加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请教在SAIT读ESL的问题!
各位好.你们知道现在在SAIT读ESL申请FUNDING每月大概有多少?可以申请免学费吗?读FULL TIME的学费每一期都要一千多.FUNDING够用吗?谢谢!
回复: 请教在SAIT读ESL的问题!借楼主的帖子问个问题:读SAIT的PART-TIME课程,是否需要高中成绩单?我在网站上查,没看到有明确的说明。
/2009.7.7投妥SYDNEY/2010.02.20毕业。待业中。。。。。。。。回复: 请教在SAIT读ESL的问题!不需要。交钱就上。
回复: 请教在SAIT读ESL的问题!要有英语成绩吧?
回复: 请教在SAIT读ESL的问题!读esl拿funding的话学费直接转给学校,剩下的以支票形式给你,一家三口一个月大概1700左右。
09.11.1 长登卡尔加里2016 转战大温开店 北本拿比注册按摩师 注册针灸师要有英语成绩吧?点击展开...不要。
回复: 请教在SAIT读ESL的问题!读esl拿funding的话学费直接转给学校,剩下的以支票形式给你,一家三口一个月大概1700左右。点击展开...山野驿站。我也准备去卡尔加里,去了之后一定上山野驿站的语言学校。山野驿站登陆卡尔加里,你的避暑别墅怎么处置了?
窝窝头就咸菜:2009.12.30妥投悉尼; 2010.5.17大信封到手;2010.6.24登陆Regina进度:http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=303483各位好.你们知道现在在SAIT读ESL申请FUNDING每月大概有多少?可以申请免学费吗?读FULL TIME的学费每一期都要一千多.FUNDING够用吗?谢谢!点击展开...SAIT 的ESL还有没有FUNDING这个问题要先搞清楚
赏 借楼主的帖子问个问题:读SAIT的PART-TIME课程,是否需要高中成绩单?我在网站上查,没看到有明确的说明。点击展开...不需要高中成绩单但英语测试需要达到一定水平,否则只能先上LINC
回复: 请教在SAIT读ESL的问题!sait esl 至今都有FUNDING
回复: 请教在SAIT读ESL的问题!不要。点击展开...就你了解,有哪些专业?
回复: 请教在SAIT读ESL的问题!不需要高中成绩单但英语测试需要达到一定水平,否则只能先上LINC点击展开...多谢解答
/2009.7.7投妥SYDNEY/2010.02.20毕业。待业中。。。。。。。。各位好.你们知道现在在SAIT读ESL申请FUNDING每月大概有多少?可以申请免学费吗?读FULL TIME的学费每一期都要一千多.FUNDING够用吗?谢谢!点击展开...LZ能否提供以下申请FUNGING的信息,谢谢。
赏 读esl拿funding的话学费直接转给学校,剩下的以支票形式给你,一家三口一个月大概1700左右。点击展开...谢谢!
回复: 请教在SAIT读ESL的问题!sait esl 至今都有FUNDING点击展开...谢谢!
回复: 请教在SAIT读ESL的问题!LZ能否提供以下申请FUNGING的信息,谢谢。点击展开...http://sait.ca/pages/studentservices/paying4it/grantsaltfunding/index.shtml看看这个网址上的信息是否对你有用.
回复: 请教在SAIT读ESL的问题!sait esl 至今都有FUNDING点击展开...请问你知道SAIT读ESL申请FUNDING的资格是什么吗?谢谢!
回复: 请教在SAIT读ESL的问题!http://sait.ca/pages/studentservices/paying4it/grantsaltfunding/index.shtml看看这个网址上的信息是否对你有用.点击展开...谢谢LZ,加声望了
赏 请问你知道SAIT读ESL申请FUNDING的资格是什么吗?谢谢!点击展开...SAIT网站上有详细说明http://sait.ca/pages/studentservices/paying4it/ELFSIPApplication.shtmlSTEP 1 - Review the basic eligibility criteriaTo be eligible for SIP funding, the following criteria must be met:You must be an Alberta resident at the time of application.You must be 18 years of age at the start of your program.You have been out of high school for 12 or more consecutive months.Students requesting ESL funding through the Skills Investment (SIP) for English Language Foundations (ELF) at SAIT must provide information (card or letter) from ILVARC indicating their current benchmark levels and how much LINC programming they have taken. Technically, SIP applicants should exhaust all LINC hours prior to applying for SIP funding for ELF at SAIT. LINC programming should bring a student to Level 5 Reading/Writing and Level 6 Listening/Speaking. However, if an applicant is able to prove (via ILVARC letter) that they either cannot access LINC on a full time basis due unavailable programs/waitlists and part time training is not a viable option, they may be considered for SIP funding for ELF.You will be/are attending full-time study.If you are currently unemployed: You must be prepared to provide documentation showing that you've been looking for work for a minimum of 3-6 months (since date of unemployment). Your job search should demonstrate that you have applied for an average for 30+ jobs, per month of unemployment, in a variety of fields for which you think you would qualify. Job search activities will be checked for authenticity, so please be prepared to provide proof of application.If you are currently employed, review the Counsel to Leave Employment process, to see you are applicable. If not, please continue with the steps below.You must ready, willing and able to attend training.You are in financial need.If funded, you must make acceptable progress and attend regularly.STEP 2 - Follow and complete registration process for the English Language Foundations (ELF) program. This will require completion of a CLBA exam or provision of previous CLBA assessment. Please contact English Language Foundations for details. Please note, SIP does not work with students until they have been registered in the ELF program.STEP 3 - If you meet the above criteria, please complete and submit the Assessment Form (*.xls file; opens new browser window). This can also be completed at the SIP office located in the Heart Building. (MC221) The online assessment helps both you and your SIP Advisor to determine your initial funding eligibility or possible issues that must be addressed prior to funding. Note: The assessment form is NOT the SIP Alberta Works Application form. Completion of this form occurs later if you are eligible for funding.STEP 4 - Save a soft copy of the completed Assessment Form and e-mail it to Skills Investment (a printed paper version is NOT acceptable). Your assessment should be saved as legal first name and last name and the date you completed the form (for example: John Doe Jan 16-08.xls).STEP 5 - You will be contacted by your SIP advisor about your assessment within 7-10 business days. You will be contacted by e-mail so please ensure you have a reliable e-mail account. (We have recently had trouble sending information to Yahoo and Hotmail accounts). The advisor will discuss any potential concerns related to your eligibility and ask you to provide the additional documents as outlined below.Career Research Package (includes Career Research, Personal planning, *Job Search Form if you have not received CLE); *.doc fileELF Program PlanCLBA resultsCurrent resumeThis package must be completed and submitted prior to your first meeting with an SIP advisor. If you have questions or concerns with the package, please contact us. All above documentation must be submitted at the same time to the SIP office either via e-mail, fax or in person. The SIP office will not accept incomplete packages as receiving one or two items at a time may result in lost material.STEP 6 - Once your information has been reviewed to ensure all required documentation is submitted and complete as indicated above, you will be contacted by the SIP office for an appointment. If you have not received any feedback within 10-15 business days, please contact the SIP office to determine your application status.STEP 7 - Upon meeting with your SIP advisor, you will be provided with an AE&I Alberta Works Funding form. This form must be completed by you and returned to the SIP office. It is then reviewed and sent to Alberta Student Finance for final determination of funding. You should receive information regarding your funding in 4-8 weeks via a letter from Alberta Student Finance.IMPORTANT NOTICE, should you plan to engage in further training in a SAIT certificate or diploma program following your completion of SAIT's English Language Foundations course(s):If you have received any educational certification, diploma, degree, or higher from Canada or any other country within the last four years, your SIP application for funding for further training will automatically be declined as it is assumed that such recent education can lead to viable employment within Canada. This decision can be appealed through the SIP office but must be accompanied with an extensive job search as proof of lack of employment.
回复: 请教在SAIT读ESL的问题!SAIT网站上有详细说明http://sait.ca/pages/studentservices/paying4it/ELFSIPApplication.shtmlSTEP 1 - Review the basic eligibility criteriaTo be eligible for SIP funding, the following criteria must be met:You must be an Alberta resident at the time of application.You must be 18 years of age at the start of your program.You have been out of high school for 12 or more consecutive months.Students requesting ESL funding through the Skills Investment (SIP) for English Language Foundations (ELF) at SAIT must provide information (card or letter) from ILVARC indicating their current benchmark levels and how much LINC programming they have taken. Technically, SIP applicants should exhaust all LINC hours prior to applying for SIP funding for ELF at SAIT. LINC programming should bring a student to Level 5 Reading/Writing and Level 6 Listening/Speaking. However, if an applicant is able to prove (via ILVARC letter) that they either cannot access LINC on a full time basis due unavailable programs/waitlists and part time training is not a viable option, they may be considered for SIP funding for ELF.You will be/are attending full-time study.If you are currently unemployed: You must be prepared to provide documentation showing that you've been looking for work for a minimum of 3-6 months (since date of unemployment). Your job search should demonstrate that you have applied for an average for 30+ jobs, per month of unemployment, in a variety of fields for which you think you would qualify. Job search activities will be checked for authenticity, so please be prepared to provide proof of application.If you are currently employed, review the Counsel to Leave Employment process, to see you are applicable. If not, please continue with the steps below.You must ready, willing and able to attend training.You are in financial need.If funded, you must make acceptable progress and attend regularly.STEP 2 - Follow and complete registration process for the English Language Foundations (ELF) program. This will require completion of a CLBA exam or provision of previous CLBA assessment. Please contact English Language Foundations for details. Please note, SIP does not work with students until they have been registered in the ELF program.STEP 3 - If you meet the above criteria, please complete and submit the Assessment Form (*.xls file; opens new browser window). This can also be completed at the SIP office located in the Heart Building. (MC221) The online assessment helps both you and your SIP Advisor to determine your initial funding eligibility or possible issues that must be addressed prior to funding. Note: The assessment form is NOT the SIP Alberta Works Application form. Completion of this form occurs later if you are eligible for funding.STEP 4 - Save a soft copy of the completed Assessment Form and e-mail it to Skills Investment (a printed paper version is NOT acceptable). Your assessment should be saved as legal first name and last name and the date you completed the form (for example: John Doe Jan 16-08.xls).STEP 5 - You will be contacted by your SIP advisor about your assessment within 7-10 business days. You will be contacted by e-mail so please ensure you have a reliable e-mail account. (We have recently had trouble sending information to Yahoo and Hotmail accounts). The advisor will discuss any potential concerns related to your eligibility and ask you to provide the additional documents as outlined below.Career Research Package (includes Career Research, Personal planning, *Job Search Form if you have not received CLE); *.doc fileELF Program PlanCLBA resultsCurrent resumeThis package must be completed and submitted prior to your first meeting with an SIP advisor. If you have questions or concerns with the package, please contact us. All above documentation must be submitted at the same time to the SIP office either via e-mail, fax or in person. The SIP office will not accept incomplete packages as receiving one or two items at a time may result in lost material.STEP 6 - Once your information has been reviewed to ensure all required documentation is submitted and complete as indicated above, you will be contacted by the SIP office for an appointment. If you have not received any feedback within 10-15 business days, please contact the SIP office to determine your application status.STEP 7 - Upon meeting with your SIP advisor, you will be provided with an AE&I Alberta Works Funding form. This form must be completed by you and returned to the SIP office. It is then reviewed and sent to Alberta Student Finance for final determination of funding. You should receive information regarding your funding in 4-8 weeks via a letter from Alberta Student Finance.IMPORTANT NOTICE, should you plan to engage in further training in a SAIT certificate or diploma program following your completion of SAIT's English Language Foundations course(s):If you have received any educational certification, diploma, degree, or higher from Canada or any other country within the last four years, your SIP application for funding for further training will automatically be declined as it is assumed that such recent education can lead to viable employment within Canada. This decision can be appealed through the SIP office but must be accompanied with an extensive job search as proof of lack of employment.点击展开...==============ding
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