加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息【转帖】7.5事件是热比娅挖的一个大陷阱
7.5事件是热比娅挖的一个大陷阱 京港台时间:2009/7/15 消息来源:中评社 网友评论 2 条 查询电脑价格数码相机价格大 中 小 打印 注意:新闻源于各大新闻媒体,内容不代表本站立场!欢迎留言打假! 点击以下按钮,选择背景色,保护视力 7.5事件是热比娅挖的一个大陷阱本文网址:http://news.backchina.com/2009/7/15/gb2312_48958.html2009年7月5日,一个昏暗无光的日子。在乌鲁木齐的夜色中,一百多人被打死,千余人受伤。如此惨景,让天地人心都为之颤栗。 有人发问:为什么用如此残忍手段滥杀无辜? 有人又问:热比娅等分裂分子煽动“要出点大事”,煽动这个暴力犯罪事件,究竟想干什么? 回答是:她在挖一个大陷阱。 人民日报海外版刊文指出,以热比娅为首的“世界维吾尔代表大会”等“东突”组织的最终目的是闹分裂,搞“疆独”。而闹分裂需要有大批人跟她走,也就是说需要闹分裂的社会基础。 而新疆的社会实际情形是:经过30年改革开放,新疆各族人民的收入增加几十倍。民族团结,社会和谐,人民安居乐业。各族老百姓心向安定、幸福、快乐、和睦、富足。谁愿意没事找事,跟着热比娅们闹分裂? 他们闹分裂便没了社会基础。他们需要制造闹分裂的社会基础。 蓄意挑起民族之间的仇恨、民族之间的对立,便是他们制造闹分裂的社会基础最有效的法门。 “7.5”事件,就是热比娅们精心深挖的一个大陷阱:他们想诱使群众陷入民族对立、民族仇恨之中,诱使各民族陷入冤冤相报、永无宁日的社会动乱之中。 一百多人被打死,他们的亲人会痛苦、会愤怒;被打伤的千余人,他们也会痛苦,会愤怒,重伤的可能一生致残,轻伤的也会留下一生的精神创伤。 如果被害群众不能控制自己的愤怒和仇恨,以牙还牙,以不法对不法,会不会引起更大冲突? 此时此刻,热比娅们正在华盛顿、在慕尼黑,喝着啤酒吮着咖啡,正看着、巴望着新疆各族人民向那个大陷阱里跳呢! 不能上这个当。 “7.5”事件,不是民族问题、不是宗教问题,是少数“疆独”分子要破坏民族团结、分裂祖国大家庭的问题。我们要把少数闹分裂的死硬分子与广大各族人民群众区分开来。被害群众的亲人们的愤怒和仇恨应该集中在这些少数闹分裂的死硬分子身上。 “7.5”事件发生时和发生后,各族人民相互救援的许多动人事例中,我们看到了民族团结的真实场景。81岁的维吾尔族老人哈米提.艾合买提救了 18人。他用自己的身体作盾牌,护住汉族人徐革平的身体。献血点前排起为救护伤员献血的长队,挽起袖子、伸出手臂的是各族青年。无论是维吾尔族还是汉族,各民族都是一家人。 暴力犯罪者必将受到法律制裁。受害者应该把惩治犯罪者的任务交给政法机关。如果自己去以牙还牙,弄不好,找不准元凶而误伤无辜;弄不好,本为惩治不法变成了自己违法。结果是亲者痛仇者快,结果是跳进了热比娅们精心设计的那个陷阱里。 热比娅们精心设局,最终也将是个败局。以暴力残杀平民,这个用心这个手段太残忍、太卑劣、太下作,为汉族人不齿、为维吾尔族人不齿,为各族人民不齿,也为全世界人民不齿。 可以料定,他们的阴谋是不会得逞的。永远不会。 -- 倍可亲 www.backchina.com --
回复: 转帖7.5事件是热比娅挖的一个大陷阱ding
回复: 转帖7.5事件是热比娅挖的一个大陷阱给谁挖的陷阱啊?
===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake回复: 转帖7.5事件是热比娅挖的一个大陷阱Sorry, but I'm not as optimistic as the original poster.This old lady, Rebiya, isn't a charismatic leader at all. In fact, her WUC is being run in a mess. What upsets me is the fact that the very uncharismatic leader and dysfunctional organization still can fan up thousands of Uyghurs, which indicates that the resentment towards Han Chinese lies within Xinjiang, not abroad.Let's face the fact: the policy towards Xinjiang, though a little softened after CR, remains hardline by and large. One of the culprit is the so-called "Bingtuan" which actually controls the economy and population influx. Wang Lequan, the party chief, shows no respect to Islam traditions but still can stay in his position for 15 years after he imposed those controversial restriction on Uyghurs.Although the country offers positive discrimination towards Uyghurs, for example, lower college entrance scores and less harsh punishment towards criminals, It doesn't benefits the majority. The majority of Uyghurs don't enjoy the prosperity brought by recent years' economy boom. The majority Uyghur young people, some even with high degrees, are unemployed. Yes, there's a conspicuous Uyghur middle class in Urumqi. But the Uyghurs in the south are still abjectly impoverished. I've no doubt that the Uyghur mobs were mostly composed of Uyghurs from southern Xinjiang who came to Urumqi for better opportunities but found that Han Chinese were preferred.I understand why the government so swiftly pointed the finger at Rebiya Kadeer (to redirect the angers from both ethnic groups to her rather than each other). But it's time for the government to reflect the root cause. My suggestion:1. Sack Wang and bring up a more benign Party Chief.2. Dismantle Bingtuan which contradicts with current Chinese economy model. Leave their lands to Uyghur farmers.3. Create more jobs in Xinjiang rather than bring under-educated Uyghurs migrant workers to other provinces.
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回复: 转帖7.5事件是热比娅挖的一个大陷阱我也来顶!PS:lz能不能把广告删掉?占用流量的。
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