加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息The Yoga Studio--14年来首开以中文教学
卡城最老字号的瑜伽教室“The Yoga Studio" 将于一月份在”Crowchild Square"首开以中文教学的瑜伽课。1.师资: The yoga Studio 高材生 Vivian Lee 2.上课时间:一月7日开始,每周四中午11:00~12:303.上课地点:LocationCrowchild SquareAddress:211, 5403 Crowchild Trail, NWCalgary, Alberta, T3B 4Z1Canada403-286-6161Yoga Studio North - Crowchild Square is located at the corner of 53 St and Crowchild Trail NW4.费用:RatesAll passes are valid at all Yoga Studio locations for use in drop-in classes.Punch-Card Drop-In Pass1 visit - $17 GST included1 week unlimited (new students only) - $20 + GST10 visits - $150 + GST20 visits - $276 + GSTUnlimited Drop-In Pass1 month - $125 + GST6 months - $620 + GST12 months - $1150 + GSTPlease note that our schedule and prices are subject to change.To purchase a pass please click hereThe yoga Studio 简介 5.The Yoga Studio 简介Why The Yoga Studio?•Established in 1996, we've been serving the community for 13 years.•We provide a safe, serene, supportive atmosphere leaving you feeling balanced and rejuvenated.•The Yoga Studios are committed to providing you with the highest quality classes in all areas of Yoga and Meditation.•Our teachers are senior certified teachers highly trained in the adaptation of posture to individual needs.Why Iyengar Hatha Yoga?•Maintain your active lifestyle and level of mobility•People of all ages and abilities adapt to postures with ease through the use of props•Clear, systematic, straightforward instruction•Progressive learning•Challenging with little risk of injury•Focus on alignment helps build strong backs6.报名方式:请直接向 The yoga studio 报名:报名电话:PhoneYOGA NORTHCrowchild Square: 403-286-6161 我老很欣慰!! 这是卡城所有主流yoga sudio首次开办以第二语言教学的的创举,不是法文,也不是印度文,而是华语。 这表示我们华人的实力在卡城慢慢受到重视啦。
回复: The Yoga Studio--14年来首开以中文教学Yoga in MandarinThurs 11:00am - 12:30pm $120.00 A beginner yoga class taught in Mandarin. This class is ideally suited for the practitioner with limited English. Studio Crowchild Square Dates Thu, Jan 7th - Feb 25th, 2010 Time 11:00am - 12:30pm Instructor Vivian Lee Vivian Lee:Vivian Lee has a Master degree of Art and her major was Drama in Taiwan. For the past 20 years, she has been dedicated in learning Chinese opera dance, Pantomime, Modern dance, Jazz dance and Yoga. She was also a Chinese opera performer back in Taiwan. After immigrating to Canada, she found only Yoga could fulfill her yearning for performing art and bringing her body and mind to a higher level peaceful state. She also believes that there are lots of similarities between these two ancient art forms (Chinese opera and Yoga) both in philosophy and Asana.She is currently completing her teacher training with the Yoga Studio College of Canada and is very excited that The Yoga Studio has given her this chance to share her passion and experience. 瑜伽教师简历李慧薇 ( Vivian Lee) 台湾文化大学艺术硕士学位 传统戏曲表演者毕业于台湾文化大学艺术系硕士,曾参与台湾《昆曲传习计划艺生》训练以及《汉唐乐府梨园戏艺生》计划并在汉唐乐府担任专业乐师及舞者.移民加拿大前多次参与台北国家剧院演出及带领表演团队到国外巡回演出。除了传统戏曲的训练,在国内也曾参与西方小剧场默剧以及接触即兴等肢体训练。到加拿大后,曾去卡城DJD爵士学校前后学习爵士舞5年,2003年后,开始学习瑜伽,并於2009年参与《Yoga Studio瑜伽师资班》接受一整年严格的训练,取得全球认可的艾杨格瑜伽教师资格。艾杨格瑜伽是一套结合科学和艺术严谨的瑜伽派别,教学中使用大量的道具和辅助方法帮助初学者或是各种程度的学生能够达到同样的舒展效果,是一套公认最有效的循序渐进的教学方法。慧薇有中国传统戏曲的基本功底再加上艾杨格瑜伽派别的严谨训练,相信可以使学生达到身心舒展的疗效。
回复: The Yoga Studio--14年来首开以中文教学新年新希望--免费赠送2~3位童鞋瑜伽礼券 诚征符合以下条件者:1.对瑜伽有点好奇和兴趣者2.星期四中午长期有空者3.从未在 The yoga Studio 上过任何课程的学生。4。1月7号以及1月14号中午11~12:30必能出席我在 The yoga Studio (Crowchild Square,5403 Crowchild trail NW)新开的瑜伽班的同学。符合楼上条件的前三名同学,可以在此报名或是送短信给我,我将僧送你们新同学体验班“一周无限制”上课的礼券。1 week unlimited (new students only) - $20 + GST这个礼券,你可以在一周内通行四个瑜伽教室,无限制的上课。诚征符合以下条件者:
·生活百科 来自3个不同的光伏系统的教训
·生活百科 尴尬的屋顶布局