加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息【求助】有谁最近要去多伦多?
061106递交申请;061122 - FN;080808 - S2信;081125 - 递交补料;090216 - ME;0902月底递交登陆费及护照;090301 - 体检;100118 - 17;100119-大信封;100210-短登卡尔加里;101023-长登卡尔加里;110104-LINC 5想请帮忙买本书。书店地址链接:http://www.booksforbusiness.com/hours.aspx十分感谢。点击展开...If you are in Canada, you can always order from a Chapters store if you have an ISBN number.
知足常乐。If you are in Canada, you can always order from a Chapters store if you have an ISBN number.点击展开...what's the differences between SKU and ISBN? I have SKU only. Thanks.
061106递交申请;061122 - FN;080808 - S2信;081125 - 递交补料;090216 - ME;0902月底递交登陆费及护照;090301 - 体检;100118 - 17;100119-大信封;100210-短登卡尔加里;101023-长登卡尔加里;110104-LINC 5回复: 求助有谁最近要去多伦多?Tried www.amazon.ca ?
Life is beautifulhttp://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=285400what's the differences between SKU and ISBN? I have SKU only. Thanks.点击展开...What is the name of the book and the name of the author(s)? ISBN is the unique number of a book.SKU code is usually the product code used to identify an item in a point-and-sale computer system.
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