SASKATCHEWEN 的水量够不够油砂项目的扩展? 萨省绿党领袖芬尼提出了强力的呼吁:母亲河萨河已经不能满足阿尔伯特省的油砂新项目的需求,居住在两岸的居民将得不到足够的河水和地下水。现在是时候对公共政策说“不”。特别是埃德蒙顿东北部的9个新的大项目,将对水资源增加大量需求,每个厂每天都要消耗几百万升的淡水。也就是说,水资源缺乏不仅是Fort McMurray 地区,同样,埃德蒙顿也会遇到同样的问题。阿尔伯特省说我们正在研究母亲河的承受能力,如果不能支撑计划新建项目的需求,我们将停止这些扩建计划。阿省环境部发言人说:我们不是看一锤子项目,我们正在关注项目对全省环境的持续的影响。****加国天然资源中止炼油工程 加通社卡加利电 加拿大天然资源有限公司(Canadian Natural Resources Ltd.,代??CNQ)决定中止一项重油提炼工程,因为联邦政府和省政府的相关环境立法欠明催,且建设成本太高。法律与成本风险太高公司在周三宣布,暂时搁置一项在亚伯达省东北建设一家提炼厂的长期计划,因为前期调查表明,该工程的法律风险和成本风险太高。公司行政总监刘特(Steve Laut)说,工程已进入第二阶段计划,但目前还不知道政府会为该项目制定怎样的温室气体排放规定。为了不浪费金钱,还是审慎行事为上策。联邦保守党政府尚未明催其减排措施,而在加拿大石油天然气重镇亚伯达省,保守党省政府也没有出胚有关减排纲要。受天然气价格急跌和服务成本提高的影响,加拿大天然资源公司此前报2006年的调整后运营收入,比往年下降18%。在计算了风险管理、税率变化、实际?率和股票偿付的影响后,公司报利润从2005年的20.3亿元,下降到2006年的16.6亿元。加拿大天然资源第四季度利润,从2005年同期的11亿元,每股盈利2.06元,直降72%至3.13亿元,每股盈利58仙。公司风险管理或对冲收益 8.25亿。?管公司的?量提高了9%,达到每日613,764桶等量石油,其中56%是石油和液化天然气,但调整后的季度运营利润,还是从4.70亿元 跌至4.12亿元。周三的多伦多股市上,加拿大天然资源公司升两仙,收盘於59.84元。炼油厂(upgrader)工程 On hold Canadian Natural Resources defers Primrose heavy oil upgraderWed Mar 7, 6:21 PM CALGARY (CP) - Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. (TSX: CNQ.TO) has put its heavy-oil upgrader project on hold until Canadian environmental laws are more clear and service costs cool down, the oilpatch heavyweight said Wednesday. The oil and gas company decided to defer the long-term plan to build the Primrose upgrader in northeastern Alberta after preliminary studies indicated the legislative and cost risks were too high. "It's the prudent thing to do," CEO Steve Laut said during a conference call. "We don't know what kind of greenhouse gas regulations are coming at us, and as you go into second phase of (planning), you start scoping out the size of the vessels, and of the flow, and we're not going to waste money designing something that may not be effective." The 125,000 barrel per day upgrader, originally slated to be in service in 2012, would process bitumen into more marketable light crude. The decision to put off the upgrader's design will not affect production plans for the in-situ oilsands project. Although Canada signed the international Kyoto Accord on climate change, which is supposed to limit the production of so-called greenhouse gases, the current federal Conservative government hasn't made clear how it will proceed. However, Prime Minister Stephen Harper has significantly increased the Conservatives' attention to environmental issues as the federal parties jockey for position in case an general election is called. Energy companies have been pushing for legislative clarity on the issue from two successive federal governments, arguing the economic impact of following Kyoto guidelines would be severe. Several companies, Canadian Natural Resources included, threatened to ship their refining needs across the border into the United States to take advantage of more industry-friendly tax laws. Going south to build the refinery remains an option, but not a likely one, Laut said in an interview. "Right now we want to see what's going to happen here with the regulations," he said. "And the cost increases and cost inflation is somewhat global. So we're not sure it makes much sense to go to the U.S. either." Taking the upgrader out of the company mix came as a surprise, but shouldn't have an impact on the Primrose project or Canadian Natural Resources, said FirstEnergy Capital analyst Martin Molyneaux. Pulling the $4-billion to $6-billion project off the market temporarily will probably alleviate the labour and supply crunch contributing to inflationary pressures, he said. "The project is a fair ways off, and (CNQ) will have more time to use to their competitive advantage," Molyneaux said. Finding qualified, experienced engineers to take on the now-deferred second phase of the upgrader would also be a huge challenge in today's tight market, he added. Canadian Natural Resources reported earlier a 72 per cent drop in fourth quarter net earnings to $313 million, down from $1.11 billion in the third quarter of 2006, and $1.10-billion the fourth quarter 2005. Fourth-quarter earnings fell 72 per cent to $313 million, or 58 cents per share, from $1.1 billion, or $2.06 per share the previous year, when Canadian Natural Resources made an $825-million risk management, or hedging, gain. The drop was largely due to lower natural gas pricing, high service costs, and a strong Canadian dollar which impacted most of the oil and gas industry, Canadian Natural Resources said. Adjusted year end earnings fell 18 per cent to $1.66 billion, or $3.10 per share, from $2.03 billion, or $3.79 per share the previous year. Canadian Natural Resource said its $6.8-billion Horizon oilsands project is 57 per cent completed, and on line for completion late next year, when it will contribute 110,000 barrels per day to the oilsands mix. Adjusted quarterly operating profit slipped to $412 million from $470 million despite a nine per cent increase in production to 613,764 barrels of oil equivalent per day, 56 per cent oil and natural gas liquids. Revenue declined to $2.51 billion from $2.9 billion as CNQ's average fourth-quarter netback was down 27 per cent from a year earlier at $29.13 a barrel of oil-equivalent amid natural gas prices barely half of year-ago levels. Percentage of revenues from crude oil and natural gas liquids increased 10 per cent, year-over-year, to 64 per cent. Crude netbacks rose 14 per cent to $36.88 per barrel, from $31.72 per barrel in 2005. Natural gas percentage revenues dropped 10 per cent, with netbacks dropping 24 per cent to $4.61 per thousand cubic feet. Netbacks from natural gas were averaged $6.09 per mcf the previous year.
因为你我不同, 所以世界精彩!! 赏
回复: Alberta油砂消息, 天然资源中止炼油工程就应该以环境保护为重!
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