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具体操作 1。 Visit www.ingdirect.ca/referafriend 2。 Setup, 别忘了输入我的Orange Key 35915460S1 (可得25元奖励)开一个免费支票账户,存入100元,然后再把工资direct deposit 转过来 (就可得100元奖励) 我已经开了账户了,得了125元奖励 评论:1。此银行属于网上银行2。储蓄帐户相对别的银行利息高,贷款利息低3。服务基本上没有手续费,连电汇都是免费的 看看其它评论 http://www.redflagdeals.com/deals/main.php/alldeals/comments/get_100_for_depositing_payroll_in_ing_direct_thrive_free_chequing_account/ ING DIRECT Please note ING DIRECT will never ask you for any personal or account information by e-mail. Your friend wants you to save your money with ING DIRECT.What does this mean? It means that when you open an ING DIRECT account- be it an Investment Savings Account, RSP, or GIC with a minimum of $100 we'll start you off with a $25 bonus! Or if you're looking for a mortgage, why not get an unmortgage with ING DIRECT and get a $25 bonus too! All you have to do is enter Xin Zhong's ORANGE KEY35915460S1 and you're set to go. Visit www.ingdirect.ca/referafriend to learn more, or visitINGDIRECT.ca to start saving today! P.S. Don't forget to include your friend’s ORANGE KEY35915460S1 when you open an account to get your $25 bonus!------------------------- ® A registered trademark of ING Bank of Canada, a member of Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation. This offer is valid for new Clients who open an ING DIRECT Account with a minimum initial deposit of $100. The offer is limited to one$25 bonus per new account (including joint accounts) and is limited to one account per new Client. At ING DIRECT, we respect your privacy and the privacy of others.To read our privacy policy, visitwww.ingdirect.ca/en/privacy/index.html. If you receive an e-mail that asks you to provide confidential information such as your Client Number, account number, PIN or password, do not respond and do not click on any links included in the e-mail. Contact us immediately and forward the suspicious e-mail to [email protected]. ING DIRECT - 111 Gordon Baker Road, Toronto ON, M2H 3R1

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