请教下大侠 建筑物距Transcanada Gas Pipeline 的安全距离是多少?有没有这样的设计参数? 多谢
回复: Gas Pipeline 安全距离加拿大的管道安全设计是归哪个单位管呢?能给出些具体的参考么?
回复: Gas Pipeline 安全距离去查csa z662,要看是class 几,跟哪个公司的管子没关系
自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。去查csa z662,要看是class 几,跟哪个公司的管子没关系点击展开...csa z662 要钱呢.....这个class 是根据什么来分的呢?
回复: Gas Pipeline 安全距离csa z662 要钱呢.....这个class 是根据什么来分的呢?点击展开......你们公司不能免费看CSA么。。。Fine, Just FYI.
4.3.4 Class location end boundariesNotes:(1) Class location end boundaries are perpendicular to the pipeline axis.(2) Class location end boundaries are determined by separately applying the requirements of this Clause at each end of theclass location. class location designations are determined by the dwelling-unit density, class location endboundaries shall be determined using abutting pairs of class location assessment areas (see Figure 4.1). as allowed by Clause, where a Class 2 location designation is determined by thedwelling-unit density (see Table 4.1), the end boundaries for such a Class 2 location shall be located atleast 200 m, measured parallel to the pipeline axis, from the dwelling unit that is located(a) just inside a class location assessment area that contains more than 10 but fewer than 46 dwellingunits; and(b) just outside the closest class location assessment area that contains 10 or fewer dwelling units.Note: See Figure 4.1(a) for an example showing the determination of an end boundary for such a Class 2 location. a Class 2 location designation is determined by the dwelling-unit density and such a Class 2location is adjacent to an undeveloped class location assessment area, the end boundary for such aClass 2 location may be determined without counting any dwelling units that are beyond theundeveloped class location area.Note: See Figure 4.1(b) for an example showing the determination of an end boundary for such a Class 2 location. a Class 2 location designation is determined by items other than the dwelling-unit density, the endboundaries for such a Class 2 location shall be at least 200 m, measured parallel to the pipeline axis, fromeach building that is occupied by 20 or more persons during normal use, each place of public assemblythat is occupied by 20 or more persons during normal use, and each industrial installation where release ofservice fluids from the pipeline can cause the industrial installation to produce a dangerous orenvironmentally hazardous condition, whichever is applicable. as allowed by Clause, where a Class 3 location designation is determined by thedwelling-unit density, the end boundaries for such a Class 3 location shall be at least 200 m, measuredparallel to the pipeline axis, from the dwelling unit that is located(a) just inside a class location assessment area that contains 46 or more dwelling units; and(b) just outside the closest class location assessment area that contains 45 or fewer dwelling units.Note: See Figure 4.1(c) for an example showing the determination of an end boundary for such a Class 3 location. a Class 3 location designation is determined by the dwelling-unit density and such a Class 3location is adjacent to an undeveloped class location assessment area, the end boundary for such a Class 3location may be determined without counting any dwelling units that are beyond the far end of such anundeveloped class location area.Note: See Figure 4.1(d) for an example showing the determination of an end boundary for such a Class 3 location. a Class 3 location designation results from the consideration of rapid evacuation from a buildingintended for human occupancy, the end boundaries for such a Class 3 location shall be at least 200 m,measured parallel to the pipeline axis, from each such building where rapid evacuation can be difficult. end boundaries for Class 4 locations shall be at least 200 m, measured parallel to the pipeline axis,from the nearest building intended for human occupancy with 4 or more storeys above ground.
自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。...你们公司不能免费看CSA么。。。 Fine, Just FYI.
4.3.4 Class location end boundariesNotes:(1) Class location end boundaries are perpendicular to the pipeline axis.(2) Class location end boundaries are determined by separately applying the requirements of this Clause at each end of theclass location. class location designations are determined by the dwelling-unit density, class location endboundaries shall be determined using abutting pairs of class location assessment areas (see Figure 4.1). as allowed by Clause, where a Class 2 location designation is determined by thedwelling-unit density (see Table 4.1), the end boundaries for such a Class 2 location shall be located atleast 200 m, measured parallel to the pipeline axis, from the dwelling unit that is located(a) just inside a class location assessment area that contains more than 10 but fewer than 46 dwellingunits; and(b) just outside the closest class location assessment area that contains 10 or fewer dwelling units.Note: See Figure 4.1(a) for an example showing the determination of an end boundary for such a Class 2 location. a Class 2 location designation is determined by the dwelling-unit density and such a Class 2location is adjacent to an undeveloped class location assessment area, the end boundary for such aClass 2 location may be determined without counting any dwelling units that are beyond theundeveloped class location area.Note: See Figure 4.1(b) for an example showing the determination of an end boundary for such a Class 2 location. a Class 2 location designation is determined by items other than the dwelling-unit density, the endboundaries for such a Class 2 location shall be at least 200 m, measured parallel to the pipeline axis, fromeach building that is occupied by 20 or more persons during normal use, each place of public assemblythat is occupied by 20 or more persons during normal use, and each industrial installation where release ofservice fluids from the pipeline can cause the industrial installation to produce a dangerous orenvironmentally hazardous condition, whichever is applicable. as allowed by Clause, where a Class 3 location designation is determined by thedwelling-unit density, the end boundaries for such a Class 3 location shall be at least 200 m, measuredparallel to the pipeline axis, from the dwelling unit that is located(a) just inside a class location assessment area that contains 46 or more dwelling units; and(b) just outside the closest class location assessment area that contains 45 or fewer dwelling units.Note: See Figure 4.1(c) for an example showing the determination of an end boundary for such a Class 3 location. a Class 3 location designation is determined by the dwelling-unit density and such a Class 3location is adjacent to an undeveloped class location assessment area, the end boundary for such a Class 3location may be determined without counting any dwelling units that are beyond the far end of such anundeveloped class location area.Note: See Figure 4.1(d) for an example showing the determination of an end boundary for such a Class 3 location. a Class 3 location designation results from the consideration of rapid evacuation from a buildingintended for human occupancy, the end boundaries for such a Class 3 location shall be at least 200 m,measured parallel to the pipeline axis, from each such building where rapid evacuation can be difficult. end boundaries for Class 4 locations shall be at least 200 m, measured parallel to the pipeline axis,from the nearest building intended for human occupancy with 4 or more storeys above ground.
点击展开... 绝对好人一个!
1、2005.9.28考ys;2005.10.07签约加成.2006.3.?递料香港,中间被退;2006.7.?再次递料香港2、fn:2006.10.10,vo:lsl; 3、补料:2007.12.10收到补料的信,vo变成mac;09.6.2收确认信,2010.5.28日签me!2010.6.15体检.2011.3.16收到pl如果是sour,根据H2S release volume,ERCB D56 有Set Back。点击展开...不是sour的,难道不要setback么? 感觉有点出乎我的意料啊~~ high pressure gas却没有隔离带。。。。。。。
回复: Gas Pipeline 安全距离...你们公司不能免费看CSA么。。。Fine, Just FYI.
4.3.4 Class location end boundariesNotes:(1) Class location end boundaries are perpendicular to the pipeline axis.(2) Class location end boundaries are determined by separately applying the requirements of this Clause at each end of theclass location. class location designations are determined by the dwelling-unit density, class location endboundaries shall be determined using abutting pairs of class location assessment areas (see Figure 4.1). as allowed by Clause, where a Class 2 location designation is determined by thedwelling-unit density (see Table 4.1), the end boundaries for such a Class 2 location shall be located atleast 200 m, measured parallel to the pipeline axis, from the dwelling unit that is located(a) just inside a class location assessment area that contains more than 10 but fewer than 46 dwellingunits; and(b) just outside the closest class location assessment area that contains 10 or fewer dwelling units.Note: See Figure 4.1(a) for an example showing the determination of an end boundary for such a Class 2 location. a Class 2 location designation is determined by the dwelling-unit density and such a Class 2location is adjacent to an undeveloped class location assessment area, the end boundary for such aClass 2 location may be determined without counting any dwelling units that are beyond theundeveloped class location area.Note: See Figure 4.1(b) for an example showing the determination of an end boundary for such a Class 2 location. a Class 2 location designation is determined by items other than the dwelling-unit density, the endboundaries for such a Class 2 location shall be at least 200 m, measured parallel to the pipeline axis, fromeach building that is occupied by 20 or more persons during normal use, each place of public assemblythat is occupied by 20 or more persons during normal use, and each industrial installation where release ofservice fluids from the pipeline can cause the industrial installation to produce a dangerous orenvironmentally hazardous condition, whichever is applicable. as allowed by Clause, where a Class 3 location designation is determined by thedwelling-unit density, the end boundaries for such a Class 3 location shall be at least 200 m, measuredparallel to the pipeline axis, from the dwelling unit that is located(a) just inside a class location assessment area that contains 46 or more dwelling units; and(b) just outside the closest class location assessment area that contains 45 or fewer dwelling units.Note: See Figure 4.1(c) for an example showing the determination of an end boundary for such a Class 3 location. a Class 3 location designation is determined by the dwelling-unit density and such a Class 3location is adjacent to an undeveloped class location assessment area, the end boundary for such a Class 3location may be determined without counting any dwelling units that are beyond the far end of such anundeveloped class location area.Note: See Figure 4.1(d) for an example showing the determination of an end boundary for such a Class 3 location. a Class 3 location designation results from the consideration of rapid evacuation from a buildingintended for human occupancy, the end boundaries for such a Class 3 location shall be at least 200 m,measured parallel to the pipeline axis, from each such building where rapid evacuation can be difficult. end boundaries for Class 4 locations shall be at least 200 m, measured parallel to the pipeline axis,from the nearest building intended for human occupancy with 4 or more storeys above ground.
点击展开...谢大侠,是帮朋友看看住宅建筑符合不符合规定,里transcanada high pressure pipeline多远比较安全但是俺也确实不懂,上来问问大家 我看了下transcanada pipeline的标志,上面写的是175kN load,不知道有多大管子,压力多少~~~
回复: Gas Pipeline 安全距离这个好像是介绍怎么定义class 1-4,好像和国内的定义挺像的但是具体的每个class setback 和安全距离是多少呢?
回复: Gas Pipeline 安全距离没有.点击展开...这。。。。设计者这么有信心么?
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