大侠知道如何治疗儿童遗传性癫痫?
移民14年,From Calgary AB to Nanaimo BC。回复: 哪位大侠知道如何治疗儿童遗传性癫痫?你朋友在北京么?我刚google了一下关于这个病中医也有自己的看法http://ask.koubei.com/question/1307071000687.html他们愿意尝试一下中医么我在北京的时候去一个中医诊所扎过针,这是他们的博客http://blog.sina.com.cn/shifangtaihe以前在广安门年后搬到海淀了,blog里边可以找到他们的地址。海淀区苏州街西屋国际大厦南侧C[FONT=宋体]座[/FONT]1201杜氏兄弟两个,开设关于经络的养生班,也在北大为热爱中医事业的学生们讲讲课。我也是经客户介绍知道他们的,针灸的价格不便宜,但是对于急症一次可能就够了。有次我喉咙上火全身无力,忍耐不住去看西医,医生一问我一答不过三分钟开了堆药,气愤之余我去针灸。还在嗓子天突穴拔了一个罐痛得要死,可是一天好似一天就痊愈了。嗯,很多人觉得中医不科学,庸医也不少,不过江湖里还是有人才的。好朋友前几天也去看中医,医生给她开的药都是按照经络的运行时间来吃,此外要求她晚上9点睡,早晨5点起。有趣的是一个朋友也曾去问中医要方子,那位老中医的意见也是朝5晚9,修身养性:)
回复: 哪位大侠知道如何治疗儿童遗传性癫痫?遗传性的癫痫彻底治愈的机会很少,有些人情况比较严重,吃药只是干预癫痫的发作.这病要去大医院的神经科看,要长期的吃药物的,你在加拿大买药或者治疗,根本就不符合实际情况.
移民14年,From Calgary AB to Nanaimo BC。回复: 哪位大侠知道如何治疗儿童遗传性癫痫?有的类型手术可以根治
回复: 哪位大侠知道如何治疗儿童遗传性癫痫?Hi, Lingling,I help you to find it.http://www.epilepsy.ca/eng/mainSet.htmlI think all the medicaitons should be prescription drugs.Approved DrugsMarketed in Canada as: ATIVAN Generic Name: Lorazepam Common Use (Seizure Types): Status epilepticus. Possible Side Effects: Excessive drowsiness, weakness, mental confusion. Severe Side Effects (consult a physician or hospital immediately if you experience any of the following): May intensify feelings of depression. Marketed in Canada as: DEPAKENE Generic Name: Valproic Acid Common Use (Seizure Types): Atonic, myoclonic, infantile spasms, absence, tonic-clonic, simple partial, complex partial. Possible Side Effects: Nausea/vomiting, indigestion, sedation, dizziness, hair loss, tremor, change in liver function, weight gain, loss of coordination. Severe Side Effects (consult a physician or hospital immediately if you experience any of the following): Hypersensitivity, allergic reaction, impaired liver function, low blood platelet count, stupor, coma. Marketed in Canada as: DIAMOX Generic Name: Acetazolamide Common Use (Seizure Types): Absence. Possible Side Effects: Loss of appetite, thirst, headache, drowsiness. Severe Side Effects (consult a physician or hospital immediately if you experience any of the following): Hypersensitivity to sun, allergic rash, fever, urinary difficulties. Marketed in Canada as: DILANTIN Generic Name: Phenytoin Common Use (Seizure Types): Tonic-clonic, simple partial, complex partial. Possible Side Effects: Body hair increase, gum overgrowth, tremor, anemia, loss of coordination, double vision, nausea/vomiting, confusion, slurred speech. Severe Side Effects (consult a physician or hospital immediately if you experience any of the following): Hypersensitivity, allergic reaction Marketed in Canada as: EPIVAL Generic Name: Divalproex Sodium Common Use (Seizure Types): Atonic, myoclonic, infantile spasms, absence, tonic-clonic, simple partial, complex partial. Possible Side Effects: Nausea/vomiting, indigestion, sedation, dizziness, hair loss, tremor, change in liver function, weight gain, loss of coordination. Severe Side Effects (consult a physician or hospital immediately if you experience any of the following): Hypersensitivity, allergic reaction, impaired liver function, low blood platelet count, stupor, coma. Marketed in Canada as: FRISIUM Generic Name: Colbazam, Benzodiazepine Common Use (Seizure Types): Adjunctive therapy in broad range of seizures, including atonic, myoclonic, infantile spasms, absence, generalized tonic-clonic, complex parial, simple partial. Possible Side Effects: Sedation, tiredness, drowsiness, unsteadiness, irritability, muscle weakness, weight gain. Severe Side Effects (consult a physician or hospital immediately if you experience any of the following): Hypersensitivity, allergic reaction. Marketed in Canada as: KEPPRA Generic Name: Levetiracetam Common Use (Seizure Types): Partial (including secondary tonic-clonic). Somewhat effective against primary generalized tonic-clonic. Also effective against photoparoxysmal response. Possible Side Effects: Drowsiness, fatigue, asthenia (lack or loss of strength). Severe Side Effects (consult a physician or hospital immediately if you experience any of the following): Generally well tolerated. Slightly decreased red and white blood cell counts occasionally seen. Marketed in Canada as: LAMICTAL Generic Name: Lamotrigine Common Use (Seizure Types): Simple partial, complex partial, generalized, epileptic syndromes. Possible Side Effects: Clumsiness, diplopia (blurred vision), sedation, dizziness. Severe Side Effects (consult a physician or hospital immediately if you experience any of the following): Allergic reaction, severe skin rash. Marketed in Canada as: LUMINAL Generic Name: Phenobarbital, Barbiturate Common Use (Seizure Types): Myoclonic, partial and tonic-clonic. Possible Side Effects: Lethargy, drowsiness, hyperactivity (in children), mood changes, depression, behavioural/learning problems. Severe Side Effects (consult a physician or hospital immediately if you experience any of the following): Hypersensitivity, allergic reaction. Marketed in Canada as: MOGADON Generic Name: Nitrazepam Common Use (Seizure Types): Myoclonic and infantile spasms such as West’s Syndrome. Possible Side Effects: Drowsiness, fatigue, dizziness, mental confusion and lack of co-ordination. Severe Side Effects (consult a physician or hospital immediately if you experience any of the following): Hypersensitivity, allergic reaction. Marketed in Canada as: MYSOLINE Generic Name: Primidone Common Use (Seizure Types): Tonic clonic, simple partial, complex partial. Possible Side Effects: Drowsiness, appetite loss, irritability, nausea, dizziness, loss of coordination, hyperactivity, mood or personality changes, depression. Severe Side Effects (consult a physician or hospital immediately if you experience any of the following): Hypersensitivity, allergic reaction. Marketed in Canada as: NEURONTIN Generic Name: Gabapentin Common Use (Seizure Types): Simple partial, complex partial, secondarily generalized tonic clonic. Possible Side Effects: Drowsiness, dizziness, fatigue, clumsiness, weakness, trembling, increased appetite/weight gain. Severe Side Effects (consult a physician or hospital immediately if you experience any of the following): (Rare) CNS toxicity, vision disturbances, rhinitis, pharyngitis. Marketed in Canada as: RIVOTRIL Generic Name: Clonazepam, Benzodiazepine Common Use (Seizure Types): Adjunctive therapy with atonic, myoclonic, infantile spasms, absence. Possible Side Effects: Lethargy, dizziness, nausea/vomiting, increase in salivation, increase in bronchial secretions, weight loss, slurred speech. Severe Side Effects (consult a physician or hospital immediately if you experience any of the following): Hypersensitivity, allergic reaction. Marketed in Canada as: SABRIL Generic Name: Vigabatrin Common Use (Seizure Types): Simple partial, complex partial. Possible Side Effects: Blurred vision, drowsiness, weakness/tiredness, increased appetite, hyperactivity, depression, dizziness, headache. Severe Side Effects (consult a physician or hospital immediately if you experience any of the following): Allergic reaction, partial loss of vision. Marketed in Canada as: TEGRETOL Generic Name: Carbamazepine Common Use (Seizure Types): Tonic-clonic, simple partial, complex partial Possible Side Effects: Drowsiness, dizziness, blurred vision, double vision, lethargy, nausea/vomiting, change in liver function, hyponatremia (low blood sodium). Severe Side Effects (consult a physician or hospital immediately if you experience any of the following): Hypersensitivity, allergic reaction, impaired liver function, low white blood cell count. Marketed in Canada as: TOPAMAX Generic Name: Topiramate Common Use (Seizure Types): Adjunctive therapy with partial and secondarily generalized seizures. Also effective with absence, tonic/atonic and Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome. Possible Side Effects: Difficulty concentrating, drowsiness, dizziness, loss of coordination, weight loss, numbness of the extremities. Severe Side Effects (consult a physician or hospital immediately if you experience any of the following): Allergic reaction, 1.5 % incidence of kidney stones. Marketed in Canada as: TRILEPTAL Generic Name: Oxcarbazepine Common Use (Seizure Types): Partial seizures (including secondary generalized tonic-clonic). Possible Side Effects: Drowsiness, fatigue, hyponatremia (low blood sodium), diplopia (blurred vision). Severe Side Effects (consult a physician or hospital immediately if you experience any of the following): Allergic reaction. Marketed in Canada as: VALIUM Generic Name: Diazepam, Benzodiazepine Common Use (Seizure Types): Acute and status epilepticus. Possible Side Effects: Drowsiness, fatigue, ataxia, also: confusion, slurred speech, blurred vision, tremors, headache, nausea, depression. Severe Side Effects (consult a physician or hospital immediately if you experience any of the following): Allergic rash, hallucinations, rage, anxiety, haematological effects, respiratory depression. Marketed in Canada as: ZARONTIN Generic Name: Ethosuximide, Succinimide Common Use (Seizure Types): Absence. Possible Side Effects: Drowsiness, hyperactivity, nausea/vomiting, sleep disturbance. Severe Side Effects (consult a physician or hospital immediately if you experience any of the following): Hypersensitivity, allergic reaction. Not available in Canada: ZONEGRAN Generic Name: Zonisamide Common Use (Seizure Types): Partial seizures (including secondary tonic-clonic), primary generalized tonic-clonic. Somewhat effective against absence, myoclonic and tonic/atonic seizures. Possible Side Effects: Drowsiness, fatigue, gastrointestinal upset (nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite), depression, reduced sweating, difficulty with concentration and speech. Severe Side Effects (consult a physician or hospital immediately if you experience any of the following): Kidney stones, allergic rash. (Completed with the help of Vanessa Stephenson (PhD Student), Dr. Weaver, and Dr. Burnham)
回复: 哪位大侠知道如何治疗儿童遗传性癫痫?surgical treatmentdiet adjustmentI hope it might be helpful.
回复: 哪位大侠知道如何治疗儿童遗传性癫痫?surgical treatmentdiet adjustment I hope it might be helpful.点击展开...Thank you so much! That's what I want.It's very useful for my friend.
移民14年,From Calgary AB to Nanaimo BC。有的类型手术可以根治点击展开...Thanks. I will tell them.
移民14年,From Calgary AB to Nanaimo BC。回复: 哪位大侠知道如何治疗儿童遗传性癫痫?手术不是根治。就看癫痫在脑内放电位置在哪里,只是局部性的可以。广泛的不行。一般还是药物控制。这里的药不比国内的好。国内多用欧洲的进口药,效果也强。如果不能控制,这里的药也没用了。
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