加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息帝国石油申请开发70亿加币的阿省北部油砂新项目


名叫Aspen的项目申请已经提交,地点在Fort McMurray 东北,将是imperial oil第一个采用SAGD法开采的项目。虽然不在油公司,但是还是为这个消息高兴下

煮饭侠赞反馈:jiayuancalgary 和 tinyhuhu 2013-12-18#2 chris_cc
3,802 $0.00 回复: 帝国石油申请阿省北部油砂新项目,预计增产40%以上http://www.calgaryherald.com/business/Imperial+applies+build+oilsands+project/9298084/story.html CALGARY — Imperial Oil Ltd. has applied for approval to build a $7-billion, 135,000-barrel-per-day thermal oilsands project in northeastern Alberta, it announced Tuesday.The Aspen project site is 45 kilometres northeast of Fort McMurray and about 25 kilometres south of Imperial’s 110,000-bpd Kearl oilsands mine, which started producing earlier this year.Ironically, Aspen will be the first major project by Imperial that will use steam-assisted gravity drainage technology, pointed out spokesman Pius Rolheiser.“Imperial patented SAGD. We actually invented it back in 1986,” he said. “The reason we use CSS, cyclic steam simulation, at Cold Lake and not SAGD is simply because CSS works better.”Rolheiser added Imperial may enhance the process at Aspen by injecting solvents with the steam, noting it has been piloting solvent-assisted SAGD at its extensive Cold Lake heavy oil project since 2011.Analyst Michael Dunn of FirstEnergy Capital said Imperial hasn’t drawn a lot of attention to Aspen but it has been on its books for some time and the decision Tuesday is not a surprise.“If anything, a criticism of some investors has been why they do not already have a SAGD project,” he said.“In Imperial’s defence, they’d likely say it’s because they’ve been extracting a huge amount of value out of their other thermal assets at Cold Lake.”Imperial, which is 70 per cent owned by American oil giant ExxonMobil Corp., holds 100 per cent of the Aspen lease, which is adjacent to leases held by Suncor Energy Inc., Syncrude Canada and Husky Energy Inc.Rolheiser said the initial capital cost figure is a preliminary number only. Its Kearl project wound up with a $2-billion cost overrun at $12.9 billion due to issues including trouble getting Korean-built modules through Idaho and Montana.Aspen is to be built in three 45,000-bpd phases with sanctioning of the first phase as early as 2017 and production by 2020 if approvals from the Alberta Energy Regulator and Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development are received as expected and economic factors are positive. The project may also include debottlenecking phases to add to production.The proposed Aspen development would take place on a 13,500-hectare lease area, have a lifespan of about 40 years and access a bitumen resource with recoverable potential of 1.1 billion barrels, Imperial said.The project is to include central steam generation, bitumen processing plant facilities and electrical power cogeneration.Aspen is to tap the McMurray oilsands formation, too deep at about 250 metres below surface for mining.Imperial said its other potential in situ oilsands opportunities include the Corner and Clyden leases near Fort McMurray and the Grand Rapids lease at Cold Lake.The company produces about 300,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day, with about half coming from Cold Lake. It gets about 70,000 bpd of synthetic crude from its share of the Syncrude oilsands mining operation and will get 78,000 bpd as its share of Kearl bitumen output at capacity (the rest goes to partner ExxonMobil).Imperial pioneered SAGD technology at its Calgary Research Centre in the late 1960s, it said. The process involves injecting steam through a horizontal well to soften the sticky bitumen and allow it to drip into a parallel producer well.CSS involves injecting steam into a vertical well for a period to create a steam chamber, then turning it off and pumping up the heated oil.Production from Alberta in situ oilsands projects outstripped mining for the first time in 2012.

煮饭侠回复: 帝国石油申请开发70亿加币的阿省北部油砂新项目,预计增产40好消息不断,kinder morgan提议在其已有的BC管道的基础上,再扩建一个价值45亿加币的trans mountain管道项目,用于增强阿省石油向亚洲市场的输出。

煮饭侠回复: 帝国石油申请开发70亿加币的阿省北部油砂新项目,预计增产40与此同时,enbridge最近的游说貌似效果不错。最近的民意调查表明支持将在本月底提交联邦做出最后裁定的北方管道项目的支持率在近几个月内明显改善,从原来的42%提高到了59%。

煮饭侠回复: 帝国石油申请开发70亿加币的阿省北部油砂新项目,预计增产40That's a great news for Calgary and Calgarians.

回复: 帝国石油申请开发70亿加币的阿省北部油砂新项目,预计增产40有新的SAGD项目很好一个SAGD项目从开始到结束要很多年

回复: 帝国石油申请开发70亿加币的阿省北部油砂新项目,预计增产40Aspen项目的意义是,在页岩油井喷式爆发之后,阿省第一个由石油巨头主导的新油砂项目。这在某种程度上代表了资本目前的态度和选择。不是业内人士,但理论上任何形式的开发都会有边际成本递减的效应,从地图上看那附近现在除了有一个synenco的提议项目外尚无任何在建或已有项目,理论上aspen项目应该会对周边的潜在项目起到一定的带动效应。

煮饭侠回复: 帝国石油申请开发70亿加币的阿省北部油砂新项目,预计增产40希望卡尔家里越来越繁荣,去了那么多城市,还是喜欢实实在在,人傻钱多的卡城。

09.11.1 长登卡尔加里2016 转战大温开店 北本拿比注册按摩师 注册针灸师希望卡尔家里越来越繁荣,去了那么多城市,还是喜欢实实在在,人傻钱多的卡城。点击展开...跟猴精交往老吃亏实在受不了啊

回复: 帝国石油申请开发70亿加币的阿省北部油砂新项目,预计增产40 好消息.

一旦你拥有房产, 你就拥有了家园,土地,财富和主权.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: 帝国石油申请开发70亿加币的阿省北部油砂新项目,预计增产40关键现在的问题是项目即使上了,但workshare也叫卡城人受不了啊。 Anyway,上项目总是好事。

2009.12.8 悉尼妥投;2010.2.12 RN;2010.3.22 补料妥投HK;2010.4.22 收到FN;2010.5.20 IP;2010.6.7 收到ME;2010.6.15 体检;2011.2.22 MER;2011.3.1PL到,签发日期2011.2.18;2011.3.3护照寄出;2011.3.22 DM;2011.3.23 大信封到;2011.6.4温哥华入关;2011.8.3 Process Engineer 面试;2011.8.19 收到OfferRolheiser said the initial capital cost figure is a preliminary number only. Its Kearl project wound up with a $2-billion cost overrun at $12.9 billion due to issues including trouble getting Korean-built modules through Idaho and Montana.点击展开... 虽然俺知道workshare不可避免,但红字部分还是让俺稍稍高兴了一点,希望能对workshare有所抑制。

2009.12.8 悉尼妥投;2010.2.12 RN;2010.3.22 补料妥投HK;2010.4.22 收到FN;2010.5.20 IP;2010.6.7 收到ME;2010.6.15 体检;2011.2.22 MER;2011.3.1PL到,签发日期2011.2.18;2011.3.3护照寄出;2011.3.22 DM;2011.3.23 大信封到;2011.6.4温哥华入关;2011.8.3 Process Engineer 面试;2011.8.19 收到Offer回复: 帝国石油申请开发70亿加币的阿省北部油砂新项目,预计增产40所谓肥水不流外人田也

煮饭侠回复: 帝国石油申请开发70亿加币的阿省北部油砂新项目,预计增产40[FONT='Verdana','sans-serif']Imperior oil has a long term SAGD development plan. Aspen is their 1st project, which includes 3 plants. You guy will hear more new projects announced in 2014. [/FONT]

回复: 帝国石油申请开发70亿加币的阿省北部油砂新项目,预计增产40还是为这个消息高兴下

回复: 帝国石油申请开发70亿加币的阿省北部油砂新项目,预计增产40投资很大,但据说这个项目只会提供50个左右的全职工作。

回复: 帝国石油申请开发70亿加币的阿省北部油砂新项目,预计增产40投资很大,但据说这个项目只会提供50个左右的全职工作。点击展开...全职本来就不会太多。短期内主要的收益估计还是工程公司,特别是前段时间因新建项目减少而影响比较大的civil。

煮饭侠名叫Aspen的项目申请已经提交,地点在Fort McMurray 东北,将是imperial oil第一个采用SAGD法开采的项目。虽然不在油公司,但是还是为这个消息高兴下点击展开...我的一个朋友(公司原来的同事)是这个项目的一个项目经理。

回复: 帝国石油申请开发70亿加币的阿省北部油砂新项目,预计增产40投资很大,但据说这个项目只会提供50个左右的全职工作。点击展开...不同阶段,不同步骤和环节,涉及到的地方很多,这么多钱要花起来也要很多人力啊

回复: 帝国石油申请开发70亿加币的阿省北部油砂新项目,预计增产40上次碰到一个当地买保险的,说是从他们的客户处了解到,未来的几年,有很多大项目要上马

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