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Gas line to run north of Terrace By Terrace StandardPublished: October 02, 2012 07:00 AMUpdated: October 02, 2012 07:277 AM THE POSSIBILITY of more liquefied natural gas (LNG) plants in the region could now mean at least one pipeline running north of Terrace toward the coast.The pipeline would be built by Spectra Energy in partnership with the BG Group, one of the world’s dominant gas shippers, and transport gas from the huge deposits in northeastern B.C.Running from northeastern B.C., the pipeline would travel approximately 850 kilometres to property the BG Group has optioned on Ridley Island near Prince Rupert from the Prince Rupert Port Corporation.An exact route from a storage facility north of what’s called Station 2, a major gas transport hub located southwest of Fort St. John, and then from Station 2 to the coast and then to the planned LNG terminal has yet to be set.But Spectra vice president Gary Weilinger did say Nisga’a territory and the Nass Valley area are on the potential route list as the line gets closer to the coast.“If you had to pick a point from where it might emerge [from the northeast], that would be Cranberry Junction,” he said. “It could be north of the Nass or south of the Nass. There’s a lot of work that has to be done yet.”That work involves not only needed environmental assessments but geo-technical work to determine engineering standards according to terrain encountered.Weilinger said the 48-inch diameter pipeline will run underground unless soil conditions along portions of the route dictate otherwise.“We’ll be doing more fieldwork this year, building helicopter pads where needed,” he said.“Pipelines tend to follow existing disturbed areas where there are existing forestry roads, for example, or rail lines.”“We do so because we need access to get equipment and material in and out of there.”Weilinger said route selection also depends on what local residents can contribute. “Our approach is to really understand local knowledge,” said Weilinger.Spectra and BG concentrated on Prince Rupert as a location for an LNG plant and the area north of here as a pipeline route because there are not a lot of other companies interested in the same area.“For property and for pipelines, it’s getting pretty congested down there,” said Weilinger of Kitimat being the preferred location for two pipelines already and three LNG plants.But Spectra could have company to the north of Terrace depending upon work being done by Petronas, another LNG giant owned by the Malaysian government.It bought Progress Energy, a Canadian gas company that operates in northeastern B.C., in the summer and announced at the same time it was conducting a feasibility study on a property on Lelu Island near Prince Rupert.Progress official Greg Kist said confidentiality agreements with pipeline builders prevented him from providing route information for now. “We are evaluating the proposals on their technical and commercial merits and once a decision has been made, we can discuss our plans more broadly,” he said.A Who's Who GuideHERE’S a quick guide to northwest liquefied natural gas plant and pipeline projects.BC LNG. Also called Douglas Channel LNG, this is the smallest of the ones up for development.The plant, partially owned by the Haisla, would be on a floating platform offshore near Kitimat. It would handle 170-195 million cubic feet of gas a day pumped through the existing Pacific Northern Gas pipeline now owned by AltaGas of Calgary.Est. cost is $400-$600 million. A gas export licence has been granted.Kitimat LNG. Apache, Encana and EOG own the Pacific Trails Pipeline which would feed a plant they would also own with 1 billion cubic feet of gas a day.Estimated total cost is more than $4 billion. A gas export licence has been granted.An official construction announcement was expected to have happened by now.Canada LNG. Shell is a major partner in this project along with three Asian companies.The companies would also be consumers of the finished product.The pipeline is called Coastal Gas Link and the estimated total cost is more than $12 billion. Also big is the amount of gas involved ? anywhere from 1.8 billion to 3.6 billion cubic feet a day.A 25-year export licence has been applied for. Plant would go on the old Methanex site at Kitimat.BG/Spectra Energy. The LNG plant would go on Ridley Island near Prince Rupert, being fed by a pipeline that could deliver up to 4 billion cubic feet of gas a day.A cost estimate is not available and this project is in a feasibility stage expected to last between one and two years.Petronas/Progress Energy. This is another plant that would go near Prince Rupert, on Lelu Island, and it is also the subject of a feasibility study.An accompanying pipeline would deliver between 500 million and 1 billion cubic feet of gas a day.A cost estimate isn’t available.Petronas is owned by the Malaysian government and bought Canadian-owned Progress Energy this summer for $5 billion. Find this article at: http://www.terracestandard.com/news/171934061.html
自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。回复: Please advise??!中国目前已发现的油田有500多个,探明石油储量近220亿吨,发现气田共185个,探明天然气储量2.56万亿立方米。那么,从不同角度看,中国油、气田之最有哪些呢? 中国最大的油田是大庆油田,面积1414.3平方千米,储量44.14亿吨;最小的油田是江苏的肖刘庄油田,储量仅22万吨。最大的气田应属长庆气田,面积5754平方千米,储量为4911.2亿立方米;最小的气田则不足1亿立方米,如胜利的套尔河气田(0.09亿立方米)、四川的新店子气田(0.11亿立方米)。 大中型油气田中埋藏最深的是塔里木盆地的塔河油田,达5391米;埋藏最浅的是延长油田(小于l00米)。埋藏深度最大的气田是柯克亚气田(6388米)、塔里木牙哈气田(5473米)、四川五百梯气田(5000米);最浅的气田是柴达木盆地台吉乃尔(210米)及涩北二号(500米)等第四系气藏。 油气田中含油气层位最老的天然气田是辽河兴隆台气田(太古宙(Ar))和四川威远气田(震旦系(Z));含油气层位最老油田则有辽河静安堡(太古宙)油田和华北任丘油田(震旦系)。最年轻的气田是青海涩北一号第四系浅层气田;而最年轻的油田为老爷庙油田(新近系)。 全国石油储量最多的含油层系为中生界下白垩统(占总储量45.89%),最少的含油层系是古生界及前古生界(占总储量5.73%)。气田储量最多的层系为古生界及前古生界(占总储量40.69%),而第三系储量最少(占总储量17.98%)。 中国年产量最多的油田是大庆油田,年产油5000万吨(1996?1997年),天然气年产量最高的气田是四川气田,达79.9481亿立方米。 中国油田中单井石油产量最高的井是华北任丘油田的任9井,单井日产原油5435吨。单井气产量最高的井是四川龙门天东4井,最高日产量达315.7万立方米。 中国油气田中位于最北边的是大庆油区海拉尔油田;位于最南边的是海南岛以南的莺歌海?琼东南盆地的崖13-1气田及乐东22-1气田;最靠东的油气田,在陆上为大庆油田,在海上为东海盆地黄岩14-1气田;最西边的油田为塔里木盆地西南的柯克亚油田。 西藏伦波拉油田是海拔最高的油田,海拔5000米左右;海拔最低的则是珠江口盆地流花11-1油田,井口水深364.8米。 中国油气田最多、石油储量最大的省是黑龙江省,其次是山东省(胜利油田)。气田最多、储量最多的省是四川省,天然气储量为6238.28亿立方米;其次则是新疆维吾尔自治区,天然气储量5739.35亿立方米;陕西长庆油田居第三位,天然气储量为4911亿立方米。
自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。回复: Please advise??!。。。没注意是cubic feet..。- -!...不过就算换成cubic meter也有1亿多方一天了。。。也很牛了。。。
自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。回复: Please advise??!这个是输送能力,不是产量吧?不过也够吓人了。 话说美国页岩天然气已成气候,产量大,价格低,对外界能源的依赖逐渐降低。加拿大的油气除了送外卖到亚洲特别是中国之外,似乎没有别的出路。
煮饭侠回复: Please advise??!这个多少立方米是指什么状态下的呢?是LNG, CNG, 还是常态?
We may not know what the future holds, but we can trust the One who holds the future.这个多少立方米是指什么状态下的呢?是LNG, CNG, 还是常态?点击展开...我理解应该是常态吧。。。
自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。这个是输送能力,不是产量吧?不过也够吓人了。 话说美国页岩天然气已成气候,产量大,价格低,对外界能源的依赖逐渐降低。加拿大的油气除了送外卖到亚洲特别是中国之外,似乎没有别的出路。点击展开...“Also big is the amount of gas involved ? anywhere from 1.8 billion to 3.6 billion cubic feet a day.” 就上下文理解我觉得应该是这根管子的输送能力,毕竟这个是一个管子项目。不过看看整个四川省的天然气储量也就600多billion,确实有差别阿。。。
自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。回复: Please advise??!看看米帝的数据,简直就是。。。。。。 Much of the growth in natural gas production in the AEO2012 Reference case results from the application of recent technological advances and continued drilling in shale plays with high concentrations of natural gas liquids and crude oil, which have a higher value than dry natural gas in energy equivalent terms. Shale gas production increases in the Reference case from 5.0 trillion cubic feet per year in 2010 (23 percent of total U.S. dry gas production) to 13.6 trillion cubic feet per year in 2035 (49 percent of total U.S. dry gas production). As with tight oil, when looking forward to 2035, there are unresolved uncertainties surrounding the technological advances that have made shale gas production a reality. The potential impact of those uncertainties results in a range of outcomes for U.S. shale gas production from 9.7 to 20.5 trillion cubic feet per year when looking forward to 2035.As a result of the projected growth in production, U.S. natural gas production exceeds consumption early in the next decade in the Reference case (Figure 4). The outlook reflects increased use of liquefied natural gas in markets outside North America, strong growth in domestic natural gas production, reduced pipeline imports and increased pipeline exports, and relatively low natural gas prices in the United States. 差不多是16亿立方米/日的产量了!而且这还是在天然气价格低迷而有意控制产量的情况下!
煮饭侠回复: Please advise??!pls note that 1 cubic foot = 0.0283168 cubic meters
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