加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息TOWNHOUSE的CONDO FEE里的保险一般都保哪些?



回复: TOWNHOUSE的CONDO FEE里的保险一般都保哪些?我在保险公司工作, 你可以电话咨询 403-456-0010 . TOWNHOUSE CONDO FEE 里的保险一般包括外墙而已, 有些甚至连门窗都不保, 所以住户要自己买室内财产险, 这个一般是要花费 $10-14/ MONTH.不是很贵. 尤其如果有车险,全保的话, 就能送给你这个CONDO 保单

回复: TOWNHOUSE的CONDO FEE里的保险一般都保哪些?我在保险公司工作, 你可以电话咨询 403-456-0010 . TOWNHOUSE CONDO FEE 里的保险一般包括外墙而已, 有些甚至连门窗都不保, 所以住户要自己买室内财产险, 这个一般是要花费 $10-14/ MONTH.不是很贵. 尤其如果有车险,全保的话, 就能送给你这个CONDO 保单点击展开...请问你是哪个保险公司的?

回复: TOWNHOUSE的CONDO FEE里的保险一般都保哪些?There're three typical ways to provide coverage through an condo association policy:Insures the basic building(s) (walls, roof, floors, elevators) but leaves to you the responsibility of insuring appliances, carpeting, cabinets, wall coverings, and other items in your unit, and in some instances the interior walls.Insures both the basic building(s) and the items within your unit other than personal property.Insures both basic building(s) and includes unit owner fixtures and improvements.Building Coverage When an association master policy insures some of the buildings, a condominium unit owners policy provides coverage for:Items not covered by the association master policy that may be your insurance responsibility.The value of building additions or alterations made by you, at your expense.Value added (If you've put in a better quality carpet than was originally there, for example, this coverage would make up the difference in case of loss).Damage to your unit not compensated because of the master policy deductible.Your Personal Property Coverage Because you have a large investment in your personal property, you need enough coverage to compensate you if you suffer a covered loss. Whatever type of association you live in, a good way to be certain you have adequate coverage is to complete an inventory form of your possessions and their purchase date and price. Put your inventory listing in a safe place outside your home. Photographs or video will supplement your inventory. To speed up your claim settlement if you have a covered loss, save receipts for major purchases. If you work from home If you operate an office or small business in your home, you may need special coverage. This will help make sure that you have the right kind of coverage. Putting it all together Condominium/association living has grown in popularity and the insurance industry has responded by providing a broad selection of coverages and policies. Remember, however, that conditions in condominium/association bylaws and other governing regulations may vary widely. Be certain that your policy covers any potential gaps in the condominium/association master policy.

每日房地产资讯赞反馈:jiayuancalgary 和 xxyyzz 2011-04-02#5 江 141 $0.00 回复: TOWNHOUSE的CONDO FEE里的保险一般都保哪些?我在一个代理公司, 代理5家保险公司, 具体价位和保险公司, 需要看你的具体室内财产的数额来定. 还是打我电话比较直接 403-456-0010. MONDAY-FRIDAY 9:00AM- 3:00PM , 周六要预约.

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