回复: 关于物业税收An asset like your personal home is generally known to be exempt from capital gains taxation. Generally, those additional properties are not thought to be exempt. Cottages and other vacation properties have presumably increased in value and consequently, a capital gains tax liability may be triggered when the property is sold or on the death of the owner. The principal residence rules include a set of provisions that limits the annual designation within a specified family group. For years after 1981, each family unit may designate only one home per year as a principal residence. A family unit includes the taxpayer, the taxpayer’s spouse or common-law partner and unmarried minor children. In other words, where a property is designated as a principal residence for a year, no other property may be designated for that same year by the taxpayer or another member of the family unit. Prior to 1982 each individual could designate a property as a principal residence without regard to a designation made by another family member (subsection 54 (c)(i) of the Act). For example, a husband could own a cottage and his wife a home in town and both could be designated as a principal residence.
每日房地产资讯 赏

回复: 关于物业税收你的那间同你LG的那间没啥区别,每年交地税就行了。卖的时候,你的增值部分的一半算收入放到当年的收入里一起科税。你老公的那间算自住房(一家只能有一间算自住房),增值免税。
回复: 关于物业税收一家人两套房, 一套自住, 一套投资,投资的那一套出租租金去掉开销包括(房贷利息、地税、保险、维修、管理费用,如果房东付水电气费的话也算开销),算个人收入每年保税时放在个人收入里报。
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