我正在做登陆前的准备工作,最近在研究上学。咨询了我的ciip advisor关于funding,她给我的回复如下:The Canada Student Loans and Alberta Student Loans are applied for with the same form. The form is available on-line at:http://alis.alberta.ca/ps/fo/studentsfinance/students-finance.html You should check out this website to find out more information about the program. What I can tell you is that you must have lived in Alberta and Canada for one year before you are eligible for this funding.按照她的说法,我刚刚登陆岂不是没有资助了?我到ALIS查到如下信息:When you apply for student funding in Alberta, you will be considered for both federal and provincial loans and grants. To be eligible to apply, you must:
meet certain citizenship requirements. You must be a:Canadian citizen, orpermanent resident (landed immigrant), orprotected person (including convention refugee), as defined by the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
be a resident of Alberta If you are an independent student, you are considered to be a resident of Alberta if:Alberta is the last province you have lived in for 12 consecutive months while not a full-time post-secondary student, oryou are attending a school in Alberta and have never lived in any Canadian province for 12 months in a row. In this case, attach a letter to your application to explain your residency situation.If you are a dependent student, you are considered to be a resident of Alberta if:your parent(s) live in AlbertaOther situations may affect residency requirements. Contact the Student Funding Contact Centre if you have questions.参照以上解释,1,PR肯定没有问题。2,是不是可以理解为刚刚登陆的写个解释信就行了?因为肯定没有任何省份12个月的记录。 请各位前辈解惑,多谢!
2011.1.15第三次雅思,2H2M,够分;2011.3.28妥投;2011.4.27PER;2011.6.28ME;2011.7.10北京维世达体检;2011.8.14MER;2012.1.15DM。从雅思算起整整一周年。正月十五(2012.2.6),大信封到2012.5.8 新的开始~~~
回复: 请教,AB省上学的funding问题申请funding对居住时间是有要求的,刚登陆的新移民肯定没资格。我2年前申请时要求居住至少3个月。
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反馈:littlemilkgao 2012-02-01#3 P 104 $0.00
回复: 请教,AB省上学的funding问题The information you found out is true. You are too soon to apply for those fundings. Once you are landing here, there is more information to be learned and you can expect to get assistance from the government and other immigration service organizations.
回复: 请教,AB省上学的funding问题多谢楼上两位,看来还得继续做功课
2011.1.15第三次雅思,2H2M,够分;2011.3.28妥投;2011.4.27PER;2011.6.28ME;2011.7.10北京维世达体检;2011.8.14MER;2012.1.15DM。从雅思算起整整一周年。正月十五(2012.2.6),大信封到2012.5.8 新的开始~~~
回复: 请教,AB省上学的funding问题学习了
回复: 请教,AB省上学的funding问题12个月的规定也要看哪个ESL学校
回复: 请教,AB省上学的funding问题funding是越来越紧了
回复: 请教,AB省上学的funding问题这个第二条的意思是不是说, 只要你没有在其他加拿大省份连续居住12个月,并且你在(或者将要)在阿尔伯塔读书,就能满足条件?另外这个loan,并不指的funding,而是贷款吧,毕业之后马上要开始还的,Canada Student Loan是基准利率+5%,Alberta Student Loan是基准利率+2%,现在基准利率是3%.我正在做登陆前的准备工作,最近在研究上学。咨询了我的ciip advisor关于funding,她给我的回复如下:The Canada Student Loans and Alberta Student Loans are applied for with the same form. The form is available on-line at:http://alis.alberta.ca/ps/fo/studentsfinance/students-finance.html You should check out this website to find out more information about the program. What I can tell you is that you must have lived in Alberta and Canada for one year before you are eligible for this funding.按照她的说法,我刚刚登陆岂不是没有资助了?我到ALIS查到如下信息:When you apply for student funding in Alberta, you will be considered for both federal and provincial loans and grants. To be eligible to apply, you must:
meet certain citizenship requirements. You must be a:Canadian citizen, orpermanent resident (landed immigrant), orprotected person (including convention refugee), as defined by the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
be a resident of Alberta If you are an independent student, you are considered to be a resident of Alberta if:Alberta is the last province you have lived in for 12 consecutive months while not a full-time post-secondary student, oryou are attending a school in Alberta and have never lived in any Canadian province for 12 months in a row. In this case, attach a letter to your application to explain your residency situation.If you are a dependent student, you are considered to be a resident of Alberta if:your parent(s) live in AlbertaOther situations may affect residency requirements. Contact the Student Funding Contact Centre if you have questions.参照以上解释,1,PR肯定没有问题。2,是不是可以理解为刚刚登陆的写个解释信就行了?因为肯定没有任何省份12个月的记录。 请各位前辈解惑,多谢!点击展开...
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