加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请教一个跨国遗产继承的问题
回复: 请教一个跨国遗产继承的问题请参阅:http://www.legalline.ca/legal_answers/ontario/wills_and_estates/wills/what_happens_if_you_die_without_a_will_.html文中举例在安省,如果没配偶,子女和父母,兄弟姐妹可以继承,不过没谈到兄弟姐妹在加拿大以外的情况。你可以根据所在省份进一步的资询。Generally, if you have children, but no spouse, then the children each inherit an equal portion of your estate. If you have no spouse and no children, your parents inherit your entire estate. If you have no spouse, no children, and no parents, your brothers and sisters divide your estate. If you also have no brothers and sisters, then your nieces and nephews each inherit an equal portion of your estate. If you have no nieces and nephews, then any other next of kin inherit an equal portion of your estate. If you have no living next of kin, then generally your estate goes to the government.
回复: 请教一个跨国遗产继承的问题就算 贡献给政府了吧 是吗?
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