加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息7月CLBA考试回顾


本月在卡城考了CLBA,现将回顾贴出,供有需要考CLBA的朋友复习使用。考试共分四部分:听说读写。由于听和说放在一起考,听和说的成绩只有一个,实际上只有三部分。 Writing Test (限时一小时)[FONT=宋体]共要求完成四篇写作:[/FONT] 1.[FONT=宋体]向公司同仁介绍一个新开张的博物馆:The Museum of Culture and History. 介绍里面的各个Exhibit和一些设施如前台、纪念品小卖部、cafeteria的顺序。[/FONT] 2. Write a thank you letter to Bob who give a talk in your Vocation Club about travelling through northern Canada. A picture is provided by Bob to illustrate the scene. You are required to write three paragraphs to express: a) Thank you b) What you have learnt from the talkc) Ask him to write an article to your newsletter 3. Fill out an application for a position in an airport. Four positions are opening such as ticket seller. You are requested to write two parts: one is your previous work experience/background, the other is your personal characteristics you think you can fit the position. 4. Write a memo showing two brands of shirts for their market performance. There four factors for comparison: comfortable, range of sizes, colours and XX. Use three scale “Fair”, “good” and “excellent” for each rating. Listening and Speaking (和考官一对一)1. You are given a series pictures showing a story for a process of young lady to rent an apartment. The process begins search information on newspapers, call apartment manager to make an appointment to view the room, to come to the building on the date, chat with the manager… 2. You then are shown a video following up the story of looking for apartment. The manager talks about the rules of the renting, including pet policy (dog not accepted, but cat is accepted), renting fees ($950 per month, including water and heat but not TV and internet), two units are available (one on 3rd floor, the other on 7th floor, the lady chooses the 3rd floor because good park viewing), music must be stop after 9:00pm. 3. You are invited to introduce your background such as your work experience… 4. You are given an audio. A man and a woman talk about their different works. Listen carefully about the differences of their work types and their attitudes towards their jobs. The man works in a large manufacturing company and he works hard ([FONT=宋体]没记住公司是做什么的,这里被扣分了). But he doesn’t like his work. He works for waiting weekends so he can have some leisure time. The lady works in her family small business initiated by her grandpa [FONT=宋体](也要记住公司是做什么的)[/FONT]. She enjoys her work because she develops the business quite well. She does not have weekends as she works all weekends. 5. The last part is follow-up the talk between the lady and the man for their attitudes about customer loyalty. The man said due to technology upgrading, customers shifts their products quickly. The factor that influences their decision is price, while the lady said loyalty is still there if the product quality maintained. Her business develops customer loyalty even across three generations. Reading (限时一小时)Part 1: [FONT=宋体]忘了,但很容易[/FONT] Part 2[FONT=宋体]:[/FONT][FONT=宋体]根据一个大学公布的[/FONT]6[FONT=宋体]个学科的[/FONT]information session[FONT=宋体]的时间表填写答案,也比较容易。[/FONT] Part 3[FONT=宋体]:[/FONT][FONT=宋体]有关消费者权利的实践,第一个问题答案是[/FONT]4[FONT=宋体]:含有[/FONT]Customer Rights: …exercising them Part 4[FONT=宋体]:[/FONT][FONT=宋体]有关婴儿词汇发展的过程,从[/FONT]10[FONT=宋体]个月到[/FONT]6[FONT=宋体]岁语言体系如何发展。[/FONT]Nominal [FONT=宋体]和[/FONT]non-nominal[FONT=宋体],[/FONT]context-bound[FONT=宋体],[/FONT]word-spurt [FONT=宋体]发生在[/FONT]24[FONT=宋体]个月后[/FONT]…[/FONT]

回复: 7月CLBA考试回顾感谢分享,这是大专入学考试吗?

回复: 7月CLBA考试回顾非常感谢

回复: 7月CLBA考试回顾感谢分享,这是大专入学考试吗?点击展开...CLBA全称:Canadian Language Benchmark Assessment。是SAIT承认的语言考试之一(听说读写均拿到8就可以免上ESL或EFL课程):http://www.sait.ca/admissions/english-proficiency.php

回复: 7月CLBA考试回顾楼主好人啊,赞一个!!

回复: 7月CLBA考试回顾很有用,多谢!

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