加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Project Manager


Project Manager Key Responsibilities:As a Project Manager, you would be responsible for the following:・ Coordinate and manage the interdepartmental and intra-company project teams;・ Managing and oversight of multiple projects concurrently;・ Managing $5M+ projects;・ Company’s exclusive single point of contact in front of clients;・ Managing all aspects of multiphase projects, from front-end engineering design to turnkey delivery;・ Setting up and maintaining appropriate project controls (scheduling system, cost control, documentation deliverables, change orders, etc.);・ Maximizing margin through cost control and revenue enhancement;・ Managing the timely collection of revenue from clients;・ Ensuring projects are completed on time;・ Ensuring all engineering and procurement work meets customer specifications, company design standards and requirements of all design authorities;・ Reporting to company management on the ongoing status of projects and customer relationships;Skills / Requirements:As the ideal candidate you will have:3 to 5 years of progressive project management experience in pressure vessel manufacturing or steel fabrication environment;Technical diploma or degree (Manufacturing / Industrial Engineering, preferred);Excellent time management, multi-tasking, organizational and priority defining skills;Detail-oriented and exceptional analytical skills;Proficiency in using MS Office (Outlook, Word, Excel, MS Project);Ability to work independently and as a team member, self-starter and energetic ;Ability to build positive working relationships with suppliers and clients;PM me if you are interested in

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