加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Glenmore Trail西段在拓宽??
请教住在西边的朋友,这两个礼拜Glenmore trail是在拓宽么?看样子像,南边的原著民朋友们没意见?我倒是欢迎的,但是就是这段日子难过了。。。北边17 ave在施工也不好走,南边glenmore trail施工了也不好走,一半儿以上的车都绕到sarcee trail了也不好走了。。。估计下个礼拜我要走richmond road了,开到45 st往南走估计能好一点。。。 Chris,你有啥内部消息没?啥时候能竣工?估计又要一年?你那边儿就最直接受害了。。。哎
自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。回复: Glenmore Trail西段在拓宽??最近的施工是把双向二车道拓宽成双向四车道。 长远的目标是把这一段改造成为西南绕城线(Stoney Trail SW)的一部分,但目前方案还未定。焦点是从37 st到Glenmore Trail这一段怎么走,以及选择85 st以西的那一段来连接Stoney Trail NW。 http://www.calgary.ca/Transportation/TI/Pages/Road-projects/Glenmore-Trail-Improvements.aspx# Glenmore Trail between Sarcee Trail and 69 Street S.W. Page ContentConstruction Update A safety issue has been identified related to traffic travelling westbound on Glenmore Trail at Sarcee Trail. One of the westbound lanes (right lane) is too narrow and vehicles using that lane are creating a safety hazard for construction workers by being too close to the area under construction. In order to eliminate this safety hazard, traffic travelling westbound on Glenmore Trail west of Sarcee Trail will be reduced to one lane starting at the Glenmore Trail and Sarcee Trail intersection. As well, one of the Glenmore Trail dual westbound left hand turn lanes will also be temporarily closed. The contractor is working to complete the widening of the westbound lanes on Glenmore Trail by the first weekend in September, depending on weather conditions. If the widening is not completed by this time, The City will consider re-striping that section of roadway to allow for two westbound lanes on Glenmore Trail. Project background Glenmore Trail S.W. is an important part of Calgary’s transportation network. The section of Glenmore Trail between Sarcee Trail and 69 Street S.W. currently experiences significant a.m. and p.m. peak period congestion. The Transportation Optimization Division has developed functional plans to help maximize the weekday a.m. and p.m. peak period traffic flow within the project’s $2 million budget. Project scope The operational improvements consist of: adding a second eastbound lane on Glenmore Trail (i.e. one lane westbound, two lanes eastbound) through new lane markings, signage and an adjustment in the posted speed limitwidening of the intersection at Glenmore Trail and 69 Street S.W. to accommodate two westbound through lanes on Glenmore Trailwidening of the acceleration lane and construction of a new shoulder for westbound traffic entering from Sarcee Traillengthening of the right turn bay lane from eastbound Glenmore Trail at Sarcee Trailinstalling additional street lights for improved night time illuminationinstalling a right turn deceleration laneconstructing additional stormwater infrastructure.Project timeline Construction work has begun and will continue until anticipated completion (weather depending) in the fall of 2012. Impacts Some minor delays are to be expected on the affected roadways. Consistent with the approach taken on other projects on similar roadways, lane closures will be avoided in the peak travel direction during the corresponding weekday a.m. and p.m. peak periods. Up until the first weekend of September, traffic travelling westbound on Glenmore Trail west of Sarcee Trail will be reduced to one lane starting at the Glenmore Trail and Sarcee Trail intersection. As well, one of the Glenmore Trail dual westbound left hand turn lanes will also be temporarily closed. More information Transportation Infrastructure is committed to keeping citizens informed about this project, and details will be updated on this site on an ongoing basis. For more information, please fill out the online form or call 3-1-1.
煮饭侠回复: Glenmore Trail西段在拓宽??我朋友从Southland 的AHS回西边,现在都是走Elbow Dr了。。。。。。
煮饭侠回复: Glenmore Trail西段在拓宽??glenmore trial从elbow到sarcee一向是每天下班时间段必堵之路,堵的比deerfoot还厉害。
回复: Glenmore Trail西段在拓宽??最好的办法是早上班早下班,或者晚上班晚下班,错开高峰段。要不然只能再忍一段时间了。
回复: Glenmore Trail西段在拓宽??glenmore trial从elbow到sarcee一向是每天下班时间段必堵之路,堵的比deerfoot还厉害。点击展开...以前还好,至少过了crowchild之后能开到40甚至以上,偶尔堵一下但是也还能接受,现在好了,基本到了45 st之后就不动了。。。慢慢蹭到69 st。。。太痛苦了。。。
自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。我朋友从Southland 的AHS回西边,现在都是走Elbow Dr了。。。。。。点击展开...我下班时间还真没走过17或者bow trail。不知道那边会不会好一点,最多我走crowchild然后走bow trail?不过看新闻估计秋天能结束,那也就1个来月,希望是吧。。。
自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。最好的办法是早上班早下班,或者晚上班晚下班,错开高峰段。要不然只能再忍一段时间了。点击展开...最好的办法是去你家租个地下室住一个月。。。反正我老婆也回国了,我一个人了无牵挂。。。哈哈
自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。反正我老婆也回国了,我一个人了无牵挂。。。哈哈点击展开...“勿谓言之不预”??
自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。......Chris洞察秋毫阿!。。。周六晚上去hooters我请客?。。。哇哈哈哈。。。点击展开...这位爷,别人chris老婆还在呢。。。你还是自己去美女双人按摩吧
回复: Glenmore Trail西段在拓宽??我下班时间还真没走过17或者bow trail。不知道那边会不会好一点,最多我走crowchild然后走bow trail?不过看新闻估计秋天能结束,那也就1个来月,希望是吧。。。点击展开...bow trail现在一点都不堵,就是4ave和6ave上有些堵而已走17的话,过了14st就开始顺畅了,建议从Carmeron ave转到12 st,然后左转到17ave,正好有个红绿灯,可以顺利转进去
回复: Glenmore Trail西段在拓宽??bow trail现在一点都不堵,就是4ave和6ave上有些堵而已走17的话,过了14st就开始顺畅了,建议从Carmeron ave转到12 st,然后左转到17ave,正好有个红绿灯,可以顺利转进去点击展开...谢啦三少爷,改天有机会走走看,呵呵
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