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See to it that no one misses the grace of God. -- Hebrews 12:15回复: 寻CAR POOL...
See to it that no one misses the grace of God. -- Hebrews 12:15回复: 寻CAR POOLWhere is the start?
回复: 寻CAR POOLWhere is the start?点击展开...不好意思, 居然忘了! 理想START地点是21ST/7AVE NW CORNER附近, 或者NE的WHITEHORN CTRAIN站. 如果要DOWNTOWN, MALBOUROUGH 的C-TRAIN站也行.
See to it that no one misses the grace of God. -- Hebrews 12:15回复: 寻CAR POOL其实本来走过去是可以的, 不过那几条街都不设人行道, 也没有过马路的灯, 货车也多,感觉很危险,如果有人载一程就最好了。
See to it that no one misses the grace of God. -- Hebrews 12:15不好意思, 居然忘了! 理想START地点是21ST/7AVE NW CORNER附近, 或者NE的WHITEHORN CTRAIN站. 如果要DOWNTOWN, MALBOUROUGH 的C-TRAIN站也行. 从NW的START到目的地,我不会开车,所以不知道具体需要多长时间,只要提前几分钟到公司就OK. 从WHITEHORN C-TRAIN站到我的目的地只需要5分钟车程, 我刚查了地图, 4-5个BLOCK左右, 如果是从此地出发,理想时间是早上7点40-45分PICK ME UP.点击展开...I see, You can get there by bus No.33/No.57 at Marlborough station that time. Sorry about that,because my route is SW-Crowchild-9 Ave-Memprial-Barlow.
回复: 寻CAR POOLI see, You can get there by bus No.33/No.57 at Marlborough station that time. Sorry about that,because my route is SW-Crowchild-9 Ave-Memprial-Barlow.点击展开...The place I am living is just 2 blocks to Crowchild North. Would you mind to make a detour? ---> I can wait for you by the corner of 6 Ave/Crowchild Tr NW in the morning, you can go straight and then turn to 16 Ave W ---> Barlow Tr NE.
See to it that no one misses the grace of God. -- Hebrews 12:15回复: 寻CAR POOL怎样发寻找carpool的信息阿
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