加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Winter Storm Warning!! November 29, 2011


Just got a storm warning email from my colleague: Snowfall amounts of 10 cm and blowing snow expected by Wednesday morning. This is a warning that dangerous winter weather conditions are imminent or occurring in these regions. Monitor weather conditions...Listen for updated statements. Details An intense low pressure system off the northern tip of Vancouver Island is expected to move across the Rockies after midnight. As the system redevelops in Southern Alberta many forecast regions will experience a brief risk of freezing rain. The precipitation will then quickly transition to snow as upslope flow develops about the low. Snowfall accumulations of 10 cm or more should be expected by Wednesday morning for the City of Calgary, Kananaskis, Okotoks, and Airdrie forecast regions. As the low moves eastwards strong northerly winds will develop behind it generating widespread blowing snow in the City of Calgary, Airdrie and Okotoks regions. The Weather Network has not received any currently-active public alerts for this location. Environmental Specialist Air, Climate Change and Energy Environmental and SustainabilityEnvironmental & Safety Management The City of Calgary PO Box 2100, Stn. M, Mail Code 8020Calgary, Alberta T2P 2M5

煮饭侠回复: Winter Storm Warning!! November 29, 2011看来今天得去趟大统华

We may not know what the future holds, but we can trust the One who holds the future.回复: Winter Storm Warning!! November 29, 2011看来我儿子得把滑雪板准备好了。

09.11.1 长登卡尔加里2016 转战大温开店 北本拿比注册按摩师 注册针灸师回复: Winter Storm Warning!! November 29, 2011看来我儿子可以打人生中第一次雪仗了

2009.9.12DHL寄出申请 |2009.11.30收到RN |2009.12.30 签发FN | 2010.11.24 变5 |2010.12.11 体检 |2011.1.7 变8 |2011.1.17 变12 |2011.9.6 DM |2011.9.28 VISA到 |2011.11.23登卡城回复: Winter Storm Warning!! November 29, 201110厘米不算什么雪了。

走自己的路让别人去说吧;是金子总会闪光的。回复: Winter Storm Warning!! November 29, 2011看来我的车可以派上用场了。。。

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