加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息卡尔加里市将新增9所中小学校


Nine schools coming to CalgaryBy Richard Cuthbertson, Calgary Herald May 1, 2013 1:05 PMRead more: http://www.calgaryherald.com/life/Ni...#ixzz2S4Tx8MFzPremier Alison Redford announced Wednesday that nine schools will be built in Calgary, a pledge that will please thousands of parents in the suburbs where student enrolment growth has outstripped classroom space.The highly anticipated announcement was not without its disappointments, however: some communities were passed over, including one that appeared high on the public school board capital list.The Calgary Board of Education will get six schools. That includes a long-sought northeast high school in Martindale; middle schools for Royal Oak and Saddle Ridge; and kindergarten to Grade 4 facilities for Evanston, New Brighton and Copperfield.The Calgary Catholic School District did less well, with a kindergarten to Grade 9 school in Auburn Bay and another in Evanston. The francophone board will get a replacement elementary school in Martindale.“My government understands the longer we wait to address the pressures of growth, the greater the cost to Calgarians’ quality of life,” Redford said.The schools are set to be completed in 2016 and will have a total capacity for 7,550 students. It is the first set of new schools for Calgary since a batch of six were announced more than five years ago.Enrolments continue to rise in the city, especially in the new suburbs where young families have moved in far faster than school construction has kept up.What’s not yet clear is exactly how the government will build the schools. The province says it will be a combination of public-private partnerships and more traditional methods, but the details are being worked on.It will spend $503 million over the next three years on school building projects, although that remains only a portion of the $2.4 billion that Redford promised during the last election.Education Minister Jeff Johnson said the 22 schools announced across Alberta in recent days are the first bundle in that campaign promise to build 50 schools and modernize another 70.Some of the choices the province has made for Calgary will cause friction.In picking a middle school for Royal Oak, the province has skipped over a middle school in New Brighton-Copperfield, a project the CBE ranked higher on its wish list.Parents in Royal Oak and Rocky Ridge have lobbied hard and loud for a new school since they were pushed down the CBE priority list last year.Their local Tory MLA, Sandra Jansen, had even encouraged community members to rally outside Wednesday’s announcement if they didn’t receive a school.“I’m ecstatic,” said Shawna Torres, a parent of two boys in Rocky Ridge. “There was a group of us here today and we were literally brought to tears.”But the decision isn’t sitting well with everyone.Wards 12 and 14 public school trustee Carol Bazinet said the province needs to explain why it didn’t follow the CBE’s list of priorities, and instead went with a lower ranked school in Royal Oak.“All I can say is I hope that the need for New Brighton-Copperfield middle will be addressed as quickly as possible,” she said in an interview. “Obviously, the way we had ranked it, we had ranked it higher.”Johnson said the reason Royal Oak got a new school wasn’t because they screamed the loudest. Rather, he said, it was because school enrolment pressures at the middle school grades were more intense in Royal Oak than in the southeast.In any event, he said more projects will be rolled out later in the year.“We’re going to follow through on the commitment, on the 50 new schools and 70 modernizations,” Johnson said. “There’s more to come.”And the southeast isn’t left empty-handed. Both New Brighton and Copperfield will get new kindergarten to Grade 4 schools.The Calgary Catholic School District will get two kindergarten to Grade 9 schools. But they had hoped for more.“We are thrilled for the two communities that we have that will be receiving the schools,” board chairwoman Mary Martin said. “But we do remain deeply, deeply concerned about how we’re going to meet the needs of our kids on an ongoing basis.”The public board is in a better position. But it has more than double the students of the Catholic board, and a capital list that includes 10 additional new schools and 20 modernizations.“We’re always in advocacy mode. Today, we just stop to celebrate,” CBE chairwoman Pat Cochrane said.Lost among some of the louder voices has been a push for a new high school and middle school in the northeast suburbs. Both wishes were granted.A new high school — a nine-year effort to get funding, according the area trustee — will be built next to the Saddletowne YMCA.Saddle Ridge will receive a public middle school. And a francophone school will be constructed in Martindale, replacing La Mosaique, a metal box made of modular classrooms that is overflowing with students.That will be a big deal for Arvinder Dhillon’s twin girls, in Grade 3, who will still be young enough to benefit from both schools by the time they are built.Right now, the current middle school for suburban Saddle Ridge is designated at Colonel Macleod in inner-city Renfrew. The high school is even further away in Crescent Heights.A new middle and high school means by 2016 Dhillon’s young daughters won’t be taking that long bus ride.“It’s very good,” she said. “It’s a good opportunity for kids.”One of the major issues for high school students in the northeast is how heavily the public transit system is used.Wards 3 and 4 trustee Lynn Ferguson said students are forced to travel long distances to high school. But Calgary Transit buses are often jam packed in the morning, making it difficult for students to get on board.“This is a community that has expanded and needs the facilities,” she said. “And of course we’re in conversation with the facilities that already exist, so we can work with the community to provide the best learning experience for kids.”[email protected] more: http://www.calgaryherald.com/news/Nine+schools+coming+Calgary/8321802/story.html#ixzz2S6nhAOTG

自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。赞反馈:tinyhuhu 2013-05-02#2 S 302 $0.00 回复: 卡尔加里市将新增9所中小学校几时能福利到我们这里啊?老大在门口学校的最后1年,班里有30人啊。朋友最近搬到我们小区,学校竟然说木有位子,要转到山下去读。

回复: 卡尔加里市将新增9所中小学校Olympic Heights的这个事情早就上Metro了:老的收,新的不收;有兄弟姐妹的收,落单的不收;85东的收,85西不收。山那边的朋友们气得够戗。。。。。。

煮饭侠回复: 卡尔加里市将新增9所中小学校老大已经不在那里上学了,老2是K班开始注册的第一天就去报名了,总算是占到位子了。85西的可以上waiting list,估计希望比较渺茫。

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