加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息RRSP 的疑问
RRSP 是可以随时支取的吗? 如果支取了RRSP, 要补交税款吗? 请懂RRSP 的童鞋给俺上上课呀。。。俺要补补RRSP 的知识。。。 谢谢!
回复: RRSP 的疑问对, 取出来跟你年收入合在一起报税的, 所以说, 高收入时要买和存RRSP, 可抵税, 低收入时要取出来用RRSP, 因交税少.
一旦你拥有房产, 你就拥有了家园,土地,财富和主权.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: RRSP 的疑问RRSP是延税,并不抵税
回复: RRSP 的疑问RRSP为0, 感觉没啥必要买。
回复: RRSP 的疑问RRSP是延税,并不抵税点击展开...谢谢你的纠正, 俺讲的抵税是减税的含义. RRSP 即减税也延税, 减税是大头: 建立RRSP账户并进行投资有如下好处: 1.即时省税(减税),假如个人税率是40%的纳税人买了$10000的RRSP,在当年可以少交税款$4000。 2.延税复利增长,假设这$10000有10%的增长,即$1000元/年的收入,在RRSP内一直可以不交税且利滚利;而在RRSP外,则每年要交税。 3.可以为低收入或没有收入的配偶买配偶RRSP。 4.通过长年积累,为自己安享晚年打下扎实的财务基础。 5.每人最多可从RRSP提取$20000用于第一次购买自住房,而不用交税。 RRSP的限额为上一年收入(Earned Income,不包括银行利息、股票投资收入等)的18%,但不能超过$14500的限额。每年报税以后,加拿大税务局会书面通知你的RRSP额度。
一旦你拥有房产, 你就拥有了家园,土地,财富和主权.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: RRSP 的疑问请问一下马龙,RRSP 可以经常支取吗? 例如,我现在把钱(5000)存入RRSP用于延税,等2月份把钱再取出来用了,用于还贷款(假设明年收入很低,RRSP 可以延税),然后如果8月份攒了一定的钱(例如5000元)又存入,这样可以吗?是不是余额不超额度就行? 还是发生额不能超额度? 例如,额度是10000元,2月存入8000,然后全部取出用了,5月存入7000,一个月后取出用了。这样余额不超额度,但是发生额(8000+7000)超额度了。这样是不是不可以? 问的有点乱了。不知大家明白我要问啥没?
回复: RRSP 的疑问RRSP的目的是等你60岁以后用的,在这之前,一旦取出,额度就算没了,没必要还回去了。
回复: RRSP 的疑问A registered retirement saving plan is a retirement saving plan registered with the CRA. Individuals may set up RRSPs with insurance companies, banks, trust companies, mutual funds, or other licensed issuers. Contributions to RRSPs may be invested in a variety of instruments suchs term deposits, GICs, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or T-Bills. The investments available vary with the institution and the type of RRSP. The Income Tax Act restricts what types of investments an RRSP can hold. For example, an RRSP may not invest in real property, commodities, collectibles, uninsured mortgages on property owned by the RRSP annuitant and stocks losted on stock exchanges that are not "designated' in the Act. An RRSP is an excellent tax deferral mechanism suitable for the average taxpayer. Eligible RRSP contributions are deducted directly from income reported on the tax return, which means that contributors save taxes at their current-year tax rates. In addition to the initial tax savings received when contributions are made, all income earned by investments within an RRSP accumulates tax-free until it is withdrawn. RRSP funds are generally not taxable until paid out to or withdrawn by the taxpayer. The intent is that funds be withdrawn upon retirement, usually by way of annuity or other form of periodic payment. However, the funds may, in fact, be withdrawn at any time and used for other purposes. The important thing to remember is that all funds withdrawn are usually subject to tax. Therefore, it is wise to seek tax advice before making withdrawals, especially if the amounts involved are large.
回复: RRSP 的疑问Individuals may contribute either to an RRSP where they are the annuitant or to a "Spousal or common-law partner RRSP" where their spouse or common-law partner is the annuitant of the plan. No matter whick kind of plan they contribute to, they may claim deductions for their contributions up to their maximum allowable RRSP deduction limits for the years. Contributions may be deducted in the year in which they are made, or may be carried forward and deducted in any subsequent year. In addition, RRSP contributions made in the first sixty days of a taxation year can be deducted on the prior year's return. Taxpayers may make contributions to their own RRSPs until the end of the year in which they turn 71, or to spouseal or common-law partner RRSPs until the end of the year in which the spouse or common-law partner turns 71.
回复: RRSP 的疑问谢谢你的纠正, 俺讲的抵税是减税的含义. RRSP 即减税也延税, 减税是大头: 建立RRSP账户并进行投资有如下好处: 1.即时省税(减税),假如个人税率是40%的纳税人买了$10000的RRSP,在当年可以少交税款$4000。 2.延税复利增长,假设这$10000有10%的增长,即$1000元/年的收入,在RRSP内一直可以不交税且利滚利;而在RRSP外,则每年要交税。 3.可以为低收入或没有收入的配偶买配偶RRSP。 4.通过长年积累,为自己安享晚年打下扎实的财务基础。 5.每人最多可从RRSP提取$20000用于第一次购买自住房,而不用交税。 RRSP的限额为上一年收入(Earned Income,不包括银行利息、股票投资收入等)的18%,但不能超过$14500的限额。每年报税以后,加拿大税务局会书面通知你的RRSP额度。 点击展开...请问: 既然RRSP的限额为上一年收入的18%, 如果配偶没有收入,则其RRSP的限额为0,怎么能为没有收入的配偶买RRSP呢?
回复: RRSP 的疑问Although RRSPs are intended primarily as retirement savings vehicles, the government allows first-time home buyers to withdraw up to $25,000 from their RRSPs to finance the purchase or building of a principal residence. The withdrawals may be made tax-free, providing certain rules are followed. However, the tax deferral is only temporary: the money must be repaid to the RRSP over a period of 15 years, beginning the second year after withdrawal. If the money is not repaid as required, the amount will be added to income. Taxpayers may withdraw funds from their RRSPs tax-free to finace their own education or that of their spouses or common-law partners. This program, which is similar in many ways to the Home Buyers' Plan, is called the Lifelong Learning Plan(LLP). Under the LLP, taxpayers may withdraw up to $10,000 in a calendar year, to a maximum of $20,000 over a period of up to four calendar years.
回复: RRSP 的疑问请问: 既然RRSP的限额为上一年收入的18%, 如果配偶没有收入,则其RRSP的限额为0,怎么能为没有收入的配偶买RRSP呢?点击展开...用自己的额度为配偶买。
回复: RRSP 的疑问你是不是把TFSA当成RRSP了!
回复: RRSP 的疑问用自己的额度为配偶买。点击展开...明白了,多谢。
回复: RRSP 的疑问楼上的都家声望了。谢谢KEVEN 发上来的信息,现在有点概念了。不过还有一个地方没看懂。 关于repaid to RRSP after withdrawal, begining the second after withdrawal. 那是说我只能在第二年归还呢? 还是我可以随时归还呢?
回复: RRSP 的疑问请问明年(2012年)1月1号到3月1号交的可以用来抵2011的税的是算今年的还是明年的额度?
回复: RRSP 的疑问请问明年(2012年)1月1号到3月1号交的可以用来抵2011的税的是算今年的还是明年的额度?点击展开...2011
回复: RRSP 的疑问RRSP每年都投满, 还是被扣很多税. 郁闷死!
回复: RRSP 的疑问RRSP每年都投满, 还是被扣很多税. 郁闷死! 点击展开...显摆贴
回复: RRSP 的疑问楼上的都家声望了。谢谢KEVEN 发上来的信息,现在有点概念了。不过还有一个地方没看懂。 关于repaid to RRSP after withdrawal, begining the second after withdrawal. 那是说我只能在第二年归还呢? 还是我可以随时归还呢?点击展开...我知道的RRSP withdrawal然后repaid 是用于第一次购买自住房,这个不用交税,只要你好像15年之内还回去就OK。 其他的withdrawal(不用于第一次购买自住房),你把钱取出来之后银行(或者相关机构)当时就给扣30%多的税了,而且好像没有repaid 一说。 我的感觉跟楼上一位朋友一样,你好像把TFSA和RRSP混淆了
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