加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息2009年报税知识问答集合贴


看到又有一些新移民面对一年一度的报税充满了疑问, 我本人有两年专业报税公司H&R Block 的培训和报税经验,愿意在这里为大家解答一些基本的常识,但因为现在是两个工作一起做,时间有限,不可能一一回答各位的提问,故开此帖,集思广益。望各位有报税经验的朋友们,有时间的话都来为新移民解惑答疑,(同时本人接受有偿报税的预约,可在悄悄话里联系)。综合看到的一些问题,解释如下:1,加拿大税务居民个人报税截止日期为每年的4月30日。个人的business 报税截止日期是每年的6月30日。2,贷款利息只能低business income或rental income,或有自雇证明的  (office at home) commission. 自住房屋的贷款利息不能抵税。3,2009年家庭收入低于32,312的才有资格得到GST退税。年满19岁的孩子可以单独申请GST退税。去年买新房的低于政府规定总价的,可以申请GST退税。4,09年装修房屋的,花费在1,000-10,000之间的可以申请退税。5,只有公交月票可以抵税,其他的本票,学生票不可以。医药费超过本人收入3%以上的可以抵税。捐款,工会会费,孩子的锻炼身体的费用不超过500的都可以抵税。6,大学,学院的学费和书费,必须有t2202a可以抵税,且本年未用完的部分可以留到以后年度继续使用。7,RRSP可以延税。就是说,你的收入比较高的时候你购买的RRSP可以抵此时的税,但当你退休的时候取出来的时候,依然要作为你的收入纳税,如果那时你的税率低于现在,那么你可以省税。也就是说,如果你现在是低收入的话,那么买与不买都相差不大。8,09年新登陆的移民basic 免税额度按登陆之后的居住时间计算,例如,你居住时间是6个月的,那么你的免税额度就是1/2。税务居民第一次报税,必须用纸制报税表,并附上所有的报税依据。T4,T5,T5008,T4E,公交月票,药费单据等等,邮寄到canada revenue agency(CRA),同时留好自己的备份。9,各位的报税依据和各种单据必须保存6年以上,以备CRA审计。因为CRA每年都会按照一定的比率抽查审计以前年度的报税情况。10,加拿大最大的报税公司是H&R Block,有40多年的历史,在各个社区都有分支机构,接受个人报税和商业报税。收费有两种方式,普通方式费用在$80-150/人之间,如果符合cash back,按返税额度的百分比收取。高中,大学,学院的学生只收取固定费用$35/人。它的服务包括免费帮助客户准备CRA的审计,承诺最大的额度的返税,最快速度的返钱,并有全年的税务服务。11,税务居民的第2次报税可以在CRA网站直接上传,需要有CRA邮寄的CODE。具体步骤是,先用报税软件完成报税人的全部信息,生成NETFILE文件;然后到CRA网站按照它的步骤上传这个文件。不用邮寄报税证明,自己保存好,准备CRA的抽查和审计。12,网上现有的免费报税软件是studio tax 2009.根据我去年使用三种报税软件(H&R Block 的ProFile,Quick Tax和studio tax)比较,功能最完善的是ProFile,而且各种表格直观,有税务最优化提示;Quick Tax功能还可以,但操作不灵活、直接,也有税务最优化功能;功能最简单的就是studio tax ,只适合于非常简单的报税,没有税务优化功能和提示。这就是免费与收费的区别。建议,如果家庭收入及其简单可以用studio tax ,但如果复杂,就不要使用了,免得损失了可能的退税额。future shop 和 best buy都有报税软件出售。

移民14年,From Calgary AB to Nanaimo BC。赞反馈:mnrbbs, tinyhuhulp, 拎壶冲 和 21 其他人 2010-03-02#2 Buddha 1,081 $0.00 回复: 2009年报税知识问答集合贴好帖!

回复: 2009年报税知识问答集合贴收藏,多谢

回复: 2009年报税知识问答集合贴感谢楼主,声望送上

回复: 2009年报税知识问答集合贴UDoTaxes这个报税软件怎样,好像不错

回复: 2009年报税知识问答集合贴感谢lz,公寓的租金是不是也可以抵税呢?加声望,谢谢!

回复: 2009年报税知识问答集合贴感谢lz,公寓的租金是不是也可以抵税呢?加声望,谢谢!点击展开...是你往外租抵税,你租人家的房子不抵

回复: 2009年报税知识问答集合贴是你往外租抵税,你租人家的房子不抵点击展开...谢谢回复,只是不太理解往外租是收入为什莫抵税?我租别人房子是支出反而不抵税呢?

回复: 2009年报税知识问答集合贴请问泠泠67: "5,只有公交月票可以抵税,其他的本票,学生票不可以。"-----是不是意味着 SAIT 的U-pass 车票也不能抵税?

回复: 2009年报税知识问答集合贴ding

只要思想不滑坡,方法总比困难多!回复: 2009年报税知识问答集合贴请问买RRSP的截至日期是什么时候?

回复: 2009年报税知识问答集合贴请问泠泠67: "5,只有公交月票可以抵税,其他的本票,学生票不可以。"-----是不是意味着 SAIT 的U-pass 车票也不能抵税?点击展开...好像没说不可以。http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/transitpass/

回复: 2009年报税知识问答集合贴请问买RRSP的截至日期是什么时候?点击展开...过了,3月1日。

回复: 2009年报税知识问答集合贴请问泠泠67: "5,只有公交月票可以抵税,其他的本票,学生票不可以。"-----是不是意味着 SAIT 的U-pass 车票也不能抵税?点击展开...不可以.只有公交公司的月票和年票可以抵税.

移民14年,From Calgary AB to Nanaimo BC。好像没说不可以。http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/transitpass/点击展开...CRA只说什么可以抵税;没有提到的,就不可以抵税.他们不说什么不可以抵税..

移民14年,From Calgary AB to Nanaimo BC。回复: 2009年报税知识问答集合贴"去年买新房的低于政府规定总价的,可以申请GST退税。"政府规定总价是多少呢?我没有查到, 谢谢! 同时要求四年内第一次买房,如果是长登两年第一次买房呢?

回复: 2009年报税知识问答集合贴今年是第二年保税,应该可以使用电子报税,那么T5什么的原件还需要另外邮寄过去吗?

回复: 2009年报税知识问答集合贴收藏

First-time home buyers' tax creditFirst-time home buyers' tax creditWhat is the first-time home buyers' tax credit (HBTC)?The HBTC is a non-refundable tax credit for certain homebuyers who acquire a qualifying home after January 27, 2009, that is - closing after this date.How is the HBTC calculated?The HBTC is calculated by multiplying the lowest personal income tax rate for the year (15% in 2009) by $5,000. For 2009, the credit will be $750. However, if the total of your non-refundable tax credits is more than your federal income tax, you will not receive a refund for the HBTC.Who is eligible for the HBTC?You will qualify for the HBTC if:you or your spouse or common-law partner acquired a qualifying home; andyou did not live in another home owned by you or your spouse or common-law partner in the year of acquisition or in any of the four preceding years.If you are a person with a disability or are buying a home for a related person with a disability, you do not have to be a first-time home buyer to get the HBTC. However, the home must be acquired to enable the person with a disability to live in a more accessible dwelling or in an environment better suited to the personal needs and care of that person.For the purposes of the HBTC, a person with a disability is an individual who is eligible to claim a disability amount for the year in which the home is acquired, or would be eligible to claim a disability amount if we ignore that costs for attendant care or care in a nursing home were claimed as medical expenses on lines 330 or 331.What is a qualifying home?A qualifying home is a housing unit located in Canada. This includes existing homes and those being constructed. Single-family homes, semi-detached homes, townhouses, mobile homes, condominium units, as well as apartments in duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes, and apartment buildings all qualify. A share in a co-operative housing corporation that entitles you to possess, and gives you an equity interest in, a housing unit located in Canada also qualifies. However, a share that only provides you with a right to tenancy in the housing unit does not qualify.Also, you must intend to occupy the home or you must intend that the related person with a disability occupy the home as a principal place of residence no later than one year after it is acquired.Important things to rememberThe home must be registered in your or your spouse's or common-law partner's name in accordance with the applicable land registration system.You do not have to submit documents supporting your purchase transaction with your income tax and benefit return. However, you have to make sure that this information is available if the Canada Revenue Agency asks for it.Where can I get more information?For more information, go to www.cra.gc.ca/hbtc or call us at 1-800-959-8281.http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/nwsrm/fctshts/2010/m01/fs100121-eng.htmlCompleting your tax return Enter $5,000 on line 369 of your Schedule 1, Federal Tax.The claim can be split between you and your spouse or common-law partner, but the combined total cannot exceed $5,000.When more than one individual is entitled to the amount (for example, when two people jointly buy a home), the total of all amounts claimed cannot exceed $5,000.Supporting documentation - If you are filing a paper return, do not include the documents supporting your purchase transaction, but keep them in case we ask to see them. If you are filing electronically, keep all of your documentshttp://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/tx/ndvdls/tpcs/ncm-tx/rtrn/cmpltng/ddctns/lns360-390/369/clm-eng.html

移民14年,From Calgary AB to Nanaimo BC。"去年买新房的低于政府规定总价的,可以申请GST退税。"政府规定总价是多少呢?我没有查到, 谢谢! 同时要求四年内第一次买房,如果是长登两年第一次买房呢?点击展开...参见下列文件GST/HST rebatehttp://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/E/pub/gi/gi-043/gi-043-e.pdf

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