加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息有了解Southern Alberta Institute of Technology 这个学校吗


有了解[FONT='ˎ̥','serif']Southern Alberta Institute of Technology( 南阿尔伯塔理工学院)这个学校的朋友嘛?知道的话能详细介绍下吗?想高中毕业后去这个学校留学。想了解:(1)毕业后的就业率,(2)学费与住宿,(3)环保技术这门课程包括哪些,再次谢谢大家了[/FONT]

回复: 有了解Southern Alberta Institute of Technology 这个学校吗?Why don't you check the school website about (2) and (3)?www.sait.ca

回复: 有了解Southern Alberta Institute of Technology 这个学校吗?为什么不去university?

回复: 有了解Southern Alberta Institute of Technology 这个学校吗?大学是4年制的,SAIT的是2年制的。我现在是在SAIT的是后一个学期,觉得差不多这两年学得的东西很多,都是很实践性的东西。几乎SAIt的所有专业都要完成N个小时的实习才可以毕业的。有人选择在第一年的暑假都实习,有人是第二年。我的同学当中大概70%的都是一边上学一边工作的。我的感觉就是这个学校的教学很实用,很多东西学如果你是真心想学东西的话,工作的机会也挺多的。 如果你读了2年后,想继续读学位,SAIt都跟很多学校有合作的,可以直接申请过去读某个学位的3年级的。

月饼,玫瑰饼,萝卜糕,芋头糕,马蹄糕,凤梨酥。 请给我加声望哈~~Why don't you check the school website about (2) and (3)?www.sait.ca点击展开...也有问学校,但没有回答(3),所以想问问有知道的,请多多指教

回复: 有了解Southern Alberta Institute of Technology 这个学校吗?Up

回复: 有了解Southern Alberta Institute of Technology 这个学校吗?http://www.sait.ca/programs-and-courses/full-time-studies/academic-calendar-information/fee-table.php 你还在国内吗?不知道在国内能不能上SAIT 网页?Just in case, you cannot access Sait website. Program Year Tuition SAITFees Student Asso.Total Enviornmental 1 4213 394 536 5143TechnologyEnviornmental Technology 2 4213 394 536 5413 Books and supplies are approximately $1,800 per year Notes:Note 1Fees are estimated for full time students. Actual tuition fees are calculated based on the number of courses in which the student is registered.Note 2Fees are subject to change without notice.Note 3Additional SAIT and SAITSA fees may be levied for programs with Spring and Summer Terms.Note 4Optional courses are not included in this tuition fee calculation. Additional courses will result in higher tuition fees.Note 5Laptop Learning programs require a $500 security deposit.Note 6Program is discontinued, no additional intakesNote 7This is not a full-timne program. Register through Continuing Education.​ Applicable to all SAIT full-time programs:Fees are subject to change without notice.Fees are estimated for full-time students. Actual tuition fees are calculated based on the number of courses in which the student is registered.Optional courses are not included in this tuition fee calculation. Additional courses will result in higher tuition fees.SAIT Fees 2012-2013​ Campus Rec./Athletic:$134 (Note 3)Recreation Facilities:$26 (Note 3)Universal Transit Pass:$234 (Note 3) Total:$394​ Notes:Note 1​ Fees are estimated for full time students. Actual tuition fees are calculated based on the number of courses in which the student is registered.​ Note 2Fees are subject to change without notice.Note 3Additional SAIT and SAITSA fees may be levied for programs with Spring and Summer Terms.Note 4Optional courses are not included in this tuition fee calculation. Additional courses will result in higher tuition fees.Note 5Laptop Learning programs require a $500 security deposit.Note 6Program is discontinued, no additional intakesNote 7This is not a full-timne program. Register through Continuing Education.​ Applicable to all SAIT full-time programs:​ Fees are subject to change without notice.Fees are estimated for full-time students. Actual tuition fees are calculated based on the number of courses in which the student is registered.Optional courses are not included in this tuition fee calculation. Additional courses will result in higher tuition fees.SAIT Fees 2012-2013​ Campus Rec./Athletic:$134 (Note 3)Recreation Facilities:$26 (Note 3)Universal Transit Pass:$234 (Note 3) Total:$394​ Students' Association Fees​ Student Association Fees:$281 (Note 3)Health Plan:$120Dental Plan:$135Total:$536​ 这个好像没有提到国际学生的学费,国际学生的学费应该是国内学生的3倍,其他的费用我就不知道是不是相同了。​ 有什么问题,你可以发email 问学校,[email protected]他们会很快答复。​ 关于住宿,学校有住宿,但是可能比外面自找的贵。你可以在外面租房,学校里也会到处贴有租房信息。SAIT的交通很方便,只要你在C-train 沿线或是有bus的地方找到住处就行。​

回复: 有了解Southern Alberta Institute of Technology 这个学校吗?搞错了,上面是回答(2)。 至于(3), http://www.sait.ca/programs-and-courses/full-time-studies/diplomas/environmental-technology-course-overview/program-outline.php

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