加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Country music southern BBQ
May 14th 2011 When May 14th, 2011 Mt.Pleasant Community Hall 622 22nd Ave NW Calgary, AB TicketsDinner and ConcertMay 14, 2011CA$40.00The Farmers & Ralph Boyd Johnson & The Inner City Outlaws[ame]http://www.no video.com/watch?v=wOYyMksPW_U&feature=player_embedded[/ame]
"A bottle of white, a bottle of red, perhaps a bottle of rosé instead?"小孩才分对错,成年人只看利弊。回复: Country music southern BBQ帮lz补充一下,票价$ 1.99http://meccamusic.org/the-farmers-may-14th-2011/
煮饭侠帮lz补充一下,票价$ 1.99http://meccamusic.org/the-farmers-may-14th-2011/点击展开...那个是网上付款转帐费。Dinner and ConcertMay 14, 2011CA$40.00CA$1.99
"A bottle of white, a bottle of red, perhaps a bottle of rosé instead?"小孩才分对错,成年人只看利弊。回复: Country music southern BBQ我的那个寒呀,就说咋这么便宜。。。。。
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