加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息游泳卡办理
回复: 游泳卡办理看你喜欢在哪游了,这个是市中心附近talisman centre的门票或会员费率: Annual Continuous Pay Plan:Provides you with the convenience of an Annual membership with month-to-month payments that continue indefinitely until cancelled.Annual Full Pay:A one-time per year payment option.1 Month Card:Valid for unlimited admissions. Expires 30 days from date of purchase.10-Pass Card:Valid for 10 admissions. Does not expire.Group Home:A home where a small number of unrelated people in need of care, support, or supervision can live together, such as those who are elderly or with disabilities.Late Rate: Enjoy the last 90 minutes each night for only $6!
每日房地产资讯 赏 反馈:管家 2013-10-04#3 B 733 $0.00 回复: 游泳卡办理你可以到city of calgary的网站,可以自己build你的pass,如果是一年的pass,300多。如果是一个月的好像50多来着。。。也可以买次卡,比较方便灵活。。。。当然也取决于你是tier1 还是tier2,通常tier1的池子都比较小,但是交通方便,譬如downtown的beltline
回复: 游泳卡办理其实talisman的annual pass 虽然是city的两倍,但是比较超值,经常在临下班的时候,开放50米泳道。而且可以打羽毛球,如果你潜水,还有深水池。。。交通方便近downtown,4个还是3个标准泳池,有标准的田径场地。。。
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