加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Employers cut 54,500 jobs in March......
Canada’s jobs market is catching up to the reality of a slow-growth economy.The stage is now set for more-muted hiring due to a cooling housing market, cuts in the public sector and a pullback by consumers.Across North America, spring is looking to be a little mucky. Jobs numbers in both Canada and the United States confirm still-soft growth. Most economists figure the picture will brighten in the second half of the year, but, for now, fiscal challenges, uneven demand and stumbles in manufacturing are pressuring activity.In Canada, employers cut 54,500 jobs in March, the most since the recession, as companies shed full-time positions last month. Factories, accommodation and public administration all reduced head count. The jobless rate climbed to 7.2 per cent from 7 per cent to equal the levels of a year ago, according to Statistics Canada Friday.Jobs numbers can be volatile and one disappointing month does not make a trend. But smoothed averages show a slowdown in hiring, in line with a dampened economy. As a whole, the economy has lost about 26,000 positions so far this year.“I still don’t fully understand why hiring was so strong [in the past half-year]. It had to slow,” said David Watt, chief economist at HSBC Bank Canada, who predicts “sluggish, but positive employment numbers this year.”U.S. employers added 88,000 jobs last month, the smallest increase in nine months and less than half of what was expected. The lull, which may be tied to budget cuts and tax increases, triggered concern about a slowdown in the world’s largest economy.Weaker exports to the U.S. also weighed on Canadian trade. Canada’s trade deficit widened in February, marking 11 straight months of deficits – the longest streak in at least 25 years, a separate Statistics Canada report showed Friday.In the labour market, the corporate sector led the decline, tallying its second-largest drop since record-keeping began in 1976. The number of private-sector workers tumbled by 85,400, while 38,700 people joined the ranks of the self-employed, and public-sector employment was little changed.Manufacturing registered a notable drop, shedding 24,200 positions. Factory employment levels are now at their lowest since October, 2011, a reflection of heated global competition and a strong currency.Every province in the country saw the jobless rate increase last month, save for Ontario, where it was unchanged at 7.7 per cent. The only province that registered job creation in March was Nova Scotia, the agency said.Cities are seeing considerable differences in the health of their labour markets. Regina has the country’s lowest jobless rate, at 3.5 per cent, followed by Saskatoon, at 4 per cent. Peterborough, Ont., has the highest rate, at 10.2 per cent.“Like most North American jurisdictions, hanging on to manufacturing jobs has been a challenge in Peterborough,” said Mike Gannon, employment services program manager at the city’s employment resource centre.The shift he’s seeing in the local jobs market is emblematic of changes in much of the country: More opportunities in health care and services to care for the aging population and fewer in manufacturing, along with an increase in precarious, temporary work.Young people are still having a hard time. The youth jobless rate ticked higher again, rising to 14.2 per cent from 13.6 per cent as more young people looked for work.Federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty said that while he’s “disappointed” in the jobs numbers, Canada has “recovered more than all of the output and all of the jobs lost during the recession.”Despite job creation since the middle of July of 2009, “too many Canadians remain unemployed,” he said.By its calculations, the main Opposition party says the economy has lost 320,000 jobs under Stephen Harper’s tenure. “Conservatives just don’t understand that cuts and austerity measures are not the solution,” said NDP finance critic Peggy Nash.
煮饭侠回复: Employers cut 54,500 jobs in March......从统计数据来看,阿省的part time工作三月份被砍了仅8千。看来工程公司裁员的消息并非空穴来风。http://www.statcan.gc.ca/daily-quotidien/130405/t130405a003-eng.htm
煮饭侠回复: Employers cut 54,500 jobs in March......同项目组的刚雷了个junior麻木了,爱咋咋地
NOC4131,bj 自评69分 2009.11.16妥投,2010.1.21RN到,2010.2.3补料妥投,2.4FN,2.8收到FN 3.2 IP 3.5变5补料,3.15补料妥投 3.18变8 3.22变12 10.18ME 11.10变8 12.8变12 2011.6.7 DM 6.15 visa 7.27长登 9.20 上班 VO:EXI~RODCitizen: 2014.10.5 递表 2015.10.13考试 12.04入籍Parent: 2016.1.4 递表 08.20IP 10.04 ME 11.04MER 11.22 BC 12.8PPR 1216 Visa Recived 1220 Landing Calgary回复: Employers cut 54,500 jobs in March......工程公司很正常,工程公司靠项目赚钱,已经拿到手的项目只能越来越接近结束,如果没有新项目肯定裁员。现在大多数项目都是在观望状态,资本家不会白养工人的。当然如果有新的项目,又会招一大堆人。还是那个观点,加拿大大多数老板给工人开工资都还算公平的。
回复: Employers cut 54,500 jobs in March......加拿大政府如果不想办法给自己开拓新的能源市场,整个加拿大的日子不是那么好过。
回复: Employers cut 54,500 jobs in March......从统计数据来看,阿省的part time工作三月份被砍了仅8千。看来工程公司裁员的消息并非空穴来风。http://www.statcan.gc.ca/daily-quotidien/130405/t130405a003-eng.htm点击展开...CALGARY貌似还好哦,不算太糟糕,多了500人失业,如果考虑oil&gas公司的 spring break up,算正常http://www.statcan.gc.ca/tables-tableaux/sum-som/l01/cst01/lfss03k-eng.htm
回复: Employers cut 54,500 jobs in March......我们管道这边貌似还挺如火如荼。。。上面一个FEED刚做好,一下子进来三个小项目的detail和一个大项目(据说是APT的三倍)。1000多公里的管子,运去东边。公司一个VP特意去海外开拓LNG业务,BC那边的项目也进展顺利。前两天还收到F公司的一个senior职位的邀请。。。貌似他们对管道也非常有兴趣。。。今天本来是EDO,结果在办公室忙了9个小时。。。明天估计还一天。。。攒点加班费多还还房贷。。。顺便借光问一句,周一在banff的workshop坛子里有兄弟去么?三天的培训加讲座,还算挺有意思,晚上有个能喝两杯的人就更有意思了,哈哈
自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。我们管道这边貌似还挺如火如荼。。。上面一个FEED刚做好,一下子进来三个小项目的detail和一个大项目(据说是APT的三倍)。1000多公里的管子,运去东边。公司一个VP特意去海外开拓LNG业务,BC那边的项目也进展顺利。前两天还收到F公司的一个senior职位的邀请。。。貌似他们对管道也非常有兴趣。。。今天本来是EDO,结果在办公室忙了9个小时。。。明天估计还一天。。。攒点加班费多还还房贷。。。顺便借光问一句,周一在banff的workshop坛子里有兄弟去么?三天的培训加讲座,还算挺有意思,晚上有个能喝两杯的人就更有意思了,哈哈点击展开...那还等什么?加班远不如跳槽性价比高。
We may not know what the future holds, but we can trust the One who holds the future.CALGARY貌似还好哦,不算太糟糕,多了500人失业,如果考虑oil&gas公司的 spring break up,算正常http://www.statcan.gc.ca/tables-tableaux/sum-som/l01/cst01/lfss03k-eng.htm点击展开...嗯,卡城还好,基本上裁的都在爱城。
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