星星生活:加拿大的环保依旧任重道远加拿大家园 CanadaMeet.com 2009-12-12 08:54 来源: 星星生活 作者: 余若扬 点击: 16次 联合国气候高峰会议近日在哥本哈根举行。环保一时成为国际性的重要话题和关键词。生活在多伦多的华人也许并不清楚,其实在世界上号称总是向往美好事务的,在环保上是相当差劲的。不过,由于安省和多伦多正在跟上潮流,因此大多区的人们也许并不会感觉到加拿大在这方面的落伍。 在哥本哈根会议上,环保组织每天向落后国家颁发落后奖,第一天颁奖情况,冠军是所有的所谓发达国家,亚军是瑞典、芬兰和奥地利,季军就是加拿大。 另外可以看一组材料,在2008年二氧化碳排放总量最高的国家中,总人口只有三千万的加拿大名列第八名,前面七名都是比加拿大人口多得多的国家,他们是:中国、美国、俄罗斯、印度、日本、德国和韩国。可见加拿大人均产生二氧化碳量有多高。事实上,加拿大人均产生二氧化碳量之大,在世界上排在前三名之内。而且阿尔伯塔的油沙开发将产生大量污染,为此加拿大现在可能正在向排名第一的目标前进。

回复: 读了"加拿大的环保依旧任重道远"后,你会如何看Albereta的未来.这篇文章的作者只是就数据到数据的理论分析,忽略了几个重要的事实,首先排放如果按人均来算那是不合理的,那中国根本就不需要去做任何努力去减排,另外加拿大的地理位置冬季取暖是必需的,这个占了加拿大排放的相当大的部分,人均排放北美是排世界第一的,这和single house及车大密不可分,这方面倒是可以检讨,但这不就是北美生活方式不可或缺的一部分嘛,如果北美都是筒子和公寓楼,大部分人都没有自家车,美国和加拿大的吸引力也就大打折扣了。另外阿省是加拿大对联邦贡献最大的省份,去年开始连安生都开始吃补助了,现在这些拿了钱的人开始骂娘确实有点不厚道,排放现在不光是环保而已经是政治问题了,阿省人口少在政治上可吃亏不少
回复: 读了"加拿大的环保依旧任重道远"后,你会如何看Albereta的未来.阿省给加拿大联邦的贡献是以牺牲环境为代价的,有些象发展中国家的的现状.从长远看是不利的.前不久美国前副总统戈尔在Toronto讲,阿省产的用油沙提炼的油非常脏.Toyota prius(环保混合动力)用了阿省的油,其排放相当于大的捍马Hummer标准.
回复: 读了"加拿大的环保依旧任重道远"后,你会如何看Albereta的未来.阿省给加拿大联邦的贡献是以牺牲环境为代价的,有些象发展中国家的的现状.从长远看是不利的.前不久美国前副总统戈尔在Toronto讲,阿省产的用油沙提炼的油非常脏.Toyota prius(环保混合动力)用了阿省的油,其排放相当于大的捍马Hummer标准.点击展开...没有阿省的贡献,很多人得到山上去过,那对环境最好,你去吗?说别人都容易,要自己付出就是另一回事,环保上更是这样,所以要找到一个平衡点很重要,而不是像环保激进分子那样为了环境不顾经济和生活,最后受害的还是一般百姓。
回复: 读了"加拿大的环保依旧任重道远"后,你会如何看Albereta的未来.哥本哈根这次会议注定又是个政治大笑话,就像你我都有了核武器,却要限制其他国家不能拥有核武器一样。发展是个过程,不可能一步到位,尤其是环境。他们限制了过程,就掐死了其他正在发展的国家。
回复: 读了"加拿大的环保依旧任重道远"后,你会如何看Albereta的未来.加拿大那么冷 冬天不开暖气可能吗 都到山洞里去做窑人?
西葡那些事儿 (2011)意大利中北部之旅 (2009)美东四城记(波、纽、华、费)(2010)墨西哥城都市游 (2012)邮轮入门级-巴哈马 (2016)回复: 读了"加拿大的环保依旧任重道远"后,你会如何看Albereta的未来.油砂油的二氧化碳排放量只比传统石油多20%. 而且这个世界上只有油砂出产的石油是不带人命和鲜血的. 所以油砂是世界上最干净的石油资源. 偶对任何人, 包括在华盛顿政府工作的朋友, 都是这么讲的. 油砂很干净. 翻译成英文, 就是 oil sand is clean.
乡间小道回复: 读了"加拿大的环保依旧任重道远"后,你会如何看Albereta的未来.在百度里用英语点击一下“阿拉伯塔油砂的污染”,你会看到相关很多文章。转贴其中的一个:Alberta’s Oil Sands: Treasure Chest or Pandora’s Box?by Suzanne GodboutPlaying second fiddle only to Saudi Arabian reserves, Alberta’s oil sand deposits were declared by Time Magazine to be one of Canada’s greatest treasures. Yet, getting to this treasure exacts quite an extraordinary environmental price. Extracting the oil from the sand requires much more energy than exploiting traditional oil wells and the process subsequently ends up emitting a lot of greenhouse gases. As people become increasingly aware of the state of the environment and the changing climate, the high environmental stakes involved in exploiting Alberta’s oil sands are creating economic debates at a fevered pitch. Are we opening a treasure chest or Pandora’s box? With the recent explosion of investment in Alberta’s oil sands, Leslie Shiell of the Department of Economics, is asking himself the same question. In a forthcoming paper to be published in Canadian Public Policy, Shiell will expose the cost of the environmental damages caused by the exploitation of the Alberta oil sands, and expects that his paper will prove to be a catalyst for public debate on the issue.Environmental economists concern themselves with ? among other environmental issues ? both market and non-market damages caused by pollution. Market damages include the reduction of crop yields for farmers and the changes in prices brought about by this reduction, as well impacts on the forestry industries and the fisheries. Non-market damages take into account the human health effects, changes to the hydrological cycle, climate change, and the ill effects of pollution. Since the latter do not involve market transactions, they are difficult to evaluate in monetary terms. In spite of the challenge, Shiell and graduate student Suzanne Loney examined the level of greenhouse gas emitted by Suncor Energy as it worked to develop the oil sand deposits in northern Alberta ? and derived estimates for equivalent monetary damages. They wanted to know if Suncor would still be profitable if it had to pay for the damages its activities caused to the environment. Shiell’s findings were astonishing; if Suncor had to pay for damages caused by their greenhouse gas emissions, profits would plummet by approximately 27 per cent per barrel. “What is more, we only looked at greenhouse gas emissions,” emphasizes Shiell. “We did not include all the water used by such companies to extract the oil, which is becoming a more contentious issue in Alberta by the day as the province’s water supply continues to decline.” Shiell’s findings suggest that the costs of exploiting oil sands may far outweigh any benefits to society that they may provide.Shiell believes Suncor will respond to his findings by highlighting their awareness of the problem and dedication to finding solutions. The energy company is indeed exploring the option of using sequestration techniques to reduce the impact on the environment, a technique that involves trapping the gas before it escapes into the atmosphere, and putting it to better use. CO2 gas can be used to re-pressurize old oil wells, thus extending their life. It can also be used in a process known as coal-gasification, whereby natural gas is produced from coal without the emissions normally associated with the coal exploitation. While oil sands producers are not currently using these techniques, pilot projects are underway. Would the wider use of CO2 sequestration techniques make a difference in the economic equation for the environment? Shiell is of the strong opinion that the widespread use of these techniques would indeed reduce negative impacts to the environment, and the social cost associated with exploiting fossil fuels.With Alberta looking into water conservation and the federal government studying climate change and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, the oil sand industry will need to adapt to these contemporary concerns. Shiell hopes that his study will serve as an economic model that will help to take into account the social costs of the oil sand industry and reduce the damage to the environment.“We need to make sure that our means of producing energy is profitable not only from a corporate point of view but also from a social point of view,” says Shiell. “We need to ask ourselves what this is doing to our environment.”
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