加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请问申请学生贷款和存款有关系吗?


RT,刚来没多久,本来也没多少钱,根本买不起房。想要上个college, 移民时带了点钱,我俩现在都没有工作,不知要申请学生贷款的话,和银行里的存款有关系吗?这点钱要是都交了学费,那真是一穷二白了,大家别笑话,新来的,什么都不太懂。

BJ 227 2010/04/07妥投; 2010/06/18RN; 2010/07/15补料BJ; 2010/07/28FN; 2011/2/26山寨IP?; 2011/08/30ME; vo:rod2011/09/10体检; 2011/09/13寄出登录费及护照; 2012/01/22DM(大年三十); 2012/01/31大信封到!回复: 请问申请学生贷款和存款有关系吗?存款很多应该是有些关系的。建议把存款一点点取出来。我个人建议银行存款不要超过5000, 如果存款低,收入少,而且有小孩。政府会一些grant,不需要还。毕业时也会减掉一些贷款。读书还是在收入少的时候合适。打工难找么?建议还是打点工,会缓解不少,而且不会影响贷款的。

赞反馈:pplljane 2012-10-25#3 子 435 $0.00 回复: 请问申请学生贷款和存款有关系吗?看到sait有个免费英语培训...Pathway to Business Language Training ProgramAre you interested in a career in business? Are you planning to apply to a main program at the SAIT School of Business?Do your communication skills need improvement? This FREE full-time language training program is a pathway in the School of Business - one that is specific and unique to the needs of second language learners.Students will:Focus on performance of oral communication and writing skills, while employing career-related terminology, procedures and workplace-specific jargonBuild awareness of cultural norms, assumption and expectations within a Canadian workplace settingApply occupation-related content and context to assist in language developmentThe training includes:15 weeks of intensive workplace language, culture and skills training with a focus on the Workplace Essential Skills required for success in the workplaceOrientation by the School of Business around the expectations of the courseGuest speakers from industryAccess to SAIT Polytechnic resources for job search and career managementAdmission RequirementsApplicants must:Have a Canadian Language Benchmark of 6 or higherBe a landed immigrantRequire English training to secure employmentBe prepared to submit a resumeDates: TBDFor more information or to submit a resume, please call 403.284.8798.

回复: 请问申请学生贷款和存款有关系吗?谢谢猫猫!这样啊

BJ 227 2010/04/07妥投; 2010/06/18RN; 2010/07/15补料BJ; 2010/07/28FN; 2011/2/26山寨IP?; 2011/08/30ME; vo:rod2011/09/10体检; 2011/09/13寄出登录费及护照; 2012/01/22DM(大年三十); 2012/01/31大信封到!看到sait有个免费英语培训...Pathway to Business Language Training ProgramAre you interested in a career in business? Are you planning to apply to a main program at the SAIT School of Business?Do your communication skills need improvement? This FREE full-time language training program is a pathway in the School of Business - one that is specific and unique to the needs of second language learners.Students will:Focus on performance of oral communication and writing skills, while employing career-related terminology, procedures and workplace-specific jargonBuild awareness of cultural norms, assumption and expectations within a Canadian workplace settingApply occupation-related content and context to assist in language developmentThe training includes:15 weeks of intensive workplace language, culture and skills training with a focus on the Workplace Essential Skills required for success in the workplaceOrientation by the School of Business around the expectations of the courseGuest speakers from industryAccess to SAIT Polytechnic resources for job search and career managementAdmission RequirementsApplicants must:Have a Canadian Language Benchmark of 6 or higherBe a landed immigrantRequire English training to secure employmentBe prepared to submit a resumeDates: TBDFor more information or to submit a resume, please call 403.284.8798.点击展开...谢谢子赫!太好了,正好对这方面感兴趣。给二位加纷纷了

BJ 227 2010/04/07妥投; 2010/06/18RN; 2010/07/15补料BJ; 2010/07/28FN; 2011/2/26山寨IP?; 2011/08/30ME; vo:rod2011/09/10体检; 2011/09/13寄出登录费及护照; 2012/01/22DM(大年三十); 2012/01/31大信封到!回复: 请问申请学生贷款和存款有关系吗?当然有关系,如果你的存款足够付学费的话,可以拿到的贷款就是0。可以拿个学生贷款的表格,加加减减的,自己算算。

回复: 请问申请学生贷款和存款有关系吗?存款很多应该是有些关系的。建议把存款一点点取出来。我个人建议银行存款不要超过5000, 如果存款低,收入少,而且有小孩。政府会一些grant,不需要还。毕业时也会减掉一些贷款。读书还是在收入少的时候合适。打工难找么?建议还是打点工,会缓解不少,而且不会影响贷款的。点击展开...是要看银行帐户信息银行帐户余额会不会影响贷款申请,我不知道听猫猫的话应该是没有错的但"把存款一点点取出来"不是一个好主意如果不幸被抢劫或者被窃失去了 Alberta Student LoanWhen submitting your loan agreements/certificates, you will need to provide the following: - two pieces of government issued ID (one with a photo and one with your social insurance number)- your bank account information- a void cheque if you want your funds deposited directly into your bank account.点击展开...这些学生贷款最后必须偿还优点是没有利息 interest-freeGovernment of Alberta - interest free stats for Alberta Student Loans申请表格http://studentaid.alberta.ca/media/2921/form_b_2012-13.pdf加拿大助学金Canada Student Grants These grants help students and families manage the cost of post-secondary education are provided through a single program. Grants do not need to be paid back. Canada Student Grants are predictable, easy to apply for, and are provided to students at the beginning and in the middle of the school year.The Canada Student Grants are available to students from most provinces and territories except the Northwest Territories, Nunavut and Quebec which operate their own student financial assistance programs.When you apply for a Canada Student Loan, your eligibility for most Canada Student Grants will automatically be assessed. You may be eligible to receive more than one grant simultaneously.授予来自低收入家庭的学生Grant for Students from Low-income Familieshttp://www.canlearn.ca/eng/postsec/money/grants/glif.shtml授予来自中等收入家庭的学生Grant for Students from Middle-income Familieshttp://www.canlearn.ca/eng/postsec/money/grants/gmif.shtml

回复: 请问申请学生贷款和存款有关系吗?看来LD不符合贷款条件了

NOC4131,bj 自评69分 2009.11.16妥投,2010.1.21RN到,2010.2.3补料妥投,2.4FN,2.8收到FN 3.2 IP 3.5变5补料,3.15补料妥投 3.18变8 3.22变12 10.18ME 11.10变8 12.8变12 2011.6.7 DM 6.15 visa 7.27长登 9.20 上班 VO:EXI~RODCitizen: 2014.10.5 递表 2015.10.13考试 12.04入籍Parent: 2016.1.4 递表 08.20IP 10.04 ME 11.04MER 11.22 BC 12.8PPR 1216 Visa Recived 1220 Landing Calgary回复: 请问申请学生贷款和存款有关系吗?免费上英语?你吃大亏了。新移民上esl都发钱的,夫妻2口,一个月1100,3口1800。好多1年期的program不仅免学费,还给生活费。别急着做决定,多打听打听。

回复: 请问申请学生贷款和存款有关系吗?申请贷款,funding,廉租房都对存款有要求,早点处理一下。

回复: 请问申请学生贷款和存款有关系吗?当然有关系,如果你的存款足够付学费的话,可以拿到的贷款就是0。可以拿个学生贷款的表格,加加减减的,自己算算。点击展开...谢谢annie!正是因为没有足够的资金,才想起要贷款

BJ 227 2010/04/07妥投; 2010/06/18RN; 2010/07/15补料BJ; 2010/07/28FN; 2011/2/26山寨IP?; 2011/08/30ME; vo:rod2011/09/10体检; 2011/09/13寄出登录费及护照; 2012/01/22DM(大年三十); 2012/01/31大信封到!回复: 请问申请学生贷款和存款有关系吗?doremee,这么详细的资料啊,真是惭愧,自己功课做的太少了

BJ 227 2010/04/07妥投; 2010/06/18RN; 2010/07/15补料BJ; 2010/07/28FN; 2011/2/26山寨IP?; 2011/08/30ME; vo:rod2011/09/10体检; 2011/09/13寄出登录费及护照; 2012/01/22DM(大年三十); 2012/01/31大信封到!申请贷款,funding,廉租房都对存款有要求,早点处理一下。点击展开...Happyny, 谢谢你!funding是申请不到了,听说只给短期的,不给长期的

BJ 227 2010/04/07妥投; 2010/06/18RN; 2010/07/15补料BJ; 2010/07/28FN; 2011/2/26山寨IP?; 2011/08/30ME; vo:rod2011/09/10体检; 2011/09/13寄出登录费及护照; 2012/01/22DM(大年三十); 2012/01/31大信封到!看来LD不符合贷款条件了点击展开...看到不够那么多的学费和很多乱七八糟的费用,才想到要贷款,真正的成功认识也不来问呀,

BJ 227 2010/04/07妥投; 2010/06/18RN; 2010/07/15补料BJ; 2010/07/28FN; 2011/2/26山寨IP?; 2011/08/30ME; vo:rod2011/09/10体检; 2011/09/13寄出登录费及护照; 2012/01/22DM(大年三十); 2012/01/31大信封到!免费上英语?你吃大亏了。新移民上esl都发钱的,夫妻2口,一个月1100,3口1800。好多1年期的program不仅免学费,还给生活费。别急着做决定,多打听打听。点击展开...我怎么不知道这个福利啊?上ESL好像都是要给钱的,一个学期30,还是最便宜的。

回复: 请问申请学生贷款和存款有关系吗?免费上英语?你吃大亏了。新移民上esl都发钱的,夫妻2口,一个月1100,3口1800。好多1年期的program不仅免学费,还给生活费。别急着做决定,多打听打听。点击展开... 搞错了吧?新移民上ESL什么时候发过钱啊 还有这等好事,要自己付钱吧。

人生就是如此,不管你是否准备好,不管你是全身心的拥抱还是拒绝,它就按照它的节奏,不容置疑地向前走着……回复: 请问申请学生贷款和存款有关系吗?Up

回复: 请问申请学生贷款和存款有关系吗?免费上英语?你吃大亏了。新移民上esl都发钱的,夫妻2口,一个月1100,3口1800。好多1年期的program不仅免学费,还给生活费。别急着做决定,多打听打听。点击展开...米虫来了啊,所以现在不让中国人移民啊,要把人家吃穷啊,新移民语言有困难,政府补助上个学免点学费也无可厚非,这把补助当自己应得收入的,不拿就是吃亏的,真是少见啊,皮真是厚啊。。。

回复: 请问申请学生贷款和存款有关系吗?在魁省没关系,我申请loan & bursary的时候并没有问及存款,需要的是家庭前一年的年收入

寒山问曰:“世间谤我、欺我、辱我、笑我、轻我、贱我、恶我、骗我,该如何处之乎?”    拾得答曰:“只需忍他、让他、由他、避他、耐他、敬他、不要理他、再待几年,你且看他。”回复: 请问申请学生贷款和存款有关系吗?MARK, 同关心.

  ·生活百科 Engie太阳能优势试验。
·生活百科 Esy Sunhome电池



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