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With Alberta and Saskatchewan forecast to lead Canadian economic performance across the country in 2012, there are whispers of the b-word - boom - entering back into conversations about recruitment for the year ahead.It is putting employees back into the driver's seat and employers in both provinces are all too familiar with the headaches and challenges that trend can entail when it comes to supplying - and keeping - the labour needed to fuel the billions of dollars of projects on the books.An informal survey of some of the city's leading recruitment firms shows that, for the most part, they are all hearing the same things from their clients about the top labour issues that will affect them in 2012. Here is a glimpse into what they have to say about trends for the year ahead.Labour shortagesThree or four years ago, recruiters were scrambling to find enough talent to keep their businesses and major infrastructure projects moving forward. It may not be a boom like the one experienced in 2007-08, but employers are beginning to feel the labour crunch again, according to recruiters."The war for talent (is) back," says Nick Bishop of the Hay Group in Calgary. "Despite the world's economic issues, the commodity-based economies are still doing well. Because people are in short supply, we have to be very effective in the way that we use people and we know that motivated people achieve a lot more."In Alberta alone, the province is forecasting a shortfall of 114,000 workers over the next decade, a number 48 per cent higher than predicted during the recession in 2009. Shannon Bowen-Smed, with Bowen Workforce Solutions Inc. in Calgary, says smart employers are working to get ahead of the impending talent crunch before its full effect is felt later in 2012."Oil prices are to remain positive and it is quickly shifting to an employees' market again, similar to that of 2008," Bowen-Smed said."The overarching message is that a company wants to be proactive with its talent . . . recruitment - not reactive."Janet Salopek, president of Salopek Consulting Ltd., says it's a return to the familiar for many organizations. "Labour shortage issues never went away, it was just temporarily put on hold due to the economy," she says. "The Alberta market is recovering faster than other provinces and the oil and gas sector, in particular, is beginning to experience shortages."RetentionWhen employees are scarce, employers need to hang onto their workforce to take full advantage of the upswing in economic activity. Sid Mark, president of Friday Professional Group Inc., says employers are looking back to more flexible work structures and compensation packages, along with employee engagement and policies to support professional development."As a result, the focus (for employers) is to hire top talent and for employees, it is searching for opportunities for a better work-life balance," Mark says.AttractionEmployers will also be casting their recruitment nets farther afield as they search for people to fill empty positions in 2012, recruiters say. "Consider nontraditional labour pools as hiring options," Bowen-Smed says. "Listen to (employees') feedback and take action."Career managementThe combination of aging boomers who are delaying retirement and a new wave of young people who expect more challenging career opportunities much faster than previous generations will put additional pressure on employers in the year ahead. "More than ever before, organizations are struggling to manage career expectations as those organizations increasingly become flatter," says Glenn Tibbles, of Knightsbridge Human Capital Solutions.SuccessionGiven the tight hiring environment heading into 2012, companies will have to put more focus on keeping the entire talent pipeline moving as the year progresses, according to Salopek. It ties together many human resources policies and issues as firms review "total compensation," the financial compensation combined with the "intangible" offerings such as child care, flex and vacation days, as well as things such as work-life balance. The overriding message for employers in 2012 is to be on their toes. For employees and job hunters, they may have more opportunities to pursue better job opportunities, but they shouldn't take anything for granted and should be smart about how - and when - they decide to take that next job offer."The smart people are already anticipating next year's ware for talent and are reviewing policies for compensation, attraction and retention, and their ability to get the best out of their people," Bishop, of the Hay Group, says.Read more: http://www.calgaryherald.com/business/Firms+look+avoid+talent+crunch/5944845/story.html#ixzz1jNISdiB0

回复: ZT: Labour shortages againVery Good!

知足常乐。回复: ZT: Labour shortages again好消息!

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