加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息电话 interview 之后应该做什么?
回复: 电话 interview 之后应该做什么?先表示一下感谢吧。网上很多样本。
We may not know what the future holds, but we can trust the One who holds the future.先表示一下感谢吧。网上很多样本。点击展开...能给个链接吗?对方是在美国的公司,美加的文化好像不太一样,那一种比较好还有这个工作不是成为他们的雇员,是成为他们trusted 独立工作人员
回复: 电话 interview 之后应该做什么?能给个链接吗?对方是在美国的公司,美加的文化好像不太一样,那一种比较好 还有这个工作不是成为他们的雇员,是成为他们trusted 独立工作人员点击展开...CIA? (just kidding)
We may not know what the future holds, but we can trust the One who holds the future.CIA? (just kidding)点击展开...也是关于信息情报类,只是是民间公司
回复: 电话 interview 之后应该做什么?能给个链接吗?对方是在美国的公司,美加的文化好像不太一样,那一种比较好 还有这个工作不是成为他们的雇员,是成为他们trusted 独立工作人员点击展开...可以搜一搜interview thank you letter,然后信里在强调一下自己真的很优秀,对贵公司真的很有感觉。至于问什么问题,那还是得看你自己了。一般的工作,可以问一些关于公司发展,职业规划方面的问题,但是这种情报收集的工作,应该不搭挂。
We may not know what the future holds, but we can trust the One who holds the future.回复: 电话 interview 之后应该做什么?thank them for their time; provide any additional info that you would like them to know but didn't have a chance to during the interview; indicate your continuous strong interest in their position and your qualifications; clarify next steps (may or may not be necessary depending on whether it has been discussed during your interview). Also, for your other phone interviews, try to make appointment with interviewers in advance so that you can be better prepared. Good luck!
回复: 电话 interview 之后应该做什么?thank them for their time; provide any additional info that you would like them to know but didn't have a chance to during the interview; indicate your continuous strong interest in their position and your qualifications; clarify next steps (may or may not be necessary depending on whether it has been discussed during your interview). Also, for your other phone interviews, try to make appointment with interviewers in advance so that you can be better prepared. Good luck!点击展开...
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