加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息关于专业请大家帮忙


大家好,想问问咱们家园有朋友读过或正在读Sait Supply Chain Management专业的吗,想知道这个专业工作机会多吗,是否对语言要求很高。本人英语专业,必须得从读个专业啊,看来看去都不知读什么好,时间就这么白白浪费了,大家能否也给些意见关于学什么专业的。年纪不小了,想选相对好就业的,兴趣已经不考虑了。

HK 227 :2011年11月获签,2012年6月末登陆卡尔加里 大家好,想问问咱们家园有朋友读过或正在读Sait Supply Chain Management专业的吗,想知道这个专业工作机会多吗,是否对语言要求很高。本人英语专业,必须得从读个专业啊,看来看去都不知读什么好,时间就这么白白浪费了,大家能否也给些意见关于学什么专业的。年纪不小了,想选相对好就业的,兴趣已经不考虑了。点击展开...如果侧重合同管理的话,对语言的要求很高。因为得具备通读合同,熟悉各个章节。采购物流的话,不太熟悉了。 相对而言,需求不小,但如果没有相关经验,毕业之后可能得需要几年时间的积累才能有不错的钱景。 PS:从工程行业来说,过去两年从猎头得到的反馈是,90% of the SCM people are not actively looking for jobs; those 10% that are looking for jobs are not qualified. 如果你之前的工作跟工程有些关联的话,入行会相对容易一些!

回复: 关于专业请大家帮忙 Consulting Manager Strategy & Operations Supply Chain Job Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada A career in Consulting/Supply Chain will offer you the opportunity to: · Work in a fast growing and challenging environment with like-minded people who are eminent in their respective technical field· Develop solutions through debate and discussion, in our teams and with clients· Continue your professional development to reinforce and expand your chosen career path· Work with high profile clients on a variety of Canadian and international engagements As a Manager you will: · Lead a diverse team of talented Consultants in a cross functional environment while coaching them to their highest potential· Cultivate relationships with clients and posses a strong knowledge in leveraging prevalent methodologies· Employ a structured approach to project management to ensure complete client satisfaction and project profitability· Develop your expertise in a specialization and develop a reputation as a multi-functional business advisor· Contribute to practice growth and development· Participate in the development and delivery of training programs· Completed undergraduate degree with outstanding academic credentials preferably Bachelor of Industrial engineering or Operation management or Logistics· Post graduate degree and/or a professional designation is an asset· Minimum 5 years of relevant experience in consulting or delivering Supply Chain Management services· Logistics and operations experience in distribution centre operations management, warehouse design, MHE and / or WMS technology implementation· Knowledge of AutoCAD· Strong commitment to professional and client service excellence· Superior verbal and written communication skills· Proven ability to deliver the full cycle of project management accountabilities in a cross functional environment· Experienced with project problem diagnosis, solution development, client communications, facilitation of decision making, documentation, managing client expectations and team leadership· Canadian travel required, occasional international travel. Candidates must be able to enter the USA to work on client assignmentshttp://jobs.deloitte.com/ca/alberta/management-consulting/consulting-manager-strategy-﹠-operations-supply-chain-jobs点击展开...

回复: 关于专业请大家帮忙谢谢楼上二位啊

HK 227 :2011年11月获签,2012年6月末登陆卡尔加里 回复: 关于专业请大家帮忙以前在国内做过国际贸易,包括工程设备的进口,但主要是助理方面的工作,包括询价,议价,海运等方面的工作,反正杂物事我都包了,不只有这方面经验行不。

HK 227 :2011年11月获签,2012年6月末登陆卡尔加里 回复: 关于专业请大家帮忙好像不好就业,除非你的英语非常好。考虑一下石油公司和工程公司有什么职位适合你吧。另外,多NET WORKING。

大坏蛋,大坏狼,永远斗不过喜羊羊,还要伺候红太狼!好像不好就业,除非你的英语非常好。考虑一下石油公司和工程公司有什么职位适合你吧。另外,多NET WORKING。点击展开...做合同,英语是的得好,得非常好!因为要跟项目各个部门打交道,口头交流和书面写作都很重要。 当然经验/经历更重要,但这是需要时间来积累的!

回复: 关于专业请大家帮忙谢谢哦,我学什么好呢

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·生活百科 太阳能池供暖



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