加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息转帖华枫-卡城与其他加拿大城市之比较


加拿大本地人比较:Comparing Vancouver,Toronto and Calgary Toronto vs Calgary vs Vancouverand the answer from one of the members was quote:HiI have lived in Vancouver, Halifax, Montreal and Toronto and part of my family are living in Calgary.VancouverPros:Vancouver has easy access to nature (but skiing can cost a pretty penny). Seawall.Entertainment that is decent: Hockey, Bard on the Beach, Kits, beaches, Commerical Drive.It rarely snows.ConsVancouver real estate is the highest in Canada. Cost for a one bedroom condo in downtown core (what will actually hold value.. location location location) is higher than $350,000 + Rent is over $1300/month The summers are getting warmer and air conditioning is rare in ANY condos.. even new ones. The city lacks any culture or entertainment. People who think it is decent haven't travelled. The art gallery is horrifyingly small, many of the interesting night clubs are closing. Car Insurance is a surprise because it's provincially governed by ICBC so there is no competition... there for the cost is high. Gas cost is higher than all other Canadian cities.Food cost is higher than all other Canadian cities.There is no banking financial base in Vancouver other than HSBC. All the other hubs are in Toronto or Montreal.There are no highways. Traffic congestion is surprisingly bad for such a small city.The homeless and homicide rate is higher in Vancouver than ANY of the other cities.It rains... around October until May. Almost every day. So if you get depressed easily don't move here.During the Olympics it will chaos.. but fun.TorontoProsIn terms of job opportunities its one of the strongest. Transit is pretty good compared to most cities but expensive. Food is cheaper. All purchases... can be cheaper.. as long as you look. Insurance, gas, food, items, clothes... competition makes it more affordable.It's multicultural... truly..Entertainment is probably one of the best... Basketball, hockey (they suck), Stratford, club districts, AGO, ROM, and the various neighbourhoods... and restaurants are cheaper!!!Better access to schools, universities, libraries and healthcare than other cities... far better in fact.ConsIt can overwhelm you, people are more competitive.. which may not be a bad thing depending what you like.It snows... brrrrPollution but it's getting better.Rent downtown is expensive.. about the same as Vancouver but the quality of the building may be a bit better.Traffic can be hell.. use transit.Lake Ontario stinks in the summer.CALGARYProsOpportunities!! but it may have died down since the boom is now over.I think housing is dropping.. the hype has left.Highways!! transit isn't bad either.Cheaper food/merchandise cost.It's SUNNY!!!! and has mountains.. real ones..People are really nice here unlike Vancouver or toronto!ConsNow this city is REALLY COLDNo water...Small city.. less excitement..Conservative... no recycling!!

从明天起 做一个幸福的人?喂马,劈柴,周游世界 从明天起 关心粮食和蔬菜 我有一所房子 面朝大海,春暖花开?回复: 转帖华枫-卡城与其他加拿大城市之比较当卡尔加里遇到蒙特利尔2010-06-22 22:45:08当我从东方中国来到西方的加拿大时,感觉到文化冲击(Culture Shock) ,同样,从浸淫在加西牛仔文化里数载后,来到东部号称加拿大时尚之都的蒙特利尔,仍旧感觉到了这种Shock。这里采撷几个生活片段博君一笑:30秒内在大街上看到美女的概率:蒙特利尔:和在中国菜市场买的注水猪肉的概率相同。卡尔加里 :美女?哪儿?只看见前面有只剑齿龙在吃草。30秒内在大街上看到阳刚男人的概率:卡尔加里:答案见以上注水猪肉篇。蒙特利尔:阳刚?对不起,我们这里法文读作“Neat” 。听说我要从卡尔加里到蒙特利尔工作的反应:卡尔加里的鬼子:你丫真FXXX走运,到那个神仙都想下凡的地方。蒙特利尔的中国移民:傻X,你来我们这个鸟屎都挣不到地方来干吗?我们还要去你们那疙瘩呢。长腿美眉:蒙特利尔:那身材!卡尔加里:那身……………………………………………………………………….肉!时尚:蒙特利尔:风格,元素,品味,造型,混搭,潮流,色彩,前卫,复古,反叛,经典,发型,佩饰,性感,率性,狂野,淑女(哎,哎,丫废话真多,不就是紧透露嘛,说这么多,唐僧呀)。卡尔加里:水洗布衬衫,牛仔裤加牛仔boot就不是时尚了?再说,老娘喝够了啤酒就用我的GMC 4 X4撞你小样的。 牛仔裤:蒙特利尔:只能星期五穿,那叫时尚。卡尔加里:只能星期一到星期七穿,那叫工作服。 HOCKY卡尔加里:Go Flame Go. What? Flame lost? OK, Go Canadiens Go.蒙特利尔:Go Habs Go. Wait, wait, wait. What heck is Flame?限速牌:卡尔加里:没看见限速40吗?我38最安全。让那些傻叉Pickup在我后面吃土吧。蒙特利尔:靠,丫不会算算术呀,20加限速230,下次记住了,minimum,250。路面:卡尔加里:路面。蒙特利尔:悬架调校了吗?四轮定位了吗?轮胎充气了吗?准备上野地了吗? 路:卡尔加里:路。蒙特利尔:One-way 每5米一红绿灯Parallel-only 24小时有人值守进得去出不来绕晕了不管 只设法文标示超大型收费停车场。 车:蒙特利尔:周围的邻居不是开宝马就是开奔驰 ,你要是开一日本车呀 ,你都不好意思跟人家 打招呼。(节选自电影《大腕》)卡尔加里:用来拉土,砖,木,粮食,帐篷,睡袋,孩子,老婆,丈母娘等等多用途大容量可自行走式内燃驱动机械装置。法文:卡尔加里:French蒙特利尔:%―*……¥#・!~_+*()

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华人网不想在大城市了,从出生到现在一直在大城市,来到温哥华,这房价和工资的不对等更搞得无法呼吸。来加拿大又不是奔着这些来的,加上本人很佛系,现在就梦想找一份WFH的工作到乡 ...



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