加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息第一次买二手车,请问需要注意什么?谢谢


大家好,现在的情况是这样,我刚跟KIJIJI上一个中东人联系,去看了一下一部04年的雪佛兰Malibu,11万公里,5000左右,觉得不错,就交了定金500块,跟他说好的是,他今晚去换前风挡玻璃,明天他开车来我这边接我,去取车,然后开回我家,我付剩下的费用。然后我去找保险公司,等我找好了,他再来跟我一起去registry换牌照,结束。我第一次买二手车,不知道上面流程有没有什么隐患?他今天给我一张bill of sale,他跟我各执一份,分别签上字。就这么一个凭证。还有就是,因为我这周末上保险课,是不是在那之前都不应该买保险?还是跟保险公司的人说我将要上保险课就可以打折了?还有什么我没有想到的地方么?我有必要去做车检么?听说这边有些保险公司要求12年以上的车一定要车检才能上保险,我这个车倒没这个问题,车体我看了一下开了一圈也没啥大问题,一些小的挂擦问题也不大,车检还必要么?除了上述这些交钱、上保险、换车牌的事情外,还有别的什么需要做的么?谢谢大家了

自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。回复: 第一次买二手车,请问需要注意什么?谢谢唉,又让我抓到你了,怎么不在汽车板块发帖了呢。一般来说,你付完款了,对方应该把签好字的 Permit 给你,每个车证上面都为转手留好了签字的位置,签了字那个车才是你的,不然你钱付了,车还是别人的,放你家也不是你的。如果不能马上换拍照,对于双方完全不认识来说,一般的做法,是带钱到交通部,手续和钱两清。

回复: 第一次买二手车,请问需要注意什么?谢谢我是不会在没有完成修理之前交一分钱来下定的。

回复: 第一次买二手车,请问需要注意什么?谢谢是的,定金这种事情,最好不要给,不过已经给了,我也就没提。。。。

回复: 第一次买二手车,请问需要注意什么?谢谢是的,定金这种事情,最好不要给,不过已经给了,我也就没提。。。。点击展开...呵呵,又被你碰到了,谢谢你的回复啊,我也知道定金不太安全,不过看到那个人的房子跟现在开的车子(Hummer),我也就没太多想,以后一定注意。我也在想,不行明天就去registry把拍照过了,因为我保险还不知道什么时候能落实,他周日好像还要去菲律宾,还不知道什么时候回来。问题是我现在没有保险,过户没有影响是吧?还有就是,如果我现在过户了,以后办保险的时候我需要开车去么?还是自己人去就可以了?如果要车子去我没有保险又不能上路,总不可能让保险公司的人到我家来签保险把。。。还有,我现在拟定保险公司是一个叫Johnson的保险公司,不知道oops兄听过没有?好像比较便宜,不知道如果一样是第三者险,这边保险公司有没有什么大的差别?服务啊保费啊之类?谢谢啦,呵呵

自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。回复: 第一次买二手车,请问需要注意什么?谢谢一定要先把户过了,如果明天他没换挡风玻璃的话,就把换玻璃的钱直接扣下来好了,找GM的Dealer问价格。买保险不用开车去,一般来说要给车子照相,不过你可以说明一下,没保险不能开,先把保险买好,再开车过去让他们照相。Johnson 貌似价格好不错,价格是不是满意和你自身的情况关系很大,自己多对比才知道。

回复: 第一次买二手车,请问需要注意什么?谢谢一定要先把户过了,如果明天他没换挡风玻璃的话,就把换玻璃的钱直接扣下来好了,找GM的Dealer问价格。买保险不用开车去,一般来说要给车子照相,不过你可以说明一下,没保险不能开,先把保险买好,再开车过去让他们照相。Johnson 貌似价格好不错,价格是不是满意和你自身的情况关系很大,自己多对比才知道。点击展开...好的,oops,明白。我明天跟他直接去registry office把户给过了,然后慢慢办保险,反正车先是我的再说,对吗?我倒是有几个朋友都办的Johnson的,价格还不错,我到时候咨询一下吧,再次谢谢啦!呵呵

自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。回复: 第一次买二手车,请问需要注意什么?谢谢楼主办事有点急。

走自己的路让别人去说吧;是金子总会闪光的。回复: 第一次买二手车,请问需要注意什么?谢谢车况还比较满意?一般说来,汽车10万公里左右需要换正时皮带,这个估计小1000刀.找修车的帮你检查一下, 比如,轮胎,刹车,悬挂,发动机等等,价格在50-100之间.

尘埃落定往事如风回复: 第一次买二手车,请问需要注意什么?谢谢please call me, I am insurance agent , will let you know how check car condition and transfer car under your name I am Jenny. 403-456-0010 or 403-276-8333 ext 35 Car insurance with 10 hs training certificate, $99/ monthfor third party liability 1mm.

回复: 第一次买二手车,请问需要注意什么?谢谢好像是要先买保险,Registries才能给你办牌,我家前边买的两个二手车都是这样操作的。04年的车子不到10年根本就不需要车检和拍照的。除非你自己想。

2006年7月28日到达卡城2006年10月26日-2008年6月18日英语学习2008年7月14日-12月24日会计工作经验班2008年12月28日-现在会计师事务所工作2014年7月23日-现在 Nanaimo回复: 第一次买二手车,请问需要注意什么?谢谢楼主买车后来坛里询问,感觉有点Too急迫了。

太初有道,道与神同在,道就是神。天行健,君子以自强不息。谷神不死,是谓玄牝。玄牝之门,是谓天地根,绵绵若存,用之不勤。个人建议华人应该在加拿大积极参政,可以有效地保护华人的权益。回复: 第一次买二手车,请问需要注意什么?谢谢买车或房,若头脑发热的,出问题机会大,不容易挽回损失。

回复: 第一次买二手车,请问需要注意什么?谢谢楼主办事有点急。点击展开...谢谢旦旦的提醒,我以后会注意的,的确,有些时候我消费会比较冲动,呵呵。不过这次目前看来还不错,车险已经买了,Johnson公司的,一个月100不到一点,然后跟车主去Registry把过户手续办了,一切都还顺利吧,车子自己开回家的,也的确还可以,挡风玻璃跟轮胎都是新换的,唯一不太爽也的确不知道车主怎么考虑的是,四个轮胎虽然基本比较新,但好像都是冬季胎。。。夏天开可能会比较费油,但是既然是新胎我就不换了。。。省一点是一点吧。。。回来找同住的室友们帮着看了一下,也的确跟我看的感觉差不多,这个价还是不错的,车况什么的都还可以,听听声音也没什么杂音,唯一有问题的就是每次打火的时候油表指示正常,但是不到一分钟就跌到0了。。。其实油刚加满(加油的时候油枪自己停的),所以估计表有点问题,这个东西不知道能不能修。。。花费大不大。。。请旦旦及各位高手指点一下,谢谢了

自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。车况还比较满意?一般说来,汽车10万公里左右需要换正时皮带,这个估计小1000刀.找修车的帮你检查一下, 比如,轮胎,刹车,悬挂,发动机等等,价格在50-100之间.点击展开...谢谢Neverused的提醒,我抽个时间去看一下,但是不知道这边类似canadian tire这种店会不会故意夸大问题,然后多收钱呢?上次在坛子里看到一个朋友说好像检查完后除非英语特别好,否则检测结果和建议什么的估计也听不懂多少。。。我还真有点怵这个。。。不过还是谢谢您的建议,我看看近期抽个时间去看一下吧,我下面把我的Carproof结果贴出来,大家帮忙看一下,不过其实买也买了。。。呵呵,就当图个心里安慰吧。。。

自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。好像是要先买保险,Registries才能给你办牌,我家前边买的两个二手车都是这样操作的。04年的车子不到10年根本就不需要车检和拍照的。除非你自己想。点击展开...恩,谢谢斑竹的回复!我后来去保险公司问了也是这么跟我说的,一定要先有这边所谓的Pink card,也就是保险,才能过户,我办了保险才去把车拿回来的,呵呵,谢谢关注!

自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。楼主买车后来坛里询问,感觉有点Too急迫了。点击展开...谢谢您的提醒。的确,我也觉得这次单看整个购车过程是比较仓促,但是其实我在各网站上看车时间也有小一个月了,比较过不同车型,也看了不少评测,多少心里有一点底,加上没多少闲钱,呵呵,就只好把范围划在这个区间内了。但是您说的也对,有些事急确实容易出问题。今天虽然到目前还一切都可以,但是毕竟没有检车,里面是不是有什么故障我也真吃不准。不过有一点比较好的是,这个车就卖我车的那么一个车主,而且看外观原始漆基本也都保护的比较好,所以我觉得应该还是一个比较爱护车的人,所以心里稍微放心一点。最后还是谢谢您的提醒:)

自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。买车或房,若头脑发热的,出问题机会大,不容易挽回损失。点击展开...谢谢您的回复!您在好几个我的帖子里给我提出过建议和批评了,呵呵,非常感谢。您容我说句心里话,其实我觉得您真是一个很热心的人,就是有时候您有些措辞的确比较让人,或者说让我吧,比较难接受。。。激烈了点。。。呵呵。也许您这边时间呆的长了,我刚来,还是习惯于国内那些比较婉转的方式,好不好另说,但是要适应这边的交流方式是没错的。再次谢谢您的提醒,我下次更加谨慎一些,呵呵,谢谢

自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。回复: 第一次买二手车,请问需要注意什么?谢谢Your AutoCheck Vehicle History Report 2004 Chevrolet Malibu LSReport Run Date: 2011-07-05 08:35:32.840 EDTReport Summary Class: Mid Range Car - Lower Engine: 3.5L V6 SFI Country of Assembly: United States Vehicle Age: 7 year(s) Calculated Owners: N/A VIN: 1G1ZT548X4F238459 Year: 2004 Make: Chevrolet Model: Malibu LS Style/Body: Sedan 4D This vehicle's AutoCheck Score The AutoCheck Score is a summary of your vehicle's history. It lets you compare similar vehicles with ease.About the AutoCheck ScoreThis vehicle qualifies for Buyback Protection Safeguard your investment with AutoCheck Buyback Protection. It reduces the risk in buying a used vehicle.About Buyback ProtectionAccidentCheckReported accidents: 0 Title and ProblemCheckYour vehicle checks out! OdometerCheckYour vehicle checks out! Last Reported Odometer Reading: 23,635 Vehicle Use and EventCheckNo vehicle use reported View Full History AccidentCheckNot all accidents / issues are reported to AutoCheck. Your Vehicle Checks Out! There have been no accidents reported to AutoCheck for this 2004 Chevrolet Malibu LS (1G1ZT548X4F238459). AutoCheck receives its accident data from government sources and independent agencies, and based on the information available to us, we have found that no accidents have been reported on this vehicle. Title and ProblemCheckYour Vehicle Checks Out! AutoCheck's database for this 2004 Chevrolet Malibu LS (1G1ZT548X4F238459) shows no negative titles or other problems. When reported to AutoCheck, these events can indicate serious past damage or other significant problems, and disqualifies the vehicle for AutoCheck Buyback Protection. Check the Vehicle Use and EventCheck for reported accidents that can affect vehicle safety and value. 0 Problem(s) Reported: 15 Title/Problem areas checked: No abandoned title record No damaged title or major damage incident record No fire damaged title record No grey market title record No hail damage title record No insurance loss title or probable total loss record No junk or scrapped title record No manufacturer buyback/lemon title record No odometer problem title record No rebuilt/rebuildable title record No salvage title or salvage auction record No water damaged title record No NHTSA crash test record No frame/unibody damage record No recycling facility record OdometerCheckYour Vehicle Checks Out! AutoCheck examined the reported odometer readings reported to AutoCheck for this 2004 Chevrolet Malibu LS (1G1ZT548X4F238459) and no indication of an odometer rollback or tampering was found. AutoCheck uses business rules to determine if reported odometer readings are significantly less than previously reported values. Not all reported odometer readings are used. Title and auction events also report odometer tampering or breakage. 0 Problem(s) Reported: Mileage Date Reported 23,635 03/07/2005 Kilometers Vehicle Use and EventCheckNo Additional Information Reported! AutoCheck shows no additional vehicle uses or events reported to AutoCheck for this 2004 Chevrolet Malibu LS (1G1ZT548X4F238459). This includes reported vehicle uses such as rental or lease, and events such as whether the vehicle has been reported to have had a loan/lien or a duplicate title issued. Other events show if the vehicle has a reported accident and how many calculated accidents or if it has been reported stolen or repossessed. It is recommended to have pre-owned vehicles inspected by a third party prior to purchase. 0 Event(s) Reported: 6 Vehicle uses checked: No fleet, rental and/or lease use record No taxi use record No police use record No government use record No livery use record No driver education record 0 Event(s) Reported: 9 Vehicle events checked: No accident record reported through accident data sources No corrected title record No duplicate title record No emission/safety inspection record No loan/lien record No fire damage incident record No repossessed record No theft record No storm area registration/title record Full HistoryBelow are the historical events for this vehicle listed in chronological order. Any discrepancies will be in bold text.Report Run Date 2011-07-05 08:35:32.840 EDTVehicle: 2004 Chevrolet Malibu LS (1G1ZT548X4F238459) Event date Location Odometer reading Data Source Details 07/02/2004 WHITE ROCK, BC Motor Vehicle Dept. CANADIAN RENEWAL 03/07/2005 CANADA 23,635 Auto Auction REPORTED AT AUTO AUCTION 06/21/2005 CALGARY, AB Motor Vehicle Dept. CANADIAN RENEWAL 10/31/2005 CALGARY, AB Motor Vehicle Dept. CANADIAN RENEWAL 10/23/2007 CALGARY, AB Motor Vehicle Dept. CANADIAN RENEWAL 09/22/2008 CALGARY, AB Motor Vehicle Dept. CANADIAN RENEWAL 10/21/2009 CALGARY, AB Motor Vehicle Dept. CANADIAN RENEWAL 10/22/2010 CALGARY, AB Motor Vehicle Dept. CANADIAN RENEWAL AutoCheck Terms and Conditions This report, and any reliance upon it, is subject to AutoCheck Terms and Conditions . If you obtained the report from a dealer, the dealer has been provided with these Terms & Conditions and can share them with you. These AutoCheck Terms and Conditions are also available at any time at www.autocheck.com/terms or by writing to Experian: Experian Automotive C/O AutoCheck Customer Service 955 American Lane Schaumburg IL 60173 Buyback Protection Terms and Conditions This vehicle (1G1ZT548X4F238459) qualifies for AutoCheck Buyback Protection . If you obtained the report from a dealer, the dealer has been provided with the terms and can share them with you. These Buyback Protection Terms and Conditions are also available to you at any time at www.autocheck.com/bbpterms or by writing to Experian: Experian Automotive C/O AutoCheckCustomer Service 955 American Lane Schaumburg IL 60173 About AutoCheck AutoCheck vehicle history reports by Experian Automotive is the leading vehicle history reporting service. With expert data handling, the Experian Automotive database houses over 4 billion records on a half a billion vehicles. Every AutoCheck vehicle history report will give you confidence when buying or selling your next used vehicle, with superior customer service every step of the way.

自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。回复: 第一次买二手车,请问需要注意什么?谢谢Your AutoCheck Vehicle History Report 2004 Chevrolet Malibu LSReport Run Date: 2011-07-05 08:35:32.840 EDTReport Summary Class: Mid Range Car - Lower Engine: 3.5L V6 SFI Country of Assembly: United States Vehicle Age: 7 year(s) Calculated Owners: N/A VIN: 1G1ZT548X4F238459 Year: 2004 Make: Chevrolet Model: Malibu LS Style/Body: Sedan 4D This vehicle's AutoCheck Score The AutoCheck Score is a summary of your vehicle's history. It lets you compare similar vehicles with ease.About the AutoCheck ScoreThis vehicle qualifies for Buyback Protection Safeguard your investment with AutoCheck Buyback Protection. It reduces the risk in buying a used vehicle.About Buyback ProtectionAccidentCheckReported accidents: 0 Title and ProblemCheckYour vehicle checks out! OdometerCheckYour vehicle checks out! Last Reported Odometer Reading: 23,635 Vehicle Use and EventCheckNo vehicle use reported View Full History AccidentCheckNot all accidents / issues are reported to AutoCheck. Your Vehicle Checks Out! There have been no accidents reported to AutoCheck for this 2004 Chevrolet Malibu LS (1G1ZT548X4F238459). AutoCheck receives its accident data from government sources and independent agencies, and based on the information available to us, we have found that no accidents have been reported on this vehicle. Title and ProblemCheckYour Vehicle Checks Out! AutoCheck's database for this 2004 Chevrolet Malibu LS (1G1ZT548X4F238459) shows no negative titles or other problems. When reported to AutoCheck, these events can indicate serious past damage or other significant problems, and disqualifies the vehicle for AutoCheck Buyback Protection. Check the Vehicle Use and EventCheck for reported accidents that can affect vehicle safety and value. 0 Problem(s) Reported: 15 Title/Problem areas checked: No abandoned title record No damaged title or major damage incident record No fire damaged title record No grey market title record No hail damage title record No insurance loss title or probable total loss record No junk or scrapped title record No manufacturer buyback/lemon title record No odometer problem title record No rebuilt/rebuildable title record No salvage title or salvage auction record No water damaged title record No NHTSA crash test record No frame/unibody damage record No recycling facility record OdometerCheckYour Vehicle Checks Out! AutoCheck examined the reported odometer readings reported to AutoCheck for this 2004 Chevrolet Malibu LS (1G1ZT548X4F238459) and no indication of an odometer rollback or tampering was found. AutoCheck uses business rules to determine if reported odometer readings are significantly less than previously reported values. Not all reported odometer readings are used. Title and auction events also report odometer tampering or breakage. 0 Problem(s) Reported: Mileage Date Reported 23,635 03/07/2005 Kilometers Vehicle Use and EventCheckNo Additional Information Reported! AutoCheck shows no additional vehicle uses or events reported to AutoCheck for this 2004 Chevrolet Malibu LS (1G1ZT548X4F238459). This includes reported vehicle uses such as rental or lease, and events such as whether the vehicle has been reported to have had a loan/lien or a duplicate title issued. Other events show if the vehicle has a reported accident and how many calculated accidents or if it has been reported stolen or repossessed. It is recommended to have pre-owned vehicles inspected by a third party prior to purchase. 0 Event(s) Reported: 6 Vehicle uses checked: No fleet, rental and/or lease use record No taxi use record No police use record No government use record No livery use record No driver education record 0 Event(s) Reported: 9 Vehicle events checked: No accident record reported through accident data sources No corrected title record No duplicate title record No emission/safety inspection record No loan/lien record No fire damage incident record No repossessed record No theft record No storm area registration/title record Full HistoryBelow are the historical events for this vehicle listed in chronological order. Any discrepancies will be in bold text.Report Run Date 2011-07-05 08:35:32.840 EDTVehicle: 2004 Chevrolet Malibu LS (1G1ZT548X4F238459) Event date Location Odometer reading Data Source Details 07/02/2004 WHITE ROCK, BC Motor Vehicle Dept. CANADIAN RENEWAL 03/07/2005 CANADA 23,635 Auto Auction REPORTED AT AUTO AUCTION 06/21/2005 CALGARY, AB Motor Vehicle Dept. CANADIAN RENEWAL 10/31/2005 CALGARY, AB Motor Vehicle Dept. CANADIAN RENEWAL 10/23/2007 CALGARY, AB Motor Vehicle Dept. CANADIAN RENEWAL 09/22/2008 CALGARY, AB Motor Vehicle Dept. CANADIAN RENEWAL 10/21/2009 CALGARY, AB Motor Vehicle Dept. CANADIAN RENEWAL 10/22/2010 CALGARY, AB Motor Vehicle Dept. CANADIAN RENEWAL AutoCheck Terms and Conditions This report, and any reliance upon it, is subject to AutoCheck Terms and Conditions . If you obtained the report from a dealer, the dealer has been provided with these Terms & Conditions and can share them with you. These AutoCheck Terms and Conditions are also available at any time at www.autocheck.com/terms or by writing to Experian: Experian Automotive C/O AutoCheck Customer Service 955 American Lane Schaumburg IL 60173 Buyback Protection Terms and Conditions This vehicle (1G1ZT548X4F238459) qualifies for AutoCheck Buyback Protection . If you obtained the report from a dealer, the dealer has been provided with the terms and can share them with you. These Buyback Protection Terms and Conditions are also available to you at any time at www.autocheck.com/bbpterms or by writing to Experian: Experian Automotive C/O AutoCheckCustomer Service 955 American Lane Schaumburg IL 60173 About AutoCheck AutoCheck vehicle history reports by Experian Automotive is the leading vehicle history reporting service. With expert data handling, the Experian Automotive database houses over 4 billion records on a half a billion vehicles. Every AutoCheck vehicle history report will give you confidence when buying or selling your next used vehicle, with superior customer service every step of the way.

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