加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息中海油收购Nexen,中石化收购Talisman!!!
http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/ http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/story/2012/07/23/20120723-nexen.html http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/story/2012/07/23/20120723-talisman-energy.html CBC网站上已经有人把这称作“加拿大的黑色星期一”了。
煮饭侠回复: 中海油收购Nexen,中石化收购Talisman!!!确实是黑色星期一,这可是贪官转移财产阿。
如果一个人脑袋装满了如下内容:李鸿章丧权辱国、义和团保家卫国、太平天国农民起义、蒋介石只会摘桃子、地主个个是周扒皮、旧社会暗无天日、美帝亡我之心不死、有国才有家,俄罗斯是兄弟。那么恭喜你!你基本具备脑残和傻逼的基本配置了…… ——作家王朔回复: 中海油收购Nexen,中石化收购Talisman!!!Talisman不是被收购,是英国附近北海operations的49% interest。
回复: 中海油收购Nexen,中石化收购Talisman!!!确实是这样。Anyway,原来中国只是和加拿大在能源政策上眉来眼去的玩暧昧,这回是真金白银的开干了。 可以预期的是西向的管道和相应的物流配套,特别是海运肯定会有所作为。
煮饭侠回复: 中海油收购Nexen,中石化收购Talisman!!!好!!!!希望更大量的收购!!!!
回复: 中海油收购Nexen,中石化收购Talisman!!!个人一个很自私问题。国企收购加拿大能源公司。我自己能捞到啥好处呢?
回复: 中海油收购Nexen,中石化收购Talisman!!!个人一个很自私问题。国企收购加拿大能源公司。我自己能捞到啥好处呢?点击展开...呵呵,中国公司不见得就要雇中国人。
煮饭侠回复: 中海油收购Nexen,中石化收购Talisman!!!What do you think the deal? Bought $8.8B of net asset with $15.1B. Is it worth?
回复: 中海油收购Nexen,中石化收购Talisman!!!个人感觉把中国公司放进加拿大市场是个利好。阿省的石油储量和产能都不是问题,关键是运输问题。中国公司进来后,把修管道的事儿交给中国人,估计很快就能搞定. 把到温哥华的管线一修好,打通往亚洲的运输线,到时候各大石油公司就能放开手脚大干特干了,大家也都有活干了。不知道说的有没有道理。
2009.12.8 悉尼妥投;2010.2.12 RN;2010.3.22 补料妥投HK;2010.4.22 收到FN;2010.5.20 IP;2010.6.7 收到ME;2010.6.15 体检;2011.2.22 MER;2011.3.1PL到,签发日期2011.2.18;2011.3.3护照寄出;2011.3.22 DM;2011.3.23 大信封到;2011.6.4温哥华入关;2011.8.3 Process Engineer 面试;2011.8.19 收到Offer回复: 中海油收购Nexen,中石化收购Talisman!!!Good news
NOC4131,bj 自评69分 2009.11.16妥投,2010.1.21RN到,2010.2.3补料妥投,2.4FN,2.8收到FN 3.2 IP 3.5变5补料,3.15补料妥投 3.18变8 3.22变12 10.18ME 11.10变8 12.8变12 2011.6.7 DM 6.15 visa 7.27长登 9.20 上班 VO:EXI~RODCitizen: 2014.10.5 递表 2015.10.13考试 12.04入籍Parent: 2016.1.4 递表 08.20IP 10.04 ME 11.04MER 11.22 BC 12.8PPR 1216 Visa Recived 1220 Landing Calgary个人一个很自私问题。国企收购加拿大能源公司。我自己能捞到啥好处呢?点击展开...吹牛B的时候可以用。。。“老子当年在这公司里面工作了6年!”。。。诸如此类。。。
自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。回复: 中海油收购Nexen,中石化收购Talisman!!!问个问题,比如国内在中海油干了5年,现在的简历里能改成有5年Nexen的工作经验吗?
2009.12.8 悉尼妥投;2010.2.12 RN;2010.3.22 补料妥投HK;2010.4.22 收到FN;2010.5.20 IP;2010.6.7 收到ME;2010.6.15 体检;2011.2.22 MER;2011.3.1PL到,签发日期2011.2.18;2011.3.3护照寄出;2011.3.22 DM;2011.3.23 大信封到;2011.6.4温哥华入关;2011.8.3 Process Engineer 面试;2011.8.19 收到Offer回复: 中海油收购Nexen,中石化收购Talisman!!!They sold it for pretty good priceChina’s largest offshore oil and gas explorer is paying US$27.50 for each common share, a premium of 61% to Calgary-based Nexen’s closing price on July 20, according to its statement to the Hong Kong stock exchange Monday. Nexen’s board recommended the deal to its shareholders.
中国人最难登的地方有四个:分别叫twitter、facebook、no video、钓鱼岛。如果你在第四个上面登不上前三个,那证明钓鱼岛是中国滴。问个问题,比如国内在中海油干了5年,现在的简历里能改成有5年Nexen的工作经验吗?点击展开...
中国人最难登的地方有四个:分别叫twitter、facebook、no video、钓鱼岛。如果你在第四个上面登不上前三个,那证明钓鱼岛是中国滴。回复: 中海油收购Nexen,中石化收购Talisman!!!不知道吗,人家都不雇中国人,内部人士如是说。
回复: 中海油收购Nexen,中石化收购Talisman!!!They sold it for pretty good price China’s largest offshore oil and gas explorer is paying US$27.50 for each common share, a premium of 61% to Calgary-based Nexen’s closing price on July 20, according to its statement to the Hong Kong stock exchange Monday. Nexen’s board recommended the deal to its shareholders.点击展开...这个才是重点。以后能不能赚到钱不知道,但是一定要你先吐血吐个够。
回复: 中海油收购Nexen,中石化收购Talisman!!!mark
回复: 中海油收购Nexen,中石化收购Talisman!!!They sold it for pretty good price China’s largest offshore oil and gas explorer is paying US$27.50 for each common share, a premium of 61% to Calgary-based Nexen’s closing price on July 20, according to its statement to the Hong Kong stock exchange Monday. Nexen’s board recommended the deal to its shareholders.点击展开...Nexen to be acquired by China's CNOOC for US$15.1 billion in cashhttp://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/nexen-acquired-chinas-cnooc-us-111430321.html The Nexen deal will face a review by both the federal industry minister ― who must determine whether the deal is a net benefit to Canada as a whole― as well as by the federal Competition Bureau. As part of the transaction, CNOOC said it plans to list its shares on the TSX. The transaction still requires two-thirds of Nexen shareholders to approve the agreement at a special meeting to be held by Sept. 21. Preferred shareholders would receive $26 in cash, plus accrued dividends. Pendill, the Edward Jones analyst, said the price CNOOC is paying for Nexen is fair, given the economic climate and the challenges the company has faced. "We're recommending our investors sell the shares, take the proceeds and look at alternative names in the sector," he said, citing Suncor Energy Inc. (TSX:SU.TO - News) and Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. (TSX:CNQ.TO - News) as top picks. If the deal isn't completed, CNOOC is subject to a termination fee of US$425 million. The Chinese company has made several other investments in Canadian companies over the past seven years, including buying stakes in MEG Energy Inc. and a 60-per cent investment in Northern Cross (Yukon) Ltd.
回复: 中海油收购Nexen,中石化收购Talisman!!!The Chinese company has made several other investments in Canadian companies over the past seven years, including buying stakes in MEG Energy Inc. and a 60-per cent investment in Northern Cross (Yukon) Ltd.[/QUOTE]
回复: 中海油收购Nexen,中石化收购Talisman!!!只要能保证环境不被破坏,对加拿大来说是赚了。
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