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看见家园有朋友在寻找招聘信息,特查到一些信息,供大家参考。 请轻拍砖,毕竟我是义务为大家查找信息,不收信息费。呵呵。 暑期招工信息,上www.calgary.ca找 career opportunities http://www.calgary.ca/portal/server.pt/gateway/PTARGS_0_0_104_0_0_35/http;/content.calgary.ca/CCA/City+Hall/Business+Units/Recreation/About+Recreation/Job+Opportunities+with+Recreation/Concession+and+Proshop+Attendant.htm

回复: 招聘信息Concession & Proshop Attendant Gain Experience and Have Fun!Join our team and earn a little extra spending money for the holiday season. The City of Calgary Leisure Centres are seeking energetic, friendly and team oriented individuals to work in their Concessions and / or Proshops. This is a wonderful opportunity for those just starting to work or experienced individuals looking to pick up a few extra hours.A job at a Concession and / or Proshop will provide work experience in a fast-paced environment as well as essential customer service skills. The flexible schedule and team environment make for a fun, inviting workplace. Gain work experience that will last a lifetime. Apply today!Interested candidates can submit a cover letter and resume at Southland Leisure Centre or Village Square Leisure Centre. To learn more about this position or to apply on-line go to the City of Calgary Job Opportunities.Please ensure your resume states all your work experience. Your cover letter should also include the days and hours you are available to work and which quadrant(s) in the city (NE, NW, SE, SW) you are able to travel to.应该是The city of Calgary下的,比如southland leisure center的小商店或者餐饮店招店员。

回复: 招聘信息Babysitter The City of Calgary is looking for Babysitters to work with our Recreation Facilities.We offer individuals the opportunity to gain valuable work experience, develop leadership and teamwork skills, work in a fun, positive, healthy and safe environment, embark on an exciting career path that can lead to a range of full-time permanent positions with the City of Calgary.Experienced babysitters are required to directly supervise and care for children while parents are participating in recreational activities. Under general supervision, babysitters are responsible for cleaning and tidying playroom areas, feeding and playing with children, providing first-aid treatment, signing children in and out and ensuring their overall safety. Please ensure your resume states all your work experience. Your cover letter should also include the days and hours you are available to work and which quadrant (s) in the city (NE, NW, SE, SW) you are able to travel to.The City of Calgary is committed to providing safe and secure environments for its customers. Interested candidates can reference the full job description and apply online at the City of Calgary Career Opportunities. Applicants can also fill out an application and drop it off at any city pool and leisure centre.我觉得拿到daycare证的朋友们可以去试试。我见到有些朋友都是来这儿以后从daycare干起的。

回复: 招聘信息http://www.calgary.ca/portal/server.pt/gateway/PTARGS_0_2_550509_0_0_18/Volunteer+Opportunities.htm招聘义工,注意要有First Aid、CPR 证书

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