发现一个公共户外射击场地, 仅供rifle射击练习.除了枪和子弹外,标靶,耳塞等也得自带.今天去实地勘察了一番,情况见附件.想了解更多,请看http://www.albertarifle.com/default.htm
回复: Homestead Range续
回复: Homestead Range看那些彈孔,哇卡卡!
EDI的老巢看那些彈孔,哇卡卡!点击展开...哈,带劲吧? 其实还有满地的弹壳.
回复: Homestead Rangevegas 還可以打機槍,西面有點crownland打獵不錯的。
EDI的老巢 赏
回复: Homestead RangeXiexie fenxiang
回复: Homestead RangeXiexie fenxiang点击展开...不用谢!周末人很多,早上6点起7点从CALGARY出发,到那里时位置都被占完了,得等别人把子弹打完才有位置.有的人是自己带毯子趴在地上射击.最好是WEEKDAYS去.
回复: Homestead Range不用谢!周末人很多,早上6点起7点从CALGARY出发,到那里时位置都被占完了,得等别人把子弹打完才有位置.有的人是自己带毯子趴在地上射击.最好是WEEKDAYS去.点击展开...怎么收费?
回复: Homestead Range怎么收费?点击展开...免费
回复: Homestead RangePublic的免费,非public的range需要缴费入会 [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Please note that the most of the Ranges at the Homestead Shooting Complex were not designed or operated as "Plinking Ranges" but as "Competition Ranges" - at this time you can use the Public Range for casual rifle shooting. We have in 2011 developed more ranges for both handguns and rifles. Which can be accessed by joining the BTSAThe Groups of the APRA are divided into the following disciplines:a. Full Bore Target Rifle - Annual Dues: $260.00 Single membership / $275.00 family -b. Small Bore Target Rifle Annual Dues: $220.00 Single membership c. Swiss Rifle Tell Club Annual Dues: $220.00 Single membership[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]d. Crossbow Annual Dues: $220.00 Single membership e. Biathlon Annual Dues: $225.00 Single membership f. Silhouette/Benchrest (ROSEBUD SILHOUETTE & BENCHREST CLUB) Annual Dues: $290.00 Single membership g. Handgun (Buffalo Target Shooters Association (BTSA) Annual Dues: $275.00 Single membership -$320 Family Membership Family Memberships are available, these discounts vary with each "User Group"Renewals of 2011 APRA members are $100.00 Less as the above fees have a $100.00 "new membership fee" which is a one-time range improvement fee.*[/FONT] It should be noted that one cannot just purchase an APRA membership and have access to any of the APRA ranges without first becoming a member of one or more of the user group's clubs.* [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Membership in the APRA also includes NFA membership, insurance and benefits[/FONT]
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