910发的邮件,转给需要的朋友Hi there, I am the account manager for the company that hires the Metro newspaper promoters that you may have seen at Ctrain stations in Calgary. We are currently looking for people to hand out the Metro newspaper in the early morning from about 6-9am Mon-Fri (some shifts are longer depending on the location) and it pays $12/hr. It is a great job for immigrants, as it does not require a high level of English, and also allows for time to study etc. The job requires that they be outside for the entire shift and on their feet. They should be friendly and outgoing to hand out as many papers as possible to commuters. Basically, we will train the right individuals, but we require reliable and hard working people. All jobs are located at Ctrain stations. It is a contractor position that pays every two weeks by check and they must have a valid SIN #. Please feel free to pass along my email address or cell phone (403)889-8162 to any potential applicants. If you require more information please let me know. Potential applicants should state where they live and where they are willing to work. We are currently looking to fill a few different positions in different areas of the city, but are pretty much looking for people constantly due to turnover. Kevin HamiltonCalgary Account ManagerThinkbox National MarketingMobile: 403.889.8162Twitter: @ThinkboxCanadawww.thinkboxnational.com
061106递交申请;061122 - FN;080808 - S2信;081125 - 递交补料;090216 - ME;0902月底递交登陆费及护照;090301 - 体检;100118 - 17;100119-大信封;100210-短登卡尔加里;101023-长登卡尔加里;110104-LINC 5 赏
回复: jobs for immigrantsDo you like to learn more about various types of legal careers? Go from 11:30 to 2:00 p.m. during the third annual Law Connect event on Wednesday, October 17th at the Central Library..Sign up on event day to speak with people who work in the following professions to learn more what they do in their jobs:Correctional Services Officer/Parole Officer;Animal and Bylaw Services Peace Officer;RCMP Recruiting Officer;Law Librarian;Judicial Clerk;Lawyer;Legal Assistant;Paralegal;Legal Marketing Specialist;As well as Career Conversations with people in the legal profession, you can sign up in advance to meet with a lawyer for 30 minutes of free legal advice in Law Connect: Legal Grounds Summary Advice Clinic (offered in partnership with Pro Bono Law Alberta) and learn more about local legal services during the Law Connect: Legal Resources Fair.Come chat with legal professionals to get a better idea of what they do and whether a legal career might be the right career choice for you;Career Conversations: Law and Legal Related Services 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m, Wednesday, October 17th, 2012 Central Library
移民14年,From Calgary AB to Nanaimo BC。 赏 2012-10-13#4

3,567 $0.00 Old Navy’s hiring the above job fair ad is for Old Navy’s Market Mall location, their Sunridge and Chinook stores will also be hosting this same event at the same time (Thursday, October 11, 2012 - 2pm to 7pm). ·生活百科 Solaredge集应用程序
·生活百科 Fronius Gen24(单相)的Noark备份框