加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Suncor宣布取消Voyageur项目
Suncor Energy Inc. says it is not going ahead with its Voyageur oil sands upgrader project.The company says market conditions have changed significantly, challenging the economics of the project.The Voyageur upgrader was part of a joint venture Suncor inked with the Canadian arm of France’s Total SA just over two years ago.OIL AND GAS Make or break time for Suncor’s Voyageur upgrader projectEnergy patch’s spending in spotlight as oil glut, natural gas price pinch profitsENERGY Suncor writes off $1.5-billion as upgrader fortunes fadeSuncor says it has acquired Total E&P Canada Ltd.’s interest in the upgrader for $515-million to gain full control over the partnerships assets.Suncor took a $1.49-billion writedown on Voyageur in the fourth quarter of 2012.The company says it will take a charge to its first quarter net income and cash flow from operations of approximately $140-million and $180-million, respectively, as a result of the decision.
回复: Suncor宣布取消Voyageur项目Sell your home fast ?
回复: Suncor宣布取消Voyageur项目血雨腥风,就要来临!
回复: Suncor宣布取消Voyageur项目裁员 appearingSuncor Energy not proceeding with Voyageur upgrader projecthttp://www.suncor.com/en/newsroom/2418.aspx?id=1746228On March 27, 2013, Suncor acquired Total E&P Canada Ltd.'s interest in the Voyageur Upgrader Limited Partnership for $515 million to gain full control over the partnerships assets."We are pleased with the value this deal provides to Suncor," said Williams. "Among other things, we will now be able to exclusively utilize the partnership assets to continue driving value from our base business and to support our profitable oil sands growth."
回复: Suncor宣布取消Voyageur项目Suncor 不做了,Total 不是还在做?有什么好担心的?大不了跳到Total就是了。
回复: Suncor宣布取消Voyageur项目suncor 买了 total 的股份,然后决定不做。 tatal 从voyager项目无关了
回复: Suncor宣布取消Voyageur项目什么情况?应该是Total拿到全部控股权。
回复: Suncor宣布取消Voyageur项目what's up
回复: Suncor宣布取消Voyageur项目什么情况?应该是Total拿到全部控股权。点击展开...英文水平有待提高!
回复: Suncor宣布取消Voyageur项目Suncor 不做了,Total 不是还在做?有什么好担心的?大不了跳到Total就是了。点击展开...说跳就跳,好牛啊。
回复: Suncor宣布取消Voyageur项目什么情况?应该是Total拿到全部控股权。点击展开... Suncor acquired Total E&P Canada Ltd.'s interest in the Voyageur Upgrader Limited Partnership for $515 million to gain full control over the partnerships assets.
回复: Suncor宣布取消Voyageur项目[ On Wednesday, Suncor Energy Inc. announced the 200,000-barrel-per-day, $11.6-billion project would not proceed, adding it would buy Total’s share of the assets for $515 million in cash.] 嗯,这次真理站在多数人一边了。 只是,Suncor 为什么要花大脑袋钱买别人的厂再关掉。是要买Total 的技术吗?
回复: Suncor宣布取消Voyageur项目今天老板说,下一轮裁员名单15号公布。
回复: Suncor宣布取消Voyageur项目今天老板说,下一轮裁员名单15号公布。点击展开...老大在Suncor工作?我靠,血雨腥风啊~
回复: Suncor宣布取消Voyageur项目[ On Wednesday, Suncor Energy Inc. announced the 200,000-barrel-per-day, $11.6-billion project would not proceed, adding it would buy Total’s share of the assets for $515 million in cash.] 嗯,这次真理站在多数人一边了。 只是,Suncor 为什么要花大脑袋钱买别人的厂再关掉。是要买Total 的技术吗?点击展开...为了east tank farm,真是无比脑残的决定。
回复: Suncor宣布取消Voyageur项目今天老板说,下一轮裁员名单15号公布。点击展开...你们部门会被波及?
回复: Suncor宣布取消Voyageur项目你们部门会被波及?点击展开...我们组全打散了, 我会被调配到另外一个组去. 有些人的具体分配还不知道,心里悬着呢.当时招我进来的部门, 我刚进来2个月就宣布解散(没活了). 没有layoff,但是全调换岗位了. 这次又是这样...
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